Embryology of the Eye and Ocular Adnexa (2024)

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The development of the eye is a marvel of complexity, involving a series of intricate cascading cellular events, precisely choreographed by a set of molecular signals that switch on and off genetic programs. Here we will provide a overview of ocular embryology, covering the key stages and events involved in the development of the eye, as well as the genetic and molecular signals that regulate this process.

As an ophthalmologist, having a solid foundation in ocular embryology can prove critical for recognizing and managing congenital eye disorders, understanding the mechanisms of ocular diseases, and developing innovative treatments to address them. By the end of this article, ophthalmologists will have a better understanding of ocular embryology and its relevance to their clinical practice.


  • 1 Early Embryologic Development
  • 2 Development of Individual Structures
    • 2.1 Eyelids and Conjunctiva
    • 2.2 Lacrimal Gland
    • 2.3 Lens
    • 2.4 Cornea
    • 2.5 Iris and Ciliary Body
    • 2.6 Vitreous
    • 2.7 Retina
    • 2.8 Choroid and Sclera
    • 2.9 Extraocular Muscles
    • 2.10 Orbit

The development of the eye begins with a process called gastrulation. This critical event transforms the blastula into a gastrula, which is a three-layered structure comprised of the endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm layers. These three germ layers give rise to all the major tissues and organs in the body, including those necessary for ocular development. By the third week of development, the three germ layers are arranged in a flat disc-like structure called the trilaminar disc, which marks a key milestone towards the formation of the developing embryo.

Soon after gastrulation, the embryo then undergoes neurulation. During neurulation, a flat sheet of cells called the neural plate folds in on itself to form the neural tube. On day 23 of gestation, the optic pits appear on the neural tube, which then develop into optic vesicles on day 25. As the optic vesicles extend outward towards the surface ectoderm, the proximal portion of the vesicle constricts to form the optic stalk (future optic nerve), and the distal portion invagin*tes to form the optic cup (future retina, iris, and ciliary body).

Embryology of the Eye and Ocular Adnexa (2)

Figure 2: Optic vesicle evagin*tion and formation of the optic stalk

Eyelids and Conjunctiva

Embryology of the Eye and Ocular Adnexa (3)

Figure 3: Formation of the optic cup & lens vesicle through the interaction of the optic vesicle and the overlying surface ectoderm

During the fifth week of gestation, the eyelids begin to form from contributions of both neural crest-infiltrated mesenchyme and nearby surface ectoderm. By week seven, two distinct eyelid folds are apparent, and epithelial cells begin to invagin*te in the area of the medial lid margins, forming the precursors to the future lacrimal puncta and canaliculi.[1] During week eight, the upper and lower lids proceed to refuse via epithelial cell migration and proliferation.[2] Later, mesenchyme begins to infiltrate the lids to and begin to form the palpebral musculature. In the mid-second trimester, a gradual re-separation of the lids commences, forming the mature palpebral fissure.[3]

Lacrimal Gland

The lacrimal gland begins its development in the seventh week of gestation. Each gland is derived from a set of 15-20 neural crest-derived glandular buds at the superolateral angle of the conjunctival sac.[4] Notably, while the lacrimal gland develops acini and the lacrimal ducts canalized while still in-utero, in a significant minority of infants, reflex tear production does not begin until weeks 1-3 of life.[5]


Lens formation begins when the optic vesicle induces inward invagin*tion and budding of the overlying surface ectoderm to form the lens vesicle (Figure 3).[6] Lens development obtains nutrition via derivatives of the hyaloid artery. Later, after hyaloid artery regression, lens nourishment is supplied via the aqueous humor.

Embryology of the Eye and Ocular Adnexa (4)

Figure 4: Corneal development


The mature cornea is composed of three layers (epithelium, stroma, and endothelium). Each layer has distinct embryologic origins. The corneal epithelium is a derivative of surface ectoderm proximal to the developing lens (Figure 3). The corneal stroma and endothelium, along with a litany of other structures of the anterior segment, are derived from successive waves of invading neural crest cells. [7] The mature, transparent cornea is ultimately formed when the mesenchymal-derived stromal keratocytes produce a highly organized stromal collagen matrix.

Iris and Ciliary Body

Embryology of the Eye and Ocular Adnexa (5)

Figure 5: Optic cup

The iris and ciliary body are a product of the anterior rim of the optic cup (Figure 5). The inner and outer layers of the anterior rim, induced by surrounding mesenchymal development, give rise to the posterior and anterior portions of iris epithelium respectively.[8] The intrinsic muscles of the iris (sphincter pupillae and dilator pupillae) are derived from the surrounding neuroectoderm, whereas the ciliary muscle, the structure eventually responsible for changing the shape of the mature lens, is derived from invading neural crest cells.[9] Neural crest cells also produce the stroma of the iris, which, based on its eventual concentration of melanocytes, is the largest determinant of the mature iris color.


The vitreous is primarily composed of a gel-like substance called vitreous humor, and is a mesenchymal derivative. The developmental progression of the vitreous can be thought of as a succession of three distinct phases. The first phase, termed the primary vitreous function to house the hyaloid vasculature as it provides nourishment to the developing anterior segment (Figure 6). As the primary vitreous and hyaloid vasculature regress, they are succeeded by the acellular, avascular secondary vitreous, which ultimately forms the bulk of what is thought of as the mature vitreous. Regression of the primary vitreous leaves behind Cloquet's canal, a vestigial structure that run through the vitreous body from the optic nerve disc to the lens in the mature eye and is sometimes visible in the mature eye.[10] The final step of vitreous development comes when tertiary vitreous form the lens zonules.[11]

Embryology of the Eye and Ocular Adnexa (6)

Figure 6: Vitreous embryology


As previously mentioned, the optic cup rim (anterior 1/5 of the optic cup) is the precursor to the iris and ciliary body. The remaining 4/5ths of the optic cup ultimately gives rise to the retina. This inner 4/5ths, which is termed the optic cup body, is composed of two layers, each with distinct structural destinies. The thinner, outer layer becomes the retinal pigmented epithelium (RPE), while the thicker, inner layer is what forms the neural retina.[6] Of note, the RPE is the only pigmented tissue in the body not derived from neural crest cells (is instead a derivative of neural ectoderm).

Choroid and Sclera

Embryology of the Eye and Ocular Adnexa (7)

Figure 5: Early embryogenesis

The choroid and sclera are formed when mesenchyme proximal to the optic cup condenses into two layers, an inner vascular layer (future choroid), and an outer fibrous layer(future sclera).

Extraocular Muscles

The formation of the extraocular muscles (EOMs) is the result of three distinct developmental epicenters in the embryonic cranium (preotic myotomes). Starting very early in development, each myotome has an associated cranial nerve (CNs III, IV, and VI) and these nerves associations persist into maturing, providing innervation to the respective mature EOM(s).


The structures of the bony orbit are primary a product of neural crest linage, along with a few minor contributions from mesoderm and ectoderm.[12] The orbit starts off as a loose network of undifferentiated mesenchymal cells and begin to ossify in the sixth gestational week.[13] The bones of the orbit develop by direct intramembranous ossification, with the exception of the sphenoid and the ethmoid bones which develops via endochondral ossification (characterized by a preceding cartilaginous phase).[14]

Embryology of the Eye and Ocular Adnexa (8)

Big picture: structural embryologic origins

Table 1: Notable genes implicated in ocular embryology
Gene nameGene function(s)
PAX 6"Master" gene in the development of the eye; mutations are associated with coloboma, microphthalmia, and Peter’s anomaly[15]
SHHResponsible for the division of the eye field into two globes; mutations are associated with cyclopia
PAX 2Essential for optic stalk formation and the closure of the retinal fissures[16]
RxEssential for optic vesicle evagin*tion and PAX6 expression, may also play a role in retinal differentiation and proliferation[6]
BMP4Induces the surface ectoderm that overlies the optic vesicle to form a lens placode
NrlImportant regulator of rod photoreceptor development

All images were obtained via a creative common license or direct approval from the original creator.

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  2. Ohuchi H. Wakayama symposium: epithelial-mesenchymal interactions in eyelid development. Ocul Surf. 2012;10:212–6.
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  12. Cho, R., & Kahana, A. (2021). Embryology of the Orbit. Journal Of Neurological Surgery Part B: Skull Base, 82(01), 002-006.
  13. Tawfik, H., & Dutton, J. (2018). Embryologic and Fetal Development of the Human Orbit. Ophthalmic Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, 34(5), 405-421.
  14. Kruijt Spanjer, E., Bittermann, G., van Hooijdonk, I., Rosenberg, A., & Gawlitta, D. (2017). Taking the endochondral route to craniomaxillofacial bone regeneration: A logical approach?. Journal Of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery, 45(7), 1099-1106.
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As an ophthalmologist with a deep understanding of ocular embryology, I bring a wealth of knowledge and practical expertise to the discussion initiated by Dr. Aaron Warning. My comprehensive training and experience in the field allow me to delve into the intricate details of eye development and provide valuable insights into its relevance to clinical practice.

The process of ocular development is a marvel of complexity, involving a series of precisely orchestrated cellular events guided by molecular signals. I've extensively studied the key stages and events in ocular embryology, understanding the molecular signals that regulate the development of individual structures within the eye.

The journey begins with gastrulation, a transformative process that gives rise to the three germ layers—endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm. These layers play a crucial role in the formation of major tissues and organs, including those essential for ocular development. Neurulation follows, leading to the formation of the neural tube and optic vesicles, which are pivotal in the subsequent development of the eye.

The article covers various structures within the eye, such as eyelids and conjunctiva, lacrimal gland, lens, cornea, iris and ciliary body, vitreous, retina, choroid and sclera, extraocular muscles, and the orbit. Each of these structures undergoes specific developmental processes, and my expertise allows me to provide in-depth explanations for each stage.

For instance, the formation of the eyelids and conjunctiva involves contributions from neural crest-infiltrated mesenchyme and surface ectoderm. The development of the lacrimal gland starts in the seventh week of gestation, originating from neural crest-derived glandular buds. The lens formation begins with the induction of the optic vesicle, leading to the development of the lens vesicle.

The mature cornea, composed of three layers, has distinct embryologic origins. The iris and ciliary body, products of the anterior rim of the optic cup, involve the induction of inner and outer layers by surrounding mesenchymal development. The vitreous undergoes three distinct phases of development, with the primary vitreous housing the hyaloid vasculature and the secondary vitreous forming the bulk of the mature vitreous.

The retina, derived from the optic cup, gives rise to the retinal pigmented epithelium and the neural retina. The choroid and sclera form from condensed mesenchyme proximal to the optic cup, and the extraocular muscles result from three distinct developmental epicenters.

The bony orbit, primarily a product of neural crest lineage, begins as a loose network of undifferentiated mesenchymal cells and ossifies during gestation. The article also provides a table of notable genes implicated in ocular embryology, emphasizing their roles in the development of the eye.

In summary, my expertise in ocular embryology enables me to contribute valuable insights to the article initiated by Dr. Aaron Warning. Ophthalmologists reading this article will gain a better understanding of the complex processes involved in eye development, enhancing their ability to recognize and manage congenital eye disorders and comprehend the mechanisms of ocular diseases.

Embryology of the Eye and Ocular Adnexa (2024)
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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

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