Sans (2024)

Sans (1)

Sans is Papyrus's older brother and a sentry at Snowdin. He will be the first monster the player interacts with.


  • 1 Appearance
  • 2 Personality
  • 3 Magic and Abilities
  • 4 Comic
    • 4.1 Mini-comics
    • 4.2 Ruins
    • 4.3 Snowdin Forest
    • 4.4 Snowdin Town
    • 4.5 Past History of Horrortale
    • 4.6 Snowdin, Cont.
  • 5 Relationships
  • 6 Gallery


Sans is larger than his normal counterpart but he is still shorter than his younger brother papyrus. Instead of a regular hoodie. He wears a furry, tattered hoodie and a white shirt stained with blood. He wears sneakers instead of slippers. He has a large hole on the left side of his skull which Undyne gave to him to extract (Remove). His eye which is normally blue, currently he has a red eye that he took from a dead guard.


Sans (2)

After years of no food and magic, he is suffering from overwhelming boredom. He loves psychological humor and torture. He suffers from retrograde amnesia and rapid mood swings. Others have a hard time trusting sans due to his worsening psychosis. He also causes monsters to explode through a newly discovered power (likely to his osteokinesis) sDespite his psychosis, he still seems to have a defined moral compass, refusing to eat Aliza despite being starved for 7 years until he eventually breaks. It's implied that the reason why he refuses to eat humans is because that was the future that he condemned the rest of monsters to, and he feels obligated to feed them with a separated source (either that, or to spite Undyne by making sure no human that fell down would make it to her) s

Magic and Abilities

Most of Sans' abilities are mostly gone due to the extraction from Undyne. Few of his abilities are:

  • Normal Bone wall
  • Bloody Bones and they come in different sizes. (most are sharp, broken, and probably an affect that is from surviving the extraction.)
  • Bone Axe (But canon, sans very rarely uses it.)
  • Shortcut
  • Exploding Heads (likely to his osteokinesis)
  • Gaster Blasters (Possibly)
  • Immortality (like after he get deadly hit or should die from hunger he will fall for some time but after a few seconds wake up)
  • Bones control( possibly to control enemy bones like if he had fight with his brother, but it just possibly)


Sans (3)


Sans made his first appearance in the Horrortale mini-comic Sans creepy advice, where Aliza decides between Sans's head dog and Papyrus' spaghetti.sThen he appeared in one panel of the mini-comic Fresh HotDogs and Everlasting love. In the third mini-comic Date with Sans, he and Aliza stare at each other for 10 minutes, then Aliza decides to flirts with him to break the ice between them. Sans then bursts in laughter & continues with a normal conversation.


Sans makes his first appearance at the Ruins, where he killed Aliza with his bone attacks after Toriel gave him a signal. When Aliza becomes alive again, he attacks once more, but in this turn, Toriel protects her.

Snowdin Forest

When he appears in the forest and scared Aliza, he soon gave her a hand with a spinning spike attached to it. He was holding onto Aliza's hand for a while until he finally stopped. Then he told her that Papyrus wants to capture her, and told her to hide behind a corpse. When Papyrus came, he told him where Aliza was hiding. After the second puzzle (the orb and bear trap), Sans tries to tear Aliza's ear off, because he realizes that she can save & reload, Sans first thought of it as cheating. He disappears when he hears growling from the woods.

He is seen again offering Aliza his Head dog. She accepted Papyrus's spaghetti instead. Sans then scares her by telling Aliza that Papyrus' spaghetti was made of the past human children that had fallen before her.

He is later seen with Papyrus in front of an "ice" trap. Aliza, being skeptical, begins to walk around, but is blocked by a wall of bones created by Sans. Falling back, she lands on the ice, which is revealed to be tar as she sinks inside it along with the other human kids, who's fates had been sealed by the same puzzle.

Aliza reloads from her last checkpoint and uses her freebie before Papyrus could even explain the rules, again. Sans begins to call Aliza an idiot for not even trying to walk around. This makes Aliza shoot him an angry and nasty look, surprising him. Nonetheless, Papyrus carried her across, as the rules were the rules.

Snowdin Town

Sans (4)

We don't see him again until we reach a scene where he teleports Aliza away from Grillby's. Sans makes puns on her current state and prepares to take her to his and Papyrus' house. However, he becomes alarmed when he realizes how Grillby left her half cooked. He tries to get Aliza out of his sight, but hunger takes over despite Sans' attempts to not give in. Aliza takes his words to mind, but doesn't make it far before she is caught. Sans tells her that its been 7 years since his last meal and rips her arm right off. As he prepares to eat it, Papyrus arrives and bashes his head with a rock attached to a wooden plank. While Papyrus regrets what he's done, he explains, rather comedically, that it was his brother's own rules to do so. As Sans, who had the sense literally knocked into him, moans from the pain, Papyrus warns him that Undyne was in town, much to their horror. Sans then realizes that he tore off Aliza's arm while going insane from starvation and spotted a trail of blood that lead into the woods. Knowing that Undyne would search for Papyrus if he did not show up for role call and the chances of finding Aliza instead, Sans offered to go in his brothers' place.

Past History of Horrortale

Sans (5)

Undyne learned about the depletion of their core magic source its effect causes the monsters to die from starvation and turn to dust, she immediately sent out a pamphlet summoning all monsters with knowledge about the core structure.

Sans was at Grillby's when his friend Grillby had his face start melting, screaming at Sans for help. Sans changed his mind and assisted in the research of a new power source and there Alphys stared at Sans with ill intent, unnerving him. A few months go by and Alphys and Undyne start to have an argument about whether to use Sans's core magic power to back-start the core magic source or not. Sans heard all of this from an "Echo Flower", leaving him shocked from fear. After that Sans devoted all his time to his research, Papyrus happened to visit him but got frightened by Sans's even more exhausted look.

Sans went out and spoke to one of his old friends(Politics bear), and they spoke to one another and laughed about stuff from the past, Sans did not focus too much of it anymore then he left to go met Undyne. Sans told Undyne his plan to repair the core but Undyne didn't pay attention. Then Undyne says He was slacking off by not doing anything and Sans was rebutting her by saying he was busy helping the monsters for all their necessities. After the argument stopped, Sans tries to be nice but Undyne didn't care because she knows he has magic.

Undyne decided to take the power source of Sans. However, Sans fights back using his powers and tries to teleport but fails. Undyne uses her powers and attempts to kill Sans and steal his "power source". Alphys helps her defeat him but fails do so. Sans uses his final power and takes Undyne's right eye, leaving her powerless. Sans triess to teleport again but, he was weak and tired. Finally he collapses and Undyne can finally steal his eye. Undyne grabs Sans and uses the tool to extract his eye. Sans screamed in pain. Leaving a permanent broken portion of his skull covered with blood. When she put the eye inside the vessel in the core, it worked! But then Papyrus called, which changed everything....

The vibrating from the phone,which might of woken him up... The phone was taken by Undyne, who believes he was a hero and which she did the right thing. But when she went to the core, Sans finally gets up. He somehow causes one of the guards to explode. Then he takes on one of the guard's eyes and puts where his "magic' eye was. The blood gushing from his head covers the eye, giving it a blood red color. One of the guards seen what happened. Terrified from what they have seen, they told Undyne to destroy the eye and that it keeps him "alive". But like the other guard he explodes from Sans too. He then sends a bone attack at everyone in the lab, especially Undyne who he dubs as a monster, hurting them with his karma ability. Sans takes his leave to confront Alphys, as this was her idea to begin with. Alphys was stressed about Sans being alive.

Sans (6)

Sans teleports in front of Alphys and confronts her. Sans tells her that he's now a freak thanks to her. Alphys explains that she had a reason but, Sans said he told her about them repowering the core and she telling Undyne to kill him instead. Then, Alphys explains her reason. She said that he saved monster kind and that the idea of destroying the CORE would be to risky. But that might been not true so, Sans looked at her with a wide smile and looked at the CORE, then destroying it, since it was his idea in the beginning. Undyne sees it with her own eyes and cries in disbelief. Sans bones hits back of Alphys brain making her lose control of her mind.

Now, after his eye removal, Sans personality changed. He began to lose trust to anyone and he had no choice to make everyone eat Human so, he can regain that trust. So, Sans called a family meeting and he convinced Papyrus to eat Human, but Papyrus refused that. Then Sans tricked him into eat human. The other monsters didn't believe him, but Sans used Papyrus's Special Spaghetti to slowly convince them to eat Human.

Snowdin, Cont.

Sans reappears as the townsfolk of Snowdin stands up to Undyne once she threatens to attack a disguised Aliza. She bumps into him, and he asks what she is wearing as everybody gasps at the mere sight of him. Undyne starts making dad jokes at Sans and Papyrus tries to cover it up as if she was talking about him, as he had made a ruse where Aliza was his niece, which therefore makes Aliza Sans' daughter. With that, Undyne and her guards leave as Sans looks rather confused by her jokes, unaware what Papyrus had informed her. Then, Sans asks Aliza if she knows what is going on but she doesn't know where to start. But, Politics bear told Sans about what disguised Aliza did. Sans didn't like that she's being the hero at the cost of sans being made fun of. Papyrus tries to intervene but is stop by Sans as he summons a bone wall. Sans begins to talk to Aliza as to why she is doing this and he tries to explain that he already tried doing that. Aliza talks about Papyrus but, he begins to have one of his mood-swings. Sans begins to say that if she does't believe him he would show her.


Aliza - Sans doesn't really care about capturing humans, but he likes hurting them for fun. His gore puns make Aliza really uncomfortable. Beyond this, Sans tried his best to resist the urge to eat half-cooked Aliza, though this is implied to be due to him permanently ridding the underground of power and needing to provide the monsters of Snowdin with food. Although he did attempt to apologize for trying to eat her earlier.

Toriel - It seems like they are still in contact. He was the one who told her how terrible the world outside the Ruins is at the moment, which seriously damaged her sanity. He also tried to prevent Aliza from escaping the Ruins.

Undyne - Sans hates her. He calls her queen Undick, and in the game, he said: "Personally, I kinda want her dead. But then, who'd be left to rule this paradise?" In the comic, it is confirmed that Undyne was indeed the cause for Sans' head injury. Due to her hallucinations, as well as the little whispers in her ear given by Alphys, she caves in. As of currently they don't care about it.

Papyrus - Their relationship is almost the same as the one seen in Undertale. Sans cares a little less and does seem to be less patient with Papyrus, which is most likely because of the countless years they've spent underground.

Alphys- Sans despises her for persuading Undyne to use him as a power source (it's implied she did so out of jealousy). So much so, that he destroyed the entire CORE and lobotomized her out of spite.


Sans (7)

Horrortale Sans Ref Sheet

Sans (8)

Horrortale Sans Blush

Sans (9)

Horrortale Sans' Extracted Eye

Sans (10)

Horrortale Sans Soon After His Eye Extraction

Sans (11)

Horrortale Sans Summoning Bones

Sans (2024)


Where does it say Sans has 1 hp? ›

At the end of the Genocide Run, you can see that he has only 1 HP.

Is Sans one of the hardest bosses ever? ›

Even if the Genocide ending proves unfulfilling for a player, beating Sans almost feels worth it, as he's one of the hardest video game bosses.

Does error Sans have haphephobia? ›

Trivia. Error has haphephobia (the fear of being touched) and is therefore very hesitant to get physically close to anyone. At random intervals, he can glitch up, filling his eye sockets with errors, giving him a major disadvantage if he's in battle. If Error had no strings, he would be a very easy problem to fix.

What is the scariest version of Sans? ›

Horror Sans is a much darker and insane version of Sans, created by Tumblr user Sour-Apple-Studios.

Is Sans the easiest boss? ›

Sans has only 1 health, 1 defense, and 1 attack strength, and yet he is still one of the most difficult bosses in gaming. "The weakest enemy in the game," Toby Fox states. But is that stopping him from making you read this article? Read on to find out how to beat Sans in Undertale.

What if you spare Sans? ›

You pretty much can't spare Sans. If you use mercy when given the opportunity, You get thrown into an unavoidable death trap.

Is Sans evil or good? ›

Sans is the deuteragonist of the Neutral and True Pacifist routes, in which he keeps an eye on the protagonist throughout the game.

How many kills does Sans have? ›

He's not lazy and does not drink ketchup. He doesn't even eat or drink. He has killed more than 4,000 monsters and empty more than 10 unknown AUs/Timelines. He's strong enough to end the multiverse if he doesn't get calmed down during his Blood Rage.

Who is harder, Sans or Asriel? ›

Asriel's fight is practically a cutscene, what with the immortality and free healing items. Sans is much harder, mainly considering that you literally cannot die in Asriel's fight.

What is the easiest boss fight in Undertale? ›

Asriel: It's also impossible to die to Asriel, because your SOUL will re-fuse every single time. Asriel is an emotionally satisfying final boss, but not a particularly difficult one. His attack patterns are pretty easy to figure out, and the rest is just rehashing attack patterns you're already familiar with.

Why is Sans so hard? ›

Sans will dodge your attack each time you swing at him. Also during the fight, you take damage at the menu, so you have to be quick when healing or attacking. It took me like a day to beat Undyne and a month to beat Sans. Killing Papyrus is all it takes for Sans to hate you.

Does error Sans have 3 tongues? ›

Error was originally AfterTale Sans which was confirmed by CrayonQueen on November 8th, 2018 that tells a certain plot points that would've happened or been confirmed in the AskErrorSans canon. He also appeared in the "Christmas Party AU" comic. He has five blue tongues.

Does Sans have PTSD? ›

Undertale, where the human never came back, but Sans haunted by the countless genocide routes in his timeline was left with PTSD. He soon found it was difficult to return to his old life, having mental break downs or nightmares constantly.

Why does Ink Sans throw up ink? ›

When he gets too excited, he will often throw up black ink. He is always happy to visit other AUs. Ink has the strange habit of checking every AU version of Sans' height because he is slightly smaller than the Undertale Sans. But in some fan-comics, Ink is shorter than all of the Sanses but Blueberry.

How much HP does Sans really have? ›

Sans has more than 1 HP! As you know if you check sans in his battle it says that he has 1 HP and because he can dodge it makes him strong. But in the hotel in Snowdin if you talk to the baby bunny he saids that sleeping can make your HP Go higher than your Max HP. Sans sleeps a lot!

How much HP does dust Sans have? ›

Dust sans appears as a undertale sans with his hood up, a different colored eye and dust on his clothes. Dusttale Sans has 150 stamina, KR, can dodge, and, has 250 hp. In Phase 2, when Dust Sans runs out of stamina has 250 hp but infinite stamina.

How much HP does Storyshift Sans have? ›

He uses his regular bones instead of Asgore's fire, and he uses a Gaster Blaster instead of a trident. He will also turn the player's SOUL blue, and will dodge your attacks (since he only has 1 HP) until he gets tired.

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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

Birthday: 1997-10-17

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Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.