How Inventory Adjustments Affect Income Statements (2024)

Inventory is the number and value of stock items a business possesses. It comprises finished goods ready for sale and raw materials awaiting or undergoing production. The value of inventory must be computed accurately, because it accounts for the lion’s share of the current assets and determines the amount of profits or losses the business generates.

Inventory adjustments occur when the actual quantity of items does not match the recorded quantity, according to IBM. There are multiples reasons this can happen and there are different ways it can affect income statements and financial reporting.

What Causes Inventory Fluctuations?

Overstated inventory records show there are more stock items in the stores than the actual stock count. The inventory is inflated when there is theft, damages, deliberate fraud or unintentional computation errors. For example, if employees or customers steal items from your retail store, you may fail to notice the shortfall of items until when you count stock.

An understated inventory shows there is less merchandise in the stores than the actual stock count. Such differences arise from incidences such as omission of items in the stores receipts or failure to reconcile the movement of raw materials and finished goods from one store to another.

The cost of goods sold, or COGS includes the expenses and labor that went into selling inventory during a specific period. These costs are recorded on the income statement and are used to calculate gross profits, according to WikiAccounting. There are a few common stock adjustment outcomes.

How Does Overstated Inventory Affect Income Statements?

An overstated inventory lowers the cost of goods sold. COGS is an expense item computed by subtracting the closing stock from the sum of the opening stock and purchases. The availability of excess inventory in the accounting records ultimately translates to more closing stock and less COGS. Therefore, when an adjustment entry is made to remove the extra stock, this reduces the amount of closing stock and increases the COGS.

How Does Understated Inventory Affect Income Statements?

Understated inventory increases the cost of goods sold. Recording lower inventory in the accounting records reduces the closing stock, effectively increasing the COGS. When an adjustment entry is made to add the omitted stock, this increases the amount of closing stock and reduces the COGS.

What are the Income Implications?

Fluctuations in COGS have direct impact on a business's income statements. For instance, you have to subtract COGS from sales to get the gross profit. This shows that an overstated inventory inflates the gross profits and vice versa. An increase in COGS due to downward adjustment of an overstated inventory reduces the gross profits. Inversely, the reduction of COGS as a result of upward adjustment of an understated inventory increases the gross profits. Similar implications boil down to the net income, which is computed by subtracting the operating expenses from the gross profits.

What is an Inventory Adjustment Example?

The formula according to Accounting Tools for calculating COGS is:

Beginning inventory + purchases - ending inventory = cost of goods sold

For example, if XYZ Co. has beginning inventory of $2,000, purchases of $2,000, and an accurately counted ending inventory of $2,000, then COGS will be:

$2,000 Beginning inventory + $2,000 purchases - $2,000 ending inventory = $2,000 cost of goods sold

If the ending inventory is stated too high, for example, $2,500, the calculation changes:

$2,000 beginning inventory + $2,000 purchases - $2,500 ending inventory = $1,500 cost of goods sold

The $500 ending inventory overstatement translates into a reduction of the cost of goods sold in the same amount.

How Inventory Adjustments Affect Income Statements (2024)
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