#35 - Bromine - Br (2024)

Origin of NameFrom the Greek work bromos, meaning stenchDate and Place of DiscoveryIn 1825 at the University of Heidelberg in Germany and simultaneously at the Laboratory of Medicine and Chemistry in Montpellier, FranceDiscovered byIn Germany: Karl J. Lowig and Professor L. Gemlin
In France: Antoine Jerome Balard
Common CompoundsInteresting facts
  • It is obtained from sea water.
  • It is a strong irritant that in concentrated forms can cause skin blisters.
  • Approximately 500 million kilograms of bromine are produced worldwide in a year.
Common Uses
  • Brominated vegetable oil
  • Citrus flavored soft drinks
  • Drug to aid in sleeplessness (no longer available in the United States)
  • Anti-knock products found in gasoline
  • Fumigants
  • Poisons
  • Dyes
  • Photographic chemicals
  • Medicines

I'm an enthusiast with a deep understanding of the topic at hand. Let's delve into the fascinating world of bromine and its origin.

The name "bromine" has its roots in the Greek word "bromos," which translates to "stench." This is indicative of one of its characteristics. Bromine was discovered in 1825 at the University of Heidelberg in Germany and simultaneously at the Laboratory of Medicine and Chemistry in Montpellier, France. In Germany, it was Karl J. Lowig and Professor L. Gmelin who made the discovery, while in France, it was Antoine Jerome Balard.

Now, let's explore some key concepts related to bromine:

Date and Place of Discovery:

  • Date: 1825
  • Place: University of Heidelberg in Germany and the Laboratory of Medicine and Chemistry in Montpellier, France

Common Compounds:

  • Aluminum bromide (AlBr3)
  • Hydrobromic acid (HBr3)
  • Sodium bromate (NaBr)

Interesting Facts:

  • Bromine is obtained from sea water.
  • It is a strong irritant that can cause skin blisters in concentrated forms.
  • Approximately 500 million kilograms of bromine are produced worldwide in a year.

Common Uses:

  • Brominated vegetable oil: Used in the food and beverage industry.
  • Citrus flavored soft drinks: Bromine can be found in these drinks.
  • Drug to aid in sleeplessness (no longer available in the United States): It was once utilized for this purpose.
  • Anti-knock products found in gasoline: Helps improve the octane rating of gasoline.
  • Fumigants: Used for pest control.
  • Poisons: Bromine compounds can have toxic properties.
  • Dyes: Bromine is used in the dyeing process.
  • Photographic chemicals: It plays a role in photography.
  • Medicines: Some pharmaceuticals contain bromine compounds.

Bromine's diverse applications in various industries make it a compound of significant importance. If you have any specific questions or need more detailed information on any aspect, feel free to ask.

#35 - Bromine - Br (2024)


#35 - Bromine - Br? ›

Bromine is a chemical element with symbol

Sulfur is a chemical element with symbol S and atomic number 16. Classified as a nonmetal, Sulfur is a solid at room temperature.
https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › element › Sulfur
Br and atomic number 35. Classified as a halogen, Bromine is a liquid at room temperature.

What is 35 Br on the periodic table? ›

Bromine is a chemical element; it has symbol Br and atomic number 35. It is a volatile red-brown liquid at room temperature that evaporates readily to form a similarly coloured vapour. Its properties are intermediate between those of chlorine and iodine.

What is the electron configuration of 35 Br? ›

Let's use it to write the electron configuration of a neutral bromine atom, a bromine atom has 35 electrons. Using the blocks in the periodic table we can write the electron configuration of bromine as: 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d104p5.

Is the atomic number of bromine 35? ›

Fact box
Group17−7.2°C, 19°F, 266 K
Atomic number3579.904
State at 20°CLiquid79Br
Electron configuration[Ar] 3d104s24p57726-95-6
2 more rows

How many electrons are in 35 Br? ›

In a neutral atom the number of protons = the number of electrons. 35 protons = 35 electrons. But Bromine anion with a charge of -1 has one extra electron so 35 +1 = 36 electrons.

What is the number of neutrons in 35 Br? ›

- Number of protons in bromine are 35. - Therefore the number of neutrons = 80 - 35 = 45.

Does bromine have 35 protons? ›

Bromine has 35 protons and a mass number of 80.

How many protons does bromine 35 have? ›

The atomic number of Br (Bromine) is 35, which means it has 35 protons in its nucleus. The mass number of Br is 80, which means it has 80 nucleons (protons and neutrons) in its nucleus. So, Br has 35 protons, 45 neutrons, and 35 electrons (since the number of protons and electrons is the same in a neutral atom).

What atom has the atomic number 35? ›

The chemical element with atomic number 35 is bromine. The chemical symbol of bromine is Br.

What is the valence electron of 35 Br? ›

The atomic number of Bromine is 35. The electronic configuration of Bromine can be written as. The valence electrons are the sum of the electrons in the outermost shell, that is two electrons and five electrons which gives a total of seven valence electrons.

What is the number of protons neutrons and electrons in 35 Br? ›

For Br, atomic number and atomic mass are given as 35 and 80 respectively. So, the number of electrons = the number of protons = 35. And, a number of neutrons = 80 - 35 = 45.

What is the number of neutrons in 35 Br 80? ›

Calculate the number of protons, neutrons and electrons in Br 35...
  1. A. Protons = 80 electrons = 80, neutrons = 35.
  2. Protons = 35, electrons = 55, neutrons - 80.
  3. Protons = 35, electrors = 35, neutrons = 80.
  4. Protons = 35,electrons = 35, neutrons = 45.

Is bromine 35 a metal? ›

Bromine is the only nonmetallic liquid element.

What element has 35 protons? ›

The element with the atomic number 35 is bromine (Br). There are 35 protons and 36 electrons in the given species, so the species will have a unit negative charge because there is one more electron than the number of protons present in the species.

Why does bromine have 36 electrons? ›

Explanation: The atomic number for Bromine (Br) is 35, which means it has 35 protons. In a neutral atom, the number of electrons is also equal to the number of protons. However, as the bromine ion is negatively charged (Br -1), it has gained one electron, so there are 36 electrons.

What is the Br in the periodic table? ›

Bromine's chemical symbol is Br and is part of the halogen group of the periodic table. The bromine substance Br2 is a reddish-brown liquid and is never naturally found in its elemental form but rather in inorganic compounds, also known as bromides, and in natural organo-bromine compounds.

What is Br on the element table? ›

bromine (Br), chemical element, a deep red noxious liquid, and a member of the halogen elements, or Group 17 (Group VIIa) of the periodic table. bromine.

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