Rate of Change of Velocity | Learn Important Terms and Concepts (2024)

The word acceleration means the change of speed or we can say that change of velocity. A change in velocity is called acceleration. So basically, when velocity is changing, the term acceleration can be used and just like velocity, acceleration is also a vector quantity. It means acceleration has a magnitude and a direction.

Fundamentals of Acceleration

Mathematically, we express acceleration as the final velocity of an object minus the initial velocity of an object divided by the time interval in which the velocity has changed. Acceleration exists due to changes in velocity. The SI unit of rate of change of velocity is $\dfrac{m}{{{s^2}}}$ and it is a vector quantity. So, it has magnitude and direction also.

Positive Acceleration and Negative Acceleration

The formula for acceleration is the change of velocity divided by time duration. So, the formula for the rate of change of velocity can be defined as below:

$a = \dfrac{{v - u}}{t}$

where $v$ is the final velocity. This is the velocity at the end of the time duration.

$u$ is the initial velocity which is the velocity at the beginning of time duration.

$t$ is the total time taken.

The above formula can be positive or negative. That depends on whether the velocity is increasing or decreasing. If the velocity is changing positively, then the acceleration would become positive. In other words, we can say that the object is accelerating. That means, if velocity increases with time, acceleration will be positive. If the velocity is decreasing, then we can say that the value of acceleration would be negative. In this situation, we can say that it is a negative acceleration or we can call it retardation. Acceleration is taken to be negative, if it is opposite to the direction of velocity. That means, if velocity decreases with time, then we can say that acceleration will be negative.

From the above points, we can conclude that if velocity continuously increases, then the acceleration is called positive acceleration and when velocity continuously decreases, then the acceleration is defined as negative acceleration. When velocity is constant, then the acceleration is called zero acceleration.

Types of Acceleration

There are two types of acceleration:

  • Uniform Acceleration

  • Non-Uniform Acceleration

Uniform Acceleration: If velocity increases at a constant rate, then the acceleration is called uniform acceleration. An object is said to be in uniform acceleration, if its velocity increases or decreases, but the amount of increase or decrease remains the same for equal amounts of time. In other words, we can say that acceleration remains constant in uniform acceleration.

Non-Uniform Acceleration: An object is said to be in non-uniform acceleration, when an object increases or decreases its velocity by unequal amounts in equal amounts of time. The best example to understand is riding a bike in traffic. In traffic, sometimes we have to speed up, sometimes we have to apply brakes and stop, sometimes we move at constant speed. So, this type of motion we can describe as non-uniform motion. This is the example of non-uniform acceleration that we feel in our daily life.

Solved Examples

1. The coin is thrown up from the ground with a velocity of $49\dfrac{m}{s}$ and after 5 seconds it comes to halt. Find the value of acceleration.

Ans: Given, Initial velocity $u = 49\,\dfrac{m}{s}$

Time taken is $t = 5\sec $

Here, we are throwing the coin up from the bottom, so the final velocity will become zero.

Here, we will use the formula $a = \dfrac{{v - u}}{t}$ and substituting the values, we will get

$a = \dfrac{{0 - 49}}{5} = - 9.8\,\dfrac{m}{{{s^2}}}$

So, the value of acceleration is $a = - 9.8\,\dfrac{m}{{{s^2}}}$.

2. An object dropped from a height falls with a constant acceleration of $10\dfrac{m}{{{s^2}}}$. Find its speed 5 seconds after it was dropped.

Ans: Given, acceleration $a = 10\,\dfrac{m}{{{s^2}}}$

Initial velocity of an object $u = 0\,\dfrac{m}{s}$

$t = 5\sec $

Here, we will use the formula $a = \dfrac{{v - u}}{t}$

$10 = \dfrac{{v - 0}}{5}\\ \therefore v = 50\,\dfrac{m}{s}$

Hence, the speed is $50\dfrac{m}{s}$.

Interesting Facts

  • The velocity versus time graph explains us about the acceleration of the object which is a vector quantity.

  • Gravity and force were explained by Sir Isaac Newton. He gave us three laws of motion which play an important role in Physics.

  • The acceleration versus time graph gives us the knowledge about change in velocity of an object.


In simple words, we can say that acceleration is used to denote the change in velocity with time. Negative acceleration is called de-acceleration or retardation. Acceleration remains constant in uniform acceleration. Whenever velocity increases by equal amounts or decreases by equal amounts in equal intervals of time, we can say that the object is uniformly accelerating.

Rate of Change of Velocity | Learn Important Terms and Concepts (2024)


What is the answer to the rate of change of velocity? ›

The rate of change of velocity is known as Acceleration.

What is the term for the rate of change of velocity? ›

The rate of change of velocity is called acceleration. Acceleration is the ratio of change in velocity with time.

How to find the rate of change in velocity? ›

We can recall that the acceleration of an object is defined as the rate of change of that object's velocity. Mathematically, if the velocity of an object changes by an amount Δ𝑣 in a time Δ𝑡, then the acceleration 𝑎 of that object is equal to Δ𝑣 divided by Δ𝑡.

What is the concept of rate of change? ›

Rate of change (ROC) refers to how quickly something changes over time. It is thus the acceleration or deceleration of changes (i.e., the rate) and not the magnitude of individual changes themselves. In finance, rate of change is used to understand price returns and identify momentum in trends.

What is the formula for velocity change? ›

Acceleration (a) is the change in velocity (Δv) over the change in time (Δt), represented by the equation a = Δv/Δt. This allows you to measure how fast velocity changes in meters per second squared (m/s^2). Acceleration is also a vector quantity, so it includes both magnitude and direction.

Which answer describes a change in velocity? ›

Acceleration is the name we give to any process where the velocity changes. Since velocity is a speed and a direction, there are only two ways for you to accelerate: change your speed or change your direction—or change both.

What causes a change in velocity? ›

Forces affect how objects move. They may cause motion; they may also slow, stop, or change the direction of motion of an object that is already moving. Since force cause changes in the speed or direction of an object, we can say that forces cause changes in velocity. Remember that acceleration is a change in velocity.

What is the term change in velocity? ›

Acceleration can be defined as the change in velocity per unit of time. A change in velocity requires the application of a push or a pull force. It is a vector quantity and must have a direction. The symbol used to represent acceleration is “a” and its SI unit is m/s/s or m/s².

What is velocity also known as? ›

Velocity is a physical vector quantity: both magnitude and direction are needed to define it. The scalar absolute value (magnitude) of velocity is called speed, being a coherent derived unit whose quantity is measured in the SI (metric system) as metres per second (m/s or m⋅s1).

What is the formula for the rate of velocity? ›

In the equation V = d/t, V is the velocity, d is the distance, and t is the time.

Is velocity always positive? ›

Velocity: The velocity of an object is the change in position (displacement) over a time interval. Velocity includes both speed and direction, thus velocity can be either positive or negative while speed can only be positive. Another way to say this is that speed is the absolute value of velocity.

What does the rate of change of velocity with time give? ›

Acceleration is defined as the rate of change in velocity.

Is rate of change velocity or acceleration? ›

Explanation: Acceleration is defined as the rate of change of velocity. Velocity is a vector, which means it contains a magnitude (a numerical value) and a direction. So the velocity can be changed either by changing the speed or by changing the direction of motion (or both).

What is the rate of change example? ›

Other examples of rates of change include: A population of rats increasing by 40 rats per week. A car traveling 68 miles per hour (distance traveled changes by 68 miles each hour as time passes) A car driving 27 miles per gallon (distance traveled changes by 27 miles for each gallon)

How do you solve for the rate of change? ›

Change is represented as the Greek letter delta (Δ), so the basic formula for rate of change is:
  1. Δ = Δy/Δx. Exactly how you calculate Δy and Δx will depend on the application. ...
  2. Δy/Δx = (y2 – y1)/(x2 – x1) ...
  3. Δ = (f(b) – f(a))/ b – a. ...
  4. Δ = f(x)/x. ...
  5. d = dy/dx. ...
  6. a = (v1 – v)/t.
Feb 21, 2024

What is the formula for the rate of change of speed? ›

V= dx/dt. above formula is rate of change of speed. Where dx= change in the displacement.

What is change of velocity? ›

A change in velocity is called acceleration. So basically, when velocity is changing, the term acceleration can be used and just like velocity, acceleration is also a vector quantity. It means acceleration has a magnitude and a direction.

What does velocity represent the rate of change of? ›

The conventional definition of velocity is as follows: Velocity is the rate of change of displacement with time.

What is the rate of change in decreasing velocity called? ›

The correct option is B retardation. The negative acceleration is termed as retardation. In retardation, there is decrease in velocity per unit time.

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