How To Get a 10% Return on Investment (ROI): 10 Proven Ways (2024)

How To Get a 10% Return on Investment (ROI): 10 Proven Ways (1)

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While your money will grow with a 5% or 6% return, it can seem slow — especially in the beginning. As a result, the prospect of earning a guaranteed 10% return on investment is enticing for many investors. If you’re in that group, you might be searching for the elusive double-digit interest rate.

What Is Return on Investment (ROI)?

Return on investment is a way to see how much money you make or lose from an investment, compared to how much you put in. It’s shown as a percentage and helps compare how well different investments do. When looking for a guaranteed 10% return on investment, knowing about ROI is useful for figuring out what you might earn or lose, taking into account the risks involved.

How To Get a Guaranteed 10% Return on Investment

Keep in mind that higher returns generally mean greater risk — you won’t see 10% annual percentage yields on high-yield savings accounts, for example. But if you’re comfortable taking on more risk for the chance at higher returns, these investments could be the right fit for your portfolio.

  1. Long-term stock investing
  2. Forex trading
  3. Cryptocurrency
  4. Real estate
  5. Peer-to-peer lending
  6. Fine art
  7. Debt repayment
  8. Your career
  9. Employer-sponsored 401(k)
  10. Buy a business

1. Long-Term Stock Investing

  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
  • Risk: High
  • Who it’s best for: Patient investors with a long-term perspective

For investors who want strong long-term performance, the stock market is one of the best ways to invest. Between 1928 and 2022, the S&P 500 had an average return of 11.51%. However, it also had 12 years of double-digit negative returns. Therefore, those who invest in the stock market must be prepared for long periods of adversity. This isn’t a get-rich-quick scheme. Still, the stock market can be a great way to earn 10% returns if you have a long time horizon.

Investing for Everyone

There are multiple ways to take advantage of the stock market’s earning power. A low-cost growth fund is the simplest way for most investors.

Growth funds invest in companies that fund managers believe have the potential for significant, sustainable growth. While risky, these investments can experience exponential growth compared to the overall market. Baron Partners Fund Retail Shares, for example, has had average annual returns of 2.60% over three years, 31.23% over five years and 18.80% over 10 years.

If growth funds are too risky for you, a broad index fund can produce returns above 10%, albeit less consistently. A fund like Fidelity’s 500 Index Fund is a good comprise, with annual three-, five- and 10-year returns of 11.48%, 15.04% and 12.95%, respectively.

Another option is a dividend fund. Reinvesting the dividends can easily bring your return to more than 10% now and provide income in the future.

2. Forex Trading

  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
  • Risk: Very high
  • Who it’s best for: Experienced traders comfortable with high risk

Foreign currency exchange, or forex, trading is a more accessible alternative to day trading, which requires investors to maintain at least a $25,000 balance in a margin account.

Forex trading involves trading currency pairs — that is, the currencies of two separate countries. The investor purchases one at the same time they sell the other. A successful trade is one where the exchange rate is favorable to the investor, such as when the currency being sold increases in value relative to the currency being purchased.

Forex trading is largely unregulated, so it’s even riskier than trading stocks. It can also be expensive if the dealer charges high fees. However, you can open a demo account to learn the ropes, and then start small when you’re ready to trade for real. Eventually you can work your way up to a point where you can earn returns of a couple of percentage points per month on your investment.

3. Cryptocurrency

  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
  • Risk: Extremely high
  • Who it’s best for: Investors willing to embrace volatility for the chance of high returns

Cryptocurrency trading gets most of the crypto-investment-related headlines, and for good reason. Some of the top-performing cryptocurrencies have seen returns well beyond the 10% mark. Of course, cryptocurrency is notoriously volatile, and values can plummet without warning, so savvy crypto investors look for other ways to earn returns on their cryptocurrency investment.

One way is through staking, which involves locking up your crypto to make it available for network validators’ transaction fees. The crypto earns you interest while it’s staked — as much as 5% to 6% per year, according to Wired.

Alternatively, you can pair two different tokens and add them to a liquidity pool — a pool of assets that preserves a network’s ability to convert crypto to cash. This kind of pairing is called yield farming, and certain pairs can result in astoundingly high yields. Wired warns that yield farming is riskier than staking, and the highest yields come from the most volatile pairs. But compared to pairs earning APYs of 10,000% or more, one earning 10% could be considered quite conservative.

Investing for Everyone

4. Real Estate

  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
  • Risk: Moderate to high
  • Who it’s best for: Investors looking for tangible assets and cash flow

Real estate is a great investment, because people always need a place to live, regardless of economic conditions. This doesn’t mean real estate investments are infallible, though. Some markets can be hot, while others fail. However, real estate markets are hyper-local and usually don’t have a strong correlation with stock market performance.

Plus, real estate investments can have several unique advantages, including cash flow, tax breaks and leverage. The biggest problem with investing in real estate is often the barrier to entry — buying properties is costly. There are cheaper ways to get started today, however.

One way is to serve as a hard money lender, also called a private money lender. Rather than purchase their own properties, private money lenders provide capital for other investors, such as property flippers and wholesalers. The money is locked up while it’s invested this way — you can’t cash out mid-project. But it’s not unusual for private lenders to earn 12% to 15% annual returns on their investment.

Hard-money lending can be risky. Only larger investors typically hold liens on the property — everyone else is essentially out of luck if the project fails to turn a profit. But an experienced flipper with a solid track record can produce solid gains for their investors in a relatively short period of time.

Investing for Everyone

If that’s still more money than you want to invest, consider more conservative options such as real estate exchange-traded funds and real estate investment trusts. While these investments have their drawbacks, such as investment fees and lack of leverage, you can get started with very little money.

However you choose to invest, real estate has a lot of potential to generate 10% returns.

5. Peer-to-Peer Lending

  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
  • Risk: High
  • Who it’s best for: Investors looking for alternative lending options

If you’ve ever used a credit card, you know there is a lot of money to be made lending money to others. After all, many credit cards have interest rates of over 20%. Peer-to-peer lending is a similar concept, except you become the lender in this case. The borrowers are individuals or businesses who are not using bank lending for one reason or another.

You probably won’t see returns as high as credit card APRs. Some investors have seen returns of more than 10%, according to Yieldstreet, but Kiplinger reports that typical results are closer to 5%. If you’re comfortable with more risk for more potential reward, though, this could be one option worth exploring.

6. Fine Art

  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
  • Risk: Moderate
  • Who it’s best for: Passionate investors with an interest in art

The best reason to buy art is because it brings you joy, but all the better should the work increase in value. As an investment opportunity, returns on art investments lag behind S&P 500 returns by a few percentage points, according to RBC Wealth Management. But that doesn’t mean you can’t choose pieces likely to outperform the market.

Investing for Everyone

RBC recommends buying what you love, first of all — most investors cite passion for art as their primary motivation for collecting it. On the financial side, these tips will help you make choices that could be lucrative in the long run:

  • Research art and artists to learn about the market and how to differentiate between quality work and hype.
  • Network with artists, gallery owners, dealers and other collectors.
  • Be open to works in forms other than painting.

If your budget doesn’t allow for purchases of original art, consider purchasing fractional shares of art through a platform such as Masterworks. Masterworks members buy and trade shares in what the company says are “multi-million dollar, blue-chip artworks.” One benefit of investing this way is that you can spread your investment dollars across multiple works to diversify your art investment portfolio.

7. Debt Repayment

  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
  • Risk: Low
  • Who it’s best for: Individuals looking to improve their financial health

Credit card customers paid interest rates of over 20% on their credit cards in the second quarter of 2023, and consumers with personal loans paid over 11%. Paying off these high-interest debts guarantees a return equal to your interest rate.

If you don’t have the cash to pay off your balances, consider getting a balance-transfer credit card with a 0% promotional introductory rate. Just remember that come the end of the promotional rate period, you’ll be back to paying high rates again if you have an unpaid balance.

8. Your Career

  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
  • Risk: Low to moderate
  • Who it’s best for: Professionals seeking career growth

Investing for Everyone

Changing jobs is a career investment that can return well over 10%. The average wage increase when changing jobs is actually 14.8%, according to Zippia.

You can also boost your earnings with a career certification, whether in the field you currently work in or one where you’d like to work. They’re available for a wide range of fields, including information technology, healthcare and energy-related technology.

9. Employer-Sponsored 401(k)

  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
  • Risk: Varies
  • Who it’s best for: Employees with access to matching contributions

A 401(k) is a retirement investment account offered by some employers. Many 401(k)s offer a variety of investment options, some of which might earn you 10% or more on your investment. But more importantly, they have other perks that can result in an effective ROI of well over 10%.

For one, your contributions are made with pre-tax dollars, and your money grows tax-free. If you’re in a lower tax bracket when you withdraw the money in retirement, your tax savings could be substantial.

What’s more, some employers match employee contributions up to a certain amount — 50% or 100% of your contributions, up to 3% of your salary, for example, or 100% of up to 3% and then 50% on up to 2% more. This is free money that automatically increases your return by the percentage of the match.

You’ll likely need to remain with your employer for a number of years before all of the matched funds are yours to keep — a process called vesting. Many employers use a vesting schedule, where you become vested in a certain percentage of the matched funds each year, or automatically become fully vested after a certain number of years.

10. Buy a Business

  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
  • Risk: High
  • Who it’s best for: Entrepreneurs willing to take on the challenge of business ownership

Sinking a lot of money into your own startup can be risky, not to mention stressful and time consuming. Purchasing an established small business, on the other hand, gives you the benefit of the current owner’s hard work and experience and, after some training, lets you simply pick up where they left off.

You can find businesses for sale within your own community through a local real estate agent or newspaper and online classifieds or by visiting a marketplace such as LoopNet. If you don’t want to make that drastic a commitment, you could look into buying a profitable e-commerce business you can run from home, in your spare time. Flippa lists over 2,000 online businesses and digital assets, including websites, Amazon stores, domains and mobile apps.

There’s no guarantee that your new business will generate 10%. Increase your odds by choosing a business in a stable industry, and with a long track record and proven profitability.


You can find 10% returns on several types of investments, but it’s best not to put everything into one type of investment. Diversify as much as you can, so that even if one investment fails, the others can help hold you up.

In addition, it’s always wise to review your investment strategy with a financial advisor before fully committing.


Here are some quick answers to common questions about maximizing your returns.

  • How can I get 10% interest on my money?
    • The best way to get 10% returns is to invest – you won't find 10% APY on any bank account in the U.S.
    • The S&P 500 is a good place to start, but you should also consider real estate and other alternative investments, like art and wine.
  • Where can I get high interest on my money?
    • If you're planning to deposit your funds in a savings account, take a look at banks with high APYs, like UFB Direct, CIT Bank and Bask Bank.
    • If you don't need to have quick access to your funds, consider a high-yield CD.
  • Is 10% return on investment realistic?
    • Yes, a 10% return on investment is realistic, provided you're willing to wait for it. The average yearly return on the S&P 500 between 1928 and 2022 was 11.51%, but there were years with negative returns.
    • You'll have to be willing to wait out the bad years to reach those double-digit returns.
  • How do I guarantee a 10% return?
    • Guaranteeing a 10% return is challenging, as most investments carry some level of risk. However, diversifying your investments and considering options like employer-sponsored 401(k) plans with matching contributions can enhance potential returns. Always consult a financial advisor to understand the risks and strategies suited to your financial goals.
  • What investment has a guaranteed rate of return?
    • Very few investments offer a guaranteed rate of return. Government and some corporate bonds can offer fixed returns, but these are usually below 10%. Certificates of deposit and savings accounts provide safer, but lower, returns. For a higher, yet not guaranteed return, you might explore diversified investment portfolios that include stocks and real estate.

Bob Haegele contributed to the reporting for this article.

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How To Get a 10% Return on Investment (ROI): 10 Proven Ways (2024)


How To Get a 10% Return on Investment (ROI): 10 Proven Ways? ›

Diversifying Your Portfolio to Reach a 10% Return

A diverse portfolio could consist of 30% in a mix of value and growth stocks, 30% in index funds, 20% in bonds, 10% in real estate and 10% in alternative investments like P2P lending or commodities.

How do I guarantee a 10% return? ›

Diversifying Your Portfolio to Reach a 10% Return

A diverse portfolio could consist of 30% in a mix of value and growth stocks, 30% in index funds, 20% in bonds, 10% in real estate and 10% in alternative investments like P2P lending or commodities.

How do you calculate 10X ROI? ›

Obviously, the way to calculate a return multiple is to divide the amount returned from an investment by the dollars invested. If I invested $10M in a company and got back $100M, that's a 10X return.

Is 10 percent a good ROI? ›

General ROI: A positive ROI is generally considered good, with a normal ROI of 5-7% often seen as a reasonable expectation. However, a strong general ROI is something greater than 10%. Return on Stocks: On average, a ROI of 7% after inflation is often considered good, based on the historical returns of the market.

What does ROI 10% mean? ›

Return on investment (ROI) is an approximate measure of an investment's profitability. ROI is calculated by subtracting the initial cost of the investment from its final value, then dividing this new number by the cost of the investment, and finally, multiplying it by 100.

Is a 10% return realistic? ›

The average stock market return is about 10% per year, as measured by the S&P 500 index, but that 10% average rate is reduced by inflation. Investors can expect to lose purchasing power of 2% to 3% every year due to inflation.

What does a 10% return mean? ›

For example: If you assume you earn a 10% annual rate of return, then you are assuming that the value of your investment will increase by 10% every year. So, if you invest $1,000 for 1 year, then your investment would be worth $1,100 at the end of the one year period, before subtracting expenses.

Where can I get 12% interest on my money? ›

Where can I find a 12% interest savings account?
Bank nameAccount nameAPY
Khan Bank365-day, 18-month and 24-month Ordinary Term Savings Account12.3% to 12.8%
Khan Bank12-month, 18-month and 24-month Online Term Deposit Account12.4% to 12.9%
YieldN/AUp to 12% EarnUp to 14.5%
6 more rows
Jun 1, 2023

How do you get 10x return? ›

10x Your Investment: A Roadmap to Remarkable Returns
  1. Vision Clarity. Before you invest, whether it is monetary or an ounce of effort, you must have absolute clarity about your vision. ...
  2. Purposeful Investments. ...
  3. Continuous Learning. ...
  4. Risk and Resilience. ...
  5. Networking and Relationships. ...
  6. Track Your Progress. ...
  7. Trust Your Instincts.
Sep 20, 2023

What is ROI for beginners? ›

ROI is generally defined as the ratio of net profit over the total cost of the investment. ROI is most useful to your business goals when it refers to something concrete and measurable, to identify your investment's gains and financial returns.

What is the ROI formula? ›

Traditionally, ROI is calculated by dividing the net income from an investment by the original cost of the investment, the result of which is expressed as a percentage using the following formula. ROI = net income ÷ cost of investment × 100.

What is the 10X investment rule? ›

The 10X Investment Consumption Rule simply states that before you buy any product or service you don't need, you must first make an investment return equal to at least 10X the cost of such product or service.

How to get 10% ROI? ›

Where can I get 10 percent return on investment?
  1. Invest in stocks for the short term. ...
  2. Real estate. ...
  3. Investing in fine art. ...
  4. Starting your own business. ...
  5. Investing in wine. ...
  6. Peer-to-peer lending. ...
  7. Invest in REITs. ...
  8. Invest in gold, silver, and other precious metals.

How much do I need to invest to make $1000 a month? ›

A stock portfolio focused on dividends can generate $1,000 per month or more in perpetual passive income, Mircea Iosif wrote on Medium. “For example, at a 4% dividend yield, you would need a portfolio worth $300,000.

What is the safest investment with the highest return? ›

These seven low-risk but potentially high-return investment options can get the job done:
  • Money market funds.
  • Dividend stocks.
  • Bank certificates of deposit.
  • Annuities.
  • Bond funds.
  • High-yield savings accounts.
  • 60/40 mix of stocks and bonds.
May 13, 2024

What is ROI 10x? ›

A ten times return on investment (ROI) refers to a situation where the value of an investment has increased by a factor of ten. In other words, if you invested a certain amount of money and later sold or cashed out your investment at a ten times higher value, then you have achieved a ten times ROI.

How can I calculate ROI? ›

You may calculate the return on investment using the formula: ROI = Net Profit / Cost of the investment * 100 If you are an investor, the ROI shows you the profitability of your investments. If you invest your money in mutual funds, the return on investment shows you the gain from your mutual fund schemes.

How can I invest $10 000 for quick return? ›

How to invest $10,000: 10 proven strategies
  1. Pay off high-interest debt.
  2. Build an emergency fund.
  3. Open a high-yield savings account.
  4. Build a CD ladder.
  5. Get your 401(k) match.
  6. Max out your IRA.
  7. Invest through a self-directed brokerage account.
  8. Invest in a REIT.
May 17, 2024

How to get 12 percent return on investment? ›

How To Get 12% Returns On Investment
  1. Stock Market (Dividend Stocks) Dividend stocks are shares of companies that regularly pay a portion of their profits to shareholders. ...
  2. Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) ...
  3. P2P Investing Platforms. ...
  4. High-Yield Bonds. ...
  5. Rental Property Investment. ...
  6. Way Forward.
Jul 20, 2023

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Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.