It is important to understand how personal finance services work to make better, informed decisions (2024)


Personal finance services are a hard thing to form a mental model of. If we understand exactly how a service works, who is the provider, who is the seller, how they make money and where you fit into their scheme of things, only then can we make better decisions.

It is important to understand how personal finance services work to make better, informed decisions (1)Getty Images

By Dhirendra Kumar

The other day, in a write-up by the Director of the UCL Genetics Institute, I learned that the SARS-Cov2 virus has thousands of different strains but none appear to be functionally different from each other. This was a surprise because there’s so much talk about this or that strain being more or less aggressive or infective or whatever. Comparing what scientists write to what social media or the news says often leads to such surprises nowadays. This man wrote something else which I found very interesting. He said that in the coming months, the biggest possible cause of the virus evolving some real functional changes would be the vaccines. Change in characteristics is a response to evolutionary pressure and the vaccines would be a big evolutionary pressure, the biggest that the virus has faced so far.

That took some thinking to absorb, but once you understand what he is saying, you realise that it happens to a lot of things. In a stable environment when there is no new kind of input, there is little incentive to change. Moreover, when the change is deliberate the response is to oppose it, to find a way around it. I once heard this story about why in weddings all across the North, the groom rides on a ‘ghodi’ (a female horse) and not a ghoda. The answer is that some king at some point forbade people to ride a ghoda on their weddings because that was something that only a certain class of people should be doing. In response, people started riding a ghodi. That’s a response to a challenge. I say all this not because I’m an expert about viruses or legends of myths of which I know nothing, but about changes in my own area of expertise, which is personal finance.

Over the decades of watching people sell financial products to other people, I have seen this cat and mouse game of changing regulation that try to bring dubious sellers to heel and then the evolutionary pressure of business becoming a powerful motive to finding the way around it. Unfortunately, savers never see this big picture, because few of us think in terms of the motivations of the person or the organisation we are dealing with, we need to have the right mental model of how it all works.

It’s not a waste of time. Savers and investors really need to understand how things work. Banking, insurance, stock markets and mutual funds look like black boxes to most of us. Therefore, we often don’t recognise the motivations and goals of the people we are dealing with. Without a mental model of how things work, one can’t deal with problems that arise. One can’t even recognise problems. I read somewhere that when a car doesn’t start on turning the key, most drivers turn the key harder, putting more pressure on it. Subconsciously, we feel that the turn of the key starts the engine, and turn it harder despite knowing that it’s just an electric switch that turns the starter motor. It’s like pressing an electric switch harder to try and make a bulb light brighter.

When a financial salesperson says that product X is better than Y, what should you think about? The answer is that unless you really understand what X and Y are, don’t think about what X and Y are. Instead think about why he or she is saying so. Think about motives, about how the machinery actually works, what is behind the switch.

Some time back, there was a news (I wrote about it here) that a lot of financial advisers– big brands in financial services–had decided to abandon the business of mutual fund advice and get back to only sales. Why did they do that? It was a response to Sebi’s tougher rules which prevented them from just selling in the garb of advice. They were never interested in giving any advice.

For most of us, personal finance services are a hard thing to form a mental model of, certainly harder than cars. If we understand exactly how a service works, who is the provider, who is the seller, how they make money and how they will try to make more money; and especially where you fit into their scheme of things, only then can we make better decisions.

(The writer is CEO, Value Research)

(Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this column are that of the writer. The facts and opinions expressed here do not reflect the views of

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It is important to understand how personal finance services work to make better, informed decisions (2024)


Why is it important to understand how to make wise personal financial decisions? ›

Strong financial knowledge and decision-making skills help people weigh options and make informed choices for their financial situations, such as deciding how and when to save and spend, comparing costs before a big purchase, and planning for retirement or other long-term savings.

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Understanding personal finance is key to managing money wisely and building a secure future. At its core, personal finance is about knowing how to handle your income, expenses, savings, and investments.

Is it important to understand your personal finances to advance your financial goals? ›

Understanding your personal finances helps you to manage your money so you can live the lifestyle you want, now and for years to come. With proper planning, you can maximize your income for goals like saving for retirement, buying a home, or saving for your child's college education.

Why is it important to manage personal finances effectively? ›

When you start managing your finances, you'll have a better perspective of where and how you're spending your money. This can help you keep within your budget, and even increase your savings. With good personal finance management, you'll also learn to control your money so you can achieve your financial goals.

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Identifying the Financial Objective: Before any decisions can be made, it is vital to clearly define what financial goals the organization aims to achieve. This step aligns all subsequent actions with these objectives, ensuring that every financial move is strategic and purposeful.

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Be smart with debt

Building your credit score is important for many future financial milestones, but protecting your score is of even greater importance in the long run. That could mean holding off on getting a credit card until you have a firm grip on responsible spending. Additionally, look for debt alternatives.

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By practicing effective personal finance management, you can alleviate financial stress and anxiety. Knowing that you have a financial plan in place, an emergency fund for unexpected expenses, and a solid foundation for your future provides peace of mind and allows you to focus on other areas of your life.

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Financial literacy in the US

The index explores eight functional areas across finance, such as earnings, savings, insuring and comprehending risk. Data from the 2024 index reveals how financial literacy in the US has hovered around 50% for eight consecutive years, with a 2% drop in the past two years.

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Understanding personal finance means diving into areas such as banking, retirement, savings, debt, real estate, taxes and estate planning. Here's the good news. You can learn about personal finance. And once you start, it can become easier to set goals, help pay down debts and help boost your retirement savings.

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Financial planning isn't just about investing; it's about what money can do for your confidence, security, and quality of life—such as the protection that life insurance offers or the peace of mind that an emergency fund can provide. Research also shows that planning supports sound money habits as well.

How can setting goals help you make better financial decisions? ›

Setting of goals marks the beginning of financial planning to help you achieve the objectives at various life stages. Goal-setting gives meaning and direction to the various financial decisions you will take during your lifetime.

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These seven practical money management tips are here to help you take control of your finances.
  1. Make a budget. ...
  2. Track your spending. ...
  3. Save for retirement. ...
  4. Save for emergencies. ...
  5. Plan to pay off debt. ...
  6. Establish good credit habits. ...
  7. Monitor your credit.

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Your personal budget will include two broad categories of expenses: wants and needs. Understanding necessary expenses versus nice-to-haves in your budget is key to maintaining financial health.

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A flexible personal financial plan is responsive to your life situation because it allows you to make changes as your life changes. For example, if you get married or have a baby, your personal financial plan should reflect this change.

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Name: Rueben Jacobs

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Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.