Minerva Schedule - All Info, Dates and Offers for Fallout 76 | Nuka Knights (2024)

GamesFallout 76Starfield



Fallout 76

Fallout 76Starfield



Login Registration

Nuke Codes (Week: 12th May -19th May 2024 (20:00))

Alpha: 61952546

Bravo: 57631629

Charlie: 58612449

Nuke Codes
Week: 12th May -19th May 2024 (20:00)




Season 16: "Duel with the Devil" Still 36/91 Days Left


All current Minerva Dates

Minerva Schedule - All Info, Dates and Offers for Fallout 76 | Nuka Knights (2)

Minervas Big Sale (List 24) Ongoing: Whitespring

Do, 16th May 2024 (12:00) - Mo, 20th May 2024 (12:00)

Offers from List 21


Plan: Gauss minigun

563 Gold

Plan: Gauss pistol aligned short barrel

113 Gold

Plan: Gauss Pistol Drum Magazine

75 Gold

Plan: Gauss pistol refined receiver

150 Gold

Plan: Protective lining Secret Service underarmor

113 Gold

Plan: Shielded lining Secret Service underarmor

150 Gold

Plan: Thorn armor chest piece

750 Gold

Plan: Thorn armor left arm

563 Gold

Plan: Thorn armor left leg

563 Gold

Plan: Thorn armor right arm

563 Gold

Plan: Thorn armor right leg

563 Gold

Plan: Mechanic's Best Friend

1333 Gold

Plan: Medium supply crate

1000 Gold

Offers from List 22


Plan: Lighter build Secret Service armor limbs

188 Gold

Plan: Plasma caster

563 Gold

Plan: Secret Service underarmor

188 Gold

Plan: T-65 calibrated shocks

563 Gold

Plan: T-65 rusty knuckles

188 Gold

Plan: T-65 jet pack

1500 Gold

Plan: The Gutter

1333 Gold

Plan: Ultra-light build Secret Service armor limbs

375 Gold

Plan: War glaive flaming blade

150 Gold

Plan: War glaive shock blade

150 Gold

Plan: Water well

563 Gold

Plan: Whistle in the Dark

1333 Gold

Offers from List 23


Plan: Gauss minigun

563 Gold

Plan: Crusader pistol

2000 Gold

Plan: Meat bag stash box

750 Gold

Plan: Wendigo tube

1500 Gold

Plan: Arctic marine armor helmet

2000 Gold

Plan: Arctic marine left arm

1000 Gold

Plan: Arctic marine left leg

1000 Gold

Plan: Arctic marine right arm

1000 Gold

Plan: Arctic marine right leg

1000 Gold

Plan: Arctic marine torso

1500 Gold

Plan: Brotherhood of Steel minigun paint

1000 Gold

Plan: Slocum Joe's power armor paint

1500 Gold

Minerva Schedule - All Info, Dates and Offers for Fallout 76 | Nuka Knights (3)

Minervas Big Sale (List 24) Ongoing

Th, 16th May 2024 (12:00) - Mo, 20th May 2024 (12:00)

Offers from List 21


Plan: Gauss minigun

563 Gold

Plan: Gauss pistol aligned short barrel

113 Gold

Plan: Gauss Pistol Drum Magazine

75 Gold

Plan: Gauss pistol refined receiver

150 Gold

Plan: Protective lining Secret Service underarmor

113 Gold

Plan: Shielded lining Secret Service underarmor

150 Gold

Plan: Thorn armor chest piece

750 Gold

Plan: Thorn armor left arm

563 Gold

Plan: Thorn armor left leg

563 Gold

Plan: Thorn armor right arm

563 Gold

Plan: Thorn armor right leg

563 Gold

Plan: Mechanic's Best Friend

1333 Gold

Plan: Medium supply crate

1000 Gold

Offers from List 22


Plan: Lighter build Secret Service armor limbs

188 Gold

Plan: Plasma caster

563 Gold

Plan: Secret Service underarmor

188 Gold

Plan: T-65 calibrated shocks

563 Gold

Plan: T-65 rusty knuckles

188 Gold

Plan: T-65 jet pack

1500 Gold

Plan: The Gutter

1333 Gold

Plan: Ultra-light build Secret Service armor limbs

375 Gold

Plan: War glaive flaming blade

150 Gold

Plan: War glaive shock blade

150 Gold

Plan: Water well

563 Gold

Plan: Whistle in the Dark

1333 Gold

Offers from List 23


Plan: Gauss minigun

563 Gold

Plan: Crusader pistol

2000 Gold

Plan: Meat bag stash box

750 Gold

Plan: Wendigo tube

1500 Gold

Plan: Arctic marine armor helmet

2000 Gold

Plan: Arctic marine left arm

1000 Gold

Plan: Arctic marine left leg

1000 Gold

Plan: Arctic marine right arm

1000 Gold

Plan: Arctic marine right leg

1000 Gold

Plan: Arctic marine torso

1500 Gold

Plan: Brotherhood of Steel minigun paint

1000 Gold

Plan: Slocum Joe's power armor paint

1500 Gold

Upcoming Minerva Dates:

Location: Whitespring
Th, 16th May 2024(12:00) - Mo, 20th May 2024 (12:00)

Plan: Gauss minigun

563 Gold

Plan: Gauss pistol aligned short barrel

113 Gold

Plan: Gauss Pistol Drum Magazine

75 Gold

Plan: Gauss pistol refined receiver

150 Gold

Plan: Protective lining Secret Service underarmor

113 Gold

Plan: Shielded lining Secret Service underarmor

150 Gold

Plan: Thorn armor chest piece

750 Gold

Plan: Thorn armor left arm

563 Gold

Plan: Thorn armor left leg

563 Gold

Plan: Thorn armor right arm

563 Gold

Plan: Thorn armor right leg

563 Gold

Plan: Mechanic's Best Friend

1333 Gold

Plan: Medium supply crate

1000 Gold

Plan: Lighter build Secret Service armor limbs

188 Gold

Plan: Plasma caster

563 Gold

Plan: Secret Service underarmor

188 Gold

Plan: T-65 calibrated shocks

563 Gold

Plan: T-65 rusty knuckles

188 Gold

Plan: T-65 jet pack

1500 Gold

Plan: The Gutter

1333 Gold

Plan: Ultra-light build Secret Service armor limbs

375 Gold

Plan: War glaive flaming blade

150 Gold

Plan: War glaive shock blade

150 Gold

Plan: Water well

563 Gold

Plan: Whistle in the Dark

1333 Gold

Plan: Gauss minigun

563 Gold

Plan: Crusader pistol

2000 Gold

Plan: Meat bag stash box

750 Gold

Plan: Wendigo tube

1500 Gold

Plan: Arctic marine armor helmet

2000 Gold

Plan: Arctic marine left arm

1000 Gold

Plan: Arctic marine left leg

1000 Gold

Plan: Arctic marine right arm

1000 Gold

Plan: Arctic marine right leg

1000 Gold

Plan: Arctic marine torso

1500 Gold

Plan: Brotherhood of Steel minigun paint

1000 Gold

Plan: Slocum Joe's power armor paint

1500 Gold

Location: Foundation
Mo, 27th May 2024(12:00) - We, 29th May 2024 (12:00)

Plan: Cattle prod

188 Gold

Plan: Farmable dirt tiles

375 Gold

Plan: Gauss minigun gunner sights

38 Gold

Plan: Gauss minigun Tesla capacitor

75 Gold

Plan: Gauss minigun Tesla dynamo

75 Gold

Plan: Secret Service chest piece

938 Gold

Plan: Secret Service helmet

1238 Gold

Plan: Secret Service left arm

563 Gold

Plan: Secret Service left leg

563 Gold

Plan: Secret Service right arm

563 Gold

Plan: Secret Service right leg

563 Gold

Plan: Super reactor

2000 Gold

Plan: Sympto-Matic

2000 Gold

Plan: War glaive

2000 Gold

Plan: Chemist's Backpack Mod

263 Gold

Location: Crater
Mo, 3rd Jun 2024(12:00) - We, 5th Jun 2024 (12:00)

Plan: Dynamite

75 Gold

Plan: Gauss pistol

188 Gold

Plan: Floater gnasher grenade

113 Gold

Plan: Resistant lining Secret Service underarmor

75 Gold

Plan: Scavenged solar panel

1500 Gold

Plan: Strangler heart chest piece

938 Gold

Plan: Strangler heart helmet

1238 Gold

Plan: Strangler heart left arm

750 Gold

Plan: Strangler heart left leg

750 Gold

Plan: Strangler heart right arm

750 Gold

Plan: Strangler heart right leg

750 Gold

Plan: Treated lining Secret Service underarmor

38 Gold

Plan: Grocer's Backpack Mod

263 Gold

Location: Fort Atlas
Mo, 10th Jun 2024(12:00) - We, 12th Jun 2024 (12:00)

Plan: Chinese stealth armor

3000 Gold

Plan: Chinese stealth helmet

1238 Gold

Plan: Gauntlet

188 Gold

Plan: Secret Service jet pack armor

1500 Gold

Plan: Secret Service pocketed armor limb

188 Gold

Plan: Secret Service pocketed armor torso

188 Gold

Plan: T-65 medic pump

188 Gold

Plan: T-65 overdrive servos

563 Gold

Plan: T-65 Stealth Boy

563 Gold

Plan: War glaive cryo blade

150 Gold

Plan: War glaive plasma blade

150 Gold

Plan: Chicken coop

563 Gold

Location: Whitespring
Th, 20th Jun 2024(12:00) - Mo, 24th Jun 2024 (12:00)

Plan: Cattle prod

188 Gold

Plan: Farmable dirt tiles

375 Gold

Plan: Gauss minigun gunner sights

38 Gold

Plan: Gauss minigun Tesla capacitor

75 Gold

Plan: Gauss minigun Tesla dynamo

75 Gold

Plan: Secret Service chest piece

938 Gold

Plan: Secret Service helmet

1238 Gold

Plan: Secret Service left leg

563 Gold

Plan: Secret Service right arm

563 Gold

Plan: Secret Service right leg

563 Gold

Plan: Super reactor

2000 Gold

Plan: Sympto-Matic

2000 Gold

Plan: War glaive

2000 Gold

Plan: Chemist's Backpack Mod

263 Gold

Plan: Dynamite

75 Gold

Plan: Gauss pistol

188 Gold

Plan: Floater gnasher grenade

113 Gold

Plan: Resistant lining Secret Service underarmor

75 Gold

Plan: Scavenged solar panel

1500 Gold

Plan: Strangler heart chest piece

938 Gold

Plan: Strangler heart helmet

1238 Gold

Plan: Strangler heart left arm

750 Gold

Plan: Strangler heart left leg

750 Gold

Plan: Strangler heart right arm

750 Gold

Plan: Strangler heart right leg

750 Gold

Plan: Treated lining Secret Service underarmor

38 Gold

Plan: Grocer's Backpack Mod

263 Gold

Plan: Chinese stealth armor

3000 Gold

Plan: Chinese stealth helmet

1238 Gold

Plan: Gauntlet

188 Gold

Plan: Secret Service jet pack armor

1500 Gold

Plan: Secret Service pocketed armor limb

188 Gold

Plan: Secret Service pocketed armor torso

188 Gold

Plan: T-65 medic pump

188 Gold

Plan: T-65 overdrive servos

563 Gold

Plan: T-65 Stealth Boy

563 Gold

Plan: War glaive cryo blade

150 Gold

Plan: War glaive plasma blade

150 Gold

Plan: Chicken coop

563 Gold

Location: Foundation
Mo, 1st Jul 2024(12:00) - We, 3rd Jul 2024 (12:00)

Plan: Gauss minigun

563 Gold

Plan: Gauss pistol aligned short barrel

113 Gold

Plan: Gauss Pistol Drum Magazine

75 Gold

Plan: Gauss pistol refined receiver

150 Gold

Plan: Protective lining Secret Service underarmor

113 Gold

Plan: Shielded lining Secret Service underarmor

150 Gold

Plan: Thorn armor chest piece

750 Gold

Plan: Thorn armor left arm

563 Gold

Plan: Thorn armor left leg

563 Gold

Plan: Thorn armor right arm

563 Gold

Plan: Thorn armor right leg

563 Gold

Location: Crater
Mo, 8th Jul 2024(12:00) - We, 10th Jul 2024 (12:00)

Plan: Lighter build Secret Service armor limbs

188 Gold

Plan: Plasma caster

563 Gold

Plan: Secret Service underarmor

188 Gold

Plan: T-65 calibrated shocks

563 Gold

Plan: T-65 rusty knuckles

188 Gold

Plan: T-65 jet pack

1500 Gold

Plan: The Gutter

1333 Gold

Plan: Ultra-light build Secret Service armor limbs

375 Gold

Plan: War glaive flaming blade

150 Gold

Plan: War glaive shock blade

150 Gold

Plan: Water well

563 Gold

Plan: Whistle in the Dark

1333 Gold

Location: Fort Atlas
Mo, 15th Jul 2024(12:00) - We, 17th Jul 2024 (12:00)

Plan: Ammo Converter

750 Gold

Plan: Floater flamer grenade

113 Gold

Plan: Gauss shotgun

375 Gold

Plan: Gauss shotgun extended barrel

113 Gold

Plan: Gauss shotgun extended magazine

75 Gold

Plan: Gauss shotgun hardened receiver

150 Gold

Plan: Brotherhood recon chest piece

2000 Gold

Plan: Brotherhood recon helmet

2000 Gold

Plan: Brotherhood recon left arm

1333 Gold

Plan: Brotherhood recon left leg

1333 Gold

Plan: Brotherhood recon right arm

1333 Gold

Plan: Brotherhood recon right leg

1333 Gold

Location: Whitespring
Th, 25th Jul 2024(12:00) - Mo, 29th Jul 2024 (12:00)

Plan: Gauss minigun

563 Gold

Plan: Gauss pistol aligned short barrel

113 Gold

Plan: Gauss Pistol Drum Magazine

75 Gold

Plan: Gauss pistol refined receiver

150 Gold

Plan: Protective lining Secret Service underarmor

113 Gold

Plan: Shielded lining Secret Service underarmor

150 Gold

Plan: Thorn armor chest piece

750 Gold

Plan: Thorn armor left arm

563 Gold

Plan: Thorn armor left leg

563 Gold

Plan: Thorn armor right arm

563 Gold

Plan: Thorn armor right leg

563 Gold

Plan: Lighter build Secret Service armor limbs

188 Gold

Plan: Plasma caster

563 Gold

Plan: Secret Service underarmor

188 Gold

Plan: T-65 calibrated shocks

563 Gold

Plan: T-65 rusty knuckles

188 Gold

Plan: T-65 jet pack

1500 Gold

Plan: The Gutter

1333 Gold

Plan: Ultra-light build Secret Service armor limbs

375 Gold

Plan: War glaive flaming blade

150 Gold

Plan: War glaive shock blade

150 Gold

Plan: Water well

563 Gold

Plan: Whistle in the Dark

1333 Gold

Plan: Ammo Converter

750 Gold

Plan: Floater flamer grenade

113 Gold

Plan: Gauss shotgun

375 Gold

Plan: Gauss shotgun extended barrel

113 Gold

Plan: Gauss shotgun extended magazine

75 Gold

Plan: Gauss shotgun hardened receiver

150 Gold

Plan: Brotherhood recon chest piece

2000 Gold

Plan: Brotherhood recon helmet

2000 Gold

Plan: Brotherhood recon left arm

1333 Gold

Plan: Brotherhood recon left leg

1333 Gold

Plan: Brotherhood recon right arm

1333 Gold

Plan: Brotherhood recon right leg

1333 Gold

Minerva is a new vendor, that has been introduced in patch 28 (Steel Reign). You will find her on the announced dates at the listed locations. Heroffers are always 25% cheaper than on the other usual vendors. Additionally, she offers plans, that are not available from other vendors.


  • Settlers plans with discount
  • Raiders plans with discount
  • Regs (Vault 79) plans with discount
  • Rewards from daily operations
  • Plans from former Nuclear Winter Mode

Where is Minerva? These are the possible locations

You will always find her on one of these locations on the announced dates.

Foundation (on the right behind the bridge)

Minerva Schedule - All Info, Dates and Offers for Fallout 76 | Nuka Knights (4)

Crater (on the left after the entrance)

Minerva Schedule - All Info, Dates and Offers for Fallout 76 | Nuka Knights (5)

Fort Atlas (in front of the entrance)

Minerva Schedule - All Info, Dates and Offers for Fallout 76 | Nuka Knights (6)

Whitespring (in front of the entrance)

Minerva Schedule - All Info, Dates and Offers for Fallout 76 | Nuka Knights (7)

When can you visit her there?

  • 3 weeks of the month: Monday to Wednesday (Reset Time) on one of the 4 locations (changes every week)
    On these regular days, she has weekly changing offers by lists.
  • 1 week of the month: Thursday to Monday (Reset Time) on one of the 4 locations
    On these days, she offers a round up of the previous 3 weeks. Check out our dates calendar.

Minerva Schedule - All Info, Dates and Offers for Fallout 76 | Nuka Knights (8)

Minerva Data at a glance

If you need a direct adress with all Minerva info in one place, you can use or share: https://whereisminerva.nukaknights.com

List 1

Plan: Cattle prod

188 Gold

Plan: Farmable dirt tiles

375 Gold

Plan: Gauss minigun gunner sights

38 Gold

Plan: Gauss minigun Tesla capacitor

75 Gold

Plan: Gauss minigun Tesla dynamo

75 Gold

Plan: Secret Service chest piece

938 Gold

Plan: Secret Service helmet

1238 Gold

Plan: Secret Service left arm

563 Gold

Plan: Secret Service left leg

563 Gold

Plan: Secret Service right arm

563 Gold

Plan: Secret Service right leg

563 Gold

Plan: Super reactor

2000 Gold

Plan: Sympto-Matic

2000 Gold

Plan: War glaive

2000 Gold

Plan: Chemist's Backpack Mod

263 Gold

List 2

Plan: Dynamite

75 Gold

Plan: Gauss pistol

188 Gold

Plan: Floater gnasher grenade

113 Gold

Plan: Resistant lining Secret Service underarmor

75 Gold

Plan: Scavenged solar panel

1500 Gold

Plan: Strangler heart chest piece

938 Gold

Plan: Strangler heart helmet

1238 Gold

Plan: Strangler heart left arm

750 Gold

Plan: Strangler heart left leg

750 Gold

Plan: Strangler heart right arm

750 Gold

Plan: Strangler heart right leg

750 Gold

Plan: Treated lining Secret Service underarmor

38 Gold

Plan: Grocer's Backpack Mod

263 Gold

List 3

Plan: Chinese stealth armor

3000 Gold

Plan: Chinese stealth helmet

1238 Gold

Plan: Gauntlet

188 Gold

Plan: Secret Service jet pack armor

1500 Gold

Plan: Secret Service pocketed armor limb

188 Gold

Plan: Secret Service pocketed armor torso

188 Gold

Plan: T-65 medic pump

188 Gold

Plan: T-65 overdrive servos

563 Gold

Plan: T-65 Stealth Boy

563 Gold

Plan: War glaive cryo blade

150 Gold

Plan: War glaive plasma blade

150 Gold

Plan: Chicken coop

563 Gold

List 4

Offers from List 1


Plan: Cattle prod

188 Gold

Plan: Farmable dirt tiles

375 Gold

Plan: Gauss minigun gunner sights

38 Gold

Plan: Gauss minigun Tesla capacitor

75 Gold

Plan: Gauss minigun Tesla dynamo

75 Gold

Plan: Secret Service chest piece

938 Gold

Plan: Secret Service helmet

1238 Gold

Plan: Secret Service left arm

563 Gold

Plan: Secret Service left leg

563 Gold

Plan: Secret Service right arm

563 Gold

Plan: Secret Service right leg

563 Gold

Plan: Super reactor

2000 Gold

Plan: Sympto-Matic

2000 Gold

Plan: War glaive

2000 Gold

Plan: Chemist's Backpack Mod

263 Gold

Offers from List 2


Plan: Dynamite

75 Gold

Plan: Gauss pistol

188 Gold

Plan: Floater gnasher grenade

113 Gold

Plan: Resistant lining Secret Service underarmor

75 Gold

Plan: Scavenged solar panel

1500 Gold

Plan: Strangler heart chest piece

938 Gold

Plan: Strangler heart helmet

1238 Gold

Plan: Strangler heart left arm

750 Gold

Plan: Strangler heart left leg

750 Gold

Plan: Strangler heart right arm

750 Gold

Plan: Strangler heart right leg

750 Gold

Plan: Treated lining Secret Service underarmor

38 Gold

Plan: Grocer's Backpack Mod

263 Gold

Offers from List 3


Plan: Chinese stealth armor

3000 Gold

Plan: Chinese stealth helmet

1238 Gold

Plan: Gauntlet

188 Gold

Plan: Secret Service jet pack armor

1500 Gold

Plan: Secret Service pocketed armor limb

188 Gold

Plan: Secret Service pocketed armor torso

188 Gold

Plan: T-65 medic pump

188 Gold

Plan: T-65 overdrive servos

563 Gold

Plan: T-65 Stealth Boy

563 Gold

Plan: War glaive cryo blade

150 Gold

Plan: War glaive plasma blade

150 Gold

Plan: Chicken coop

563 Gold

List 5

Plan: Gauss minigun

563 Gold

Plan: Gauss pistol aligned short barrel

113 Gold

Plan: Gauss Pistol Drum Magazine

75 Gold

Plan: Gauss pistol refined receiver

150 Gold

Plan: Protective lining Secret Service underarmor

113 Gold

Plan: Shielded lining Secret Service underarmor

150 Gold

Plan: Thorn armor chest piece

750 Gold

Plan: Thorn armor left arm

563 Gold

Plan: Thorn armor left leg

563 Gold

Plan: Thorn armor right arm

563 Gold

Plan: Thorn armor right leg

563 Gold

List 6

Plan: Lighter build Secret Service armor limbs

188 Gold

Plan: Plasma caster

563 Gold

Plan: Secret Service underarmor

188 Gold

Plan: T-65 calibrated shocks

563 Gold

Plan: T-65 rusty knuckles

188 Gold

Plan: T-65 jet pack

1500 Gold

Plan: The Gutter

1333 Gold

Plan: Ultra-light build Secret Service armor limbs

375 Gold

Plan: War glaive flaming blade

150 Gold

Plan: War glaive shock blade

150 Gold

Plan: Water well

563 Gold

Plan: Whistle in the Dark

1333 Gold

List 7

Plan: Ammo Converter

750 Gold

Plan: Floater flamer grenade

113 Gold

Plan: Gauss shotgun

375 Gold

Plan: Gauss shotgun extended barrel

113 Gold

Plan: Gauss shotgun extended magazine

75 Gold

Plan: Gauss shotgun hardened receiver

150 Gold

Plan: Brotherhood recon chest piece

2000 Gold

Plan: Brotherhood recon helmet

2000 Gold

Plan: Brotherhood recon left arm

1333 Gold

Plan: Brotherhood recon left leg

1333 Gold

Plan: Brotherhood recon right arm

1333 Gold

Plan: Brotherhood recon right leg

1333 Gold

List 8

Offers from List 5


Plan: Gauss minigun

563 Gold

Plan: Gauss pistol aligned short barrel

113 Gold

Plan: Gauss Pistol Drum Magazine

75 Gold

Plan: Gauss pistol refined receiver

150 Gold

Plan: Protective lining Secret Service underarmor

113 Gold

Plan: Shielded lining Secret Service underarmor

150 Gold

Plan: Thorn armor chest piece

750 Gold

Plan: Thorn armor left arm

563 Gold

Plan: Thorn armor left leg

563 Gold

Plan: Thorn armor right arm

563 Gold

Plan: Thorn armor right leg

563 Gold

Offers from List 6


Plan: Lighter build Secret Service armor limbs

188 Gold

Plan: Plasma caster

563 Gold

Plan: Secret Service underarmor

188 Gold

Plan: T-65 calibrated shocks

563 Gold

Plan: T-65 rusty knuckles

188 Gold

Plan: T-65 jet pack

1500 Gold

Plan: The Gutter

1333 Gold

Plan: Ultra-light build Secret Service armor limbs

375 Gold

Plan: War glaive flaming blade

150 Gold

Plan: War glaive shock blade

150 Gold

Plan: Water well

563 Gold

Plan: Whistle in the Dark

1333 Gold

Offers from List 7


Plan: Ammo Converter

750 Gold

Plan: Floater flamer grenade

113 Gold

Plan: Gauss shotgun

375 Gold

Plan: Gauss shotgun extended barrel

113 Gold

Plan: Gauss shotgun extended magazine

75 Gold

Plan: Gauss shotgun hardened receiver

150 Gold

Plan: Brotherhood recon chest piece

2000 Gold

Plan: Brotherhood recon helmet

2000 Gold

Plan: Brotherhood recon left arm

1333 Gold

Plan: Brotherhood recon left leg

1333 Gold

Plan: Brotherhood recon right arm

1333 Gold

Plan: Brotherhood recon right leg

1333 Gold

List 9

Plan: Asylum light

1000 Gold

Plan: Crusader pistol

2000 Gold

Plan: Dynamite bundle

150 Gold

Plan: Meat bag stash box

750 Gold

Plan: Plasma caster aligned sniper barrel

113 Gold

Plan: Plasma caster calibrated capacitor

150 Gold

Plan: Plasma caster pulse capacitor

150 Gold

Plan: T-65 helm

1238 Gold

Plan: T-65 left arm

750 Gold

Plan: T-65 left leg

750 Gold

Plan: T-65 right arm

750 Gold

Plan: T-65 right leg

750 Gold

Plan: T-65 torso

938 Gold

List 10

Plan: Gauntlet

188 Gold

Plan: Gauss shotgun precise stock

75 Gold

Plan: Gauss shotgun vicious receiver

150 Gold

Plan: Gauss shotgun refined receiver

150 Gold

Plan: Gauss minigun triple barrel

113 Gold

Plan: Flare

38 Gold

Plan: Brotherhood recon pocketed armor limb

188 Gold

Plan: Brotherhood recon pocketed armor torso

188 Gold

Plan: Turbo-Fert fertilizer

563 Gold

Plan: Hellstorm missile launcher

2000 Gold

Plan: Unstoppable Monster

1000 Gold

List 11

Plan: Solar armor left arm

563 Gold

Plan: Solar armor right arm

563 Gold

Plan: Solar armor left leg

563 Gold

Plan: Solar armor right leg

563 Gold

Plan: Solar armor chest piece

750 Gold

Plan: Plasma caster true long barrel

113 Gold

Plan: Plasma caster true capacitor

150 Gold

Plan: Floater freezer grenade

113 Gold

Plan: Super mutant tube

2000 Gold

Plan: Science chalkboards

1000 Gold

Plan: Plasma cutter cryo blade

150 Gold

Plan: Plasma cutter flaming blade

150 Gold

Plan: Plasma cutter shock blade

150 Gold

List 12

Offers from List 9


Plan: Asylum light

1000 Gold

Plan: Crusader pistol

2000 Gold

Plan: Dynamite bundle

150 Gold

Plan: Meat bag stash box

750 Gold

Plan: Plasma caster aligned sniper barrel

113 Gold

Plan: Plasma caster calibrated capacitor

150 Gold

Plan: Plasma caster pulse capacitor

150 Gold

Plan: T-65 helm

1238 Gold

Plan: T-65 left arm

750 Gold

Plan: T-65 left leg

750 Gold

Plan: T-65 right arm

750 Gold

Plan: T-65 right leg

750 Gold

Plan: T-65 torso

938 Gold

Offers from List 10


Plan: Gauntlet

188 Gold

Plan: Gauss shotgun precise stock

75 Gold

Plan: Gauss shotgun vicious receiver

150 Gold

Plan: Gauss shotgun refined receiver

150 Gold

Plan: Gauss minigun triple barrel

113 Gold

Plan: Flare

38 Gold

Plan: Brotherhood recon pocketed armor limb

188 Gold

Plan: Brotherhood recon pocketed armor torso

188 Gold

Plan: Turbo-Fert fertilizer

563 Gold

Plan: Hellstorm missile launcher

2000 Gold

Plan: Unstoppable Monster

1000 Gold

Offers from List 11


Plan: Solar armor left arm

563 Gold

Plan: Solar armor right arm

563 Gold

Plan: Solar armor left leg

563 Gold

Plan: Solar armor right leg

563 Gold

Plan: Solar armor chest piece

750 Gold

Plan: Plasma caster true long barrel

113 Gold

Plan: Plasma caster true capacitor

150 Gold

Plan: Floater freezer grenade

113 Gold

Plan: Super mutant tube

2000 Gold

Plan: Science chalkboards

1000 Gold

Plan: Plasma cutter cryo blade

150 Gold

Plan: Plasma cutter flaming blade

150 Gold

Plan: Plasma cutter shock blade

150 Gold

List 13

Plan: Gauss minigun

563 Gold

Plan: Gauss pistol suppressed barrel

113 Gold

Plan: Gauss pistol vicious receiver

150 Gold

Plan: Gauss pistol hardened receiver

150 Gold

Plan: Plasma cutter

2000 Gold

Plan: Emmett Mountain Disposal signs

750 Gold

Plan: Hello neon sign

1000 Gold

Plan: BoS medallion

1000 Gold

Plan: Brotherhood recon jet pack

2000 Gold

List 14

Plan: War glaive

2000 Gold

Plan: Water well

563 Gold

Plan: Floater flamer grenade

113 Gold

Plan: Enclave medallion

1000 Gold

Plan: Hellstorm missile launcher cryo payload

150 Gold

Plan: Hellstorm missile launcher napalm payload

150 Gold

Plan: Hellstorm missile launcher plasma payload

150 Gold

Plan: Medical Malpractice

1333 Gold

Plan: Wendigo tube

1500 Gold

List 15

Plan: Covert scout armor mask

2000 Gold

Plan: Covert scout armor chest piece

2000 Gold

Plan: Covert scout armor left arm

1333 Gold

Plan: Covert scout armor left leg

1333 Gold

Plan: Covert scout armor right arm

1333 Gold

Plan: Covert scout armor right leg

1333 Gold

Plan: Crusader pistol cryo receiver

150 Gold

Plan: Crusader pistol fusion receiver

150 Gold

Plan: Crusader pistol pyro receiver

150 Gold

Plan: Open neon sign

1000 Gold

List 16

Offers from List 13


Plan: Gauss minigun

563 Gold

Plan: Gauss pistol suppressed barrel

113 Gold

Plan: Gauss pistol vicious receiver

150 Gold

Plan: Gauss pistol hardened receiver

150 Gold

Plan: Plasma cutter

2000 Gold

Plan: Emmett Mountain Disposal signs

750 Gold

Plan: Hello neon sign

1000 Gold

Plan: BoS medallion

1000 Gold

Plan: Brotherhood recon jet pack

2000 Gold

Offers from List 14


Plan: War glaive

2000 Gold

Plan: Water well

563 Gold

Plan: Floater flamer grenade

113 Gold

Plan: Enclave medallion

1000 Gold

Plan: Hellstorm missile launcher cryo payload

150 Gold

Plan: Hellstorm missile launcher napalm payload

150 Gold

Plan: Hellstorm missile launcher plasma payload

150 Gold

Plan: Medical Malpractice

1333 Gold

Plan: Wendigo tube

1500 Gold

Offers from List 15


Plan: Covert scout armor mask

2000 Gold

Plan: Covert scout armor chest piece

2000 Gold

Plan: Covert scout armor left arm

1333 Gold

Plan: Covert scout armor left leg

1333 Gold

Plan: Covert scout armor right arm

1333 Gold

Plan: Covert scout armor right leg

1333 Gold

Plan: Crusader pistol cryo receiver

150 Gold

Plan: Crusader pistol fusion receiver

150 Gold

Plan: Crusader pistol pyro receiver

150 Gold

Plan: Open neon sign

1000 Gold

List 17

Plan: Cattle prod

188 Gold

Plan: Farmable dirt tiles

375 Gold

Plan: Gauss minigun gunner sights

38 Gold

Plan: Gauss minigun Tesla capacitor

75 Gold

Plan: Gauss minigun Tesla dynamo

75 Gold

Plan: Secret Service chest piece

938 Gold

Plan: Secret Service helmet

1238 Gold

Plan: Secret Service left arm

563 Gold

Plan: Secret Service left leg

563 Gold

Plan: Secret Service right arm

563 Gold

Plan: Secret Service right leg

563 Gold

Plan: Super reactor

2000 Gold

Plan: Sympto-Matic

2000 Gold

Plan: War glaive

2000 Gold

Plan: Chemist's Backpack Mod

263 Gold

List 18

Plan: Dynamite

75 Gold

Plan: Gauss pistol

188 Gold

Plan: Floater gnasher grenade

113 Gold

Plan: Resistant lining Secret Service underarmor

75 Gold

Plan: Scavenged solar panel

1500 Gold

Plan: Strangler heart chest piece

938 Gold

Plan: Strangler heart helmet

1238 Gold

Plan: Strangler heart left arm

750 Gold

Plan: Strangler heart left leg

750 Gold

Plan: Strangler heart right arm

750 Gold

Plan: Strangler heart right leg

750 Gold

Plan: Treated lining Secret Service underarmor

38 Gold

Plan: Sole Survivor

1333 Gold

Plan: Grocer's Backpack Mod

263 Gold

List 19

Plan: Chinese stealth armor

3000 Gold

Plan: Chinese stealth helmet

1238 Gold

Plan: Gauntlet

188 Gold

Plan: Secret Service jet pack armor

1500 Gold

Plan: Secret Service pocketed armor limb

188 Gold

Plan: T-65 medic pump

188 Gold

Plan: T-65 overdrive servos

563 Gold

Plan: T-65 Stealth Boy

563 Gold

Plan: War glaive cryo blade

150 Gold

Plan: War glaive plasma blade

150 Gold

Plan: Hellfire prototype power armor paint

1500 Gold

Plan: Mirelurk king tube

2000 Gold

Plan: Secret Service Pocketed Armor Torso

225 Gold

List 20

Offers from List 17


Plan: Cattle prod

188 Gold

Plan: Farmable dirt tiles

375 Gold

Plan: Gauss minigun gunner sights

38 Gold

Plan: Gauss minigun Tesla capacitor

75 Gold

Plan: Gauss minigun Tesla dynamo

75 Gold

Plan: Secret Service chest piece

938 Gold

Plan: Secret Service helmet

1238 Gold

Plan: Secret Service left arm

563 Gold

Plan: Secret Service left leg

563 Gold

Plan: Secret Service right arm

563 Gold

Plan: Secret Service right leg

563 Gold

Plan: Super reactor

2000 Gold

Plan: Sympto-Matic

2000 Gold

Plan: War glaive

2000 Gold

Plan: Chemist's Backpack Mod

263 Gold

Offers from List 18


Plan: Dynamite

75 Gold

Plan: Gauss pistol

188 Gold

Plan: Floater gnasher grenade

113 Gold

Plan: Resistant lining Secret Service underarmor

75 Gold

Plan: Scavenged solar panel

1500 Gold

Plan: Strangler heart chest piece

938 Gold

Plan: Strangler heart helmet

1238 Gold

Plan: Strangler heart left arm

750 Gold

Plan: Strangler heart left leg

750 Gold

Plan: Strangler heart right arm

750 Gold

Plan: Strangler heart right leg

750 Gold

Plan: Treated lining Secret Service underarmor

38 Gold

Plan: Sole Survivor

1333 Gold

Plan: Grocer's Backpack Mod

263 Gold

Offers from List 19


Plan: Chinese stealth armor

3000 Gold

Plan: Chinese stealth helmet

1238 Gold

Plan: Gauntlet

188 Gold

Plan: Secret Service jet pack armor

1500 Gold

Plan: Secret Service pocketed armor limb

188 Gold

Plan: T-65 medic pump

188 Gold

Plan: T-65 overdrive servos

563 Gold

Plan: T-65 Stealth Boy

563 Gold

Plan: War glaive cryo blade

150 Gold

Plan: War glaive plasma blade

150 Gold

Plan: Hellfire prototype power armor paint

1500 Gold

Plan: Mirelurk king tube

2000 Gold

Plan: Secret Service Pocketed Armor Torso

225 Gold

List 21

Plan: Gauss minigun

563 Gold

Plan: Gauss pistol aligned short barrel

113 Gold

Plan: Gauss Pistol Drum Magazine

75 Gold

Plan: Gauss pistol refined receiver

150 Gold

Plan: Protective lining Secret Service underarmor

113 Gold

Plan: Shielded lining Secret Service underarmor

150 Gold

Plan: Thorn armor chest piece

750 Gold

Plan: Thorn armor left arm

563 Gold

Plan: Thorn armor left leg

563 Gold

Plan: Thorn armor right arm

563 Gold

Plan: Thorn armor right leg

563 Gold

Plan: Mechanic's Best Friend

1333 Gold

Plan: Medium supply crate

1000 Gold

List 22

Plan: Lighter build Secret Service armor limbs

188 Gold

Plan: Plasma caster

563 Gold

Plan: Secret Service underarmor

188 Gold

Plan: T-65 calibrated shocks

563 Gold

Plan: T-65 rusty knuckles

188 Gold

Plan: T-65 jet pack

1500 Gold

Plan: The Gutter

1333 Gold

Plan: Ultra-light build Secret Service armor limbs

375 Gold

Plan: War glaive flaming blade

150 Gold

Plan: War glaive shock blade

150 Gold

Plan: Water well

563 Gold

Plan: Whistle in the Dark

1333 Gold

List 23

Plan: Gauss minigun

563 Gold

Plan: Crusader pistol

2000 Gold

Plan: Meat bag stash box

750 Gold

Plan: Wendigo tube

1500 Gold

Plan: Arctic marine armor helmet

2000 Gold

Plan: Arctic marine left arm

1000 Gold

Plan: Arctic marine left leg

1000 Gold

Plan: Arctic marine right arm

1000 Gold

Plan: Arctic marine right leg

1000 Gold

Plan: Arctic marine torso

1500 Gold

Plan: Brotherhood of Steel minigun paint

1000 Gold

Plan: Slocum Joe's power armor paint

1500 Gold

List 24

Offers from List 21


Plan: Gauss minigun

563 Gold

Plan: Gauss pistol aligned short barrel

113 Gold

Plan: Gauss Pistol Drum Magazine

75 Gold

Plan: Gauss pistol refined receiver

150 Gold

Plan: Protective lining Secret Service underarmor

113 Gold

Plan: Shielded lining Secret Service underarmor

150 Gold

Plan: Thorn armor chest piece

750 Gold

Plan: Thorn armor left arm

563 Gold

Plan: Thorn armor left leg

563 Gold

Plan: Thorn armor right arm

563 Gold

Plan: Thorn armor right leg

563 Gold

Plan: Mechanic's Best Friend

1333 Gold

Plan: Medium supply crate

1000 Gold

Offers from List 22


Plan: Lighter build Secret Service armor limbs

188 Gold

Plan: Plasma caster

563 Gold

Plan: Secret Service underarmor

188 Gold

Plan: T-65 calibrated shocks

563 Gold

Plan: T-65 rusty knuckles

188 Gold

Plan: T-65 jet pack

1500 Gold

Plan: The Gutter

1333 Gold

Plan: Ultra-light build Secret Service armor limbs

375 Gold

Plan: War glaive flaming blade

150 Gold

Plan: War glaive shock blade

150 Gold

Plan: Water well

563 Gold

Plan: Whistle in the Dark

1333 Gold

Offers from List 23


Plan: Gauss minigun

563 Gold

Plan: Crusader pistol

2000 Gold

Plan: Meat bag stash box

750 Gold

Plan: Wendigo tube

1500 Gold

Plan: Arctic marine armor helmet

2000 Gold

Plan: Arctic marine left arm

1000 Gold

Plan: Arctic marine left leg

1000 Gold

Plan: Arctic marine right arm

1000 Gold

Plan: Arctic marine right leg

1000 Gold

Plan: Arctic marine torso

1500 Gold

Plan: Brotherhood of Steel minigun paint

1000 Gold

Plan: Slocum Joe's power armor paint

1500 Gold

Minerva Schedule - All Info, Dates and Offers for Fallout 76 | Nuka Knights (2024)
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Author: Frankie Dare

Last Updated:

Views: 5815

Rating: 4.2 / 5 (53 voted)

Reviews: 84% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

Address: Suite 313 45115 Caridad Freeway, Port Barabaraville, MS 66713

Phone: +3769542039359

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.