Turning Over a New Leaf: A Guide to Quitting Coffee and A Week-Long Coffee Reduction Plan (2024)

Turning Over a New Leaf: A Guide to Quitting Coffee and A Week-Long Coffee Reduction Plan (1)

We all know that habitual cup of coffee can sometimes feel like our lifeline. But did you know that switching from coffee to tea can offer numerous health benefits and even help ease your transition from the coffee grind? At The Tea Spot, we have a wide array of flavorful and energizing tea blends that can serve as fantastic coffee alternatives. Let's dive into how to quit drinking coffee and creating a new tea routine with ease.

Why Quit Coffee: Unpacking the Health Implications

The Deeper Impacts of Caffeine on Sleep

The impact of caffeine on sleep can be significant, especially for regular coffee drinkers. Caffeine's stimulant effect can interfere with your ability to fall asleep, leading to less restorative sleep and daytime tiredness. It can also alter the natural phases of sleep, meaning even if you do sleep, it might not be as restful or recuperative as it should be. Switching to tea, which typically contains less caffeine, can help alleviate these disruptions, especially if you choose a lower-caffeine or caffeine-free tea in the afternoon or evening.

Medical Reasons

While coffee in moderation can have health benefits, excessive consumption might have medical implications. Overconsumption of coffee can increase risks of conditions like osteoporosis, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), and certain heart conditions. Moreover, coffee's high caffeine content can exacerbate anxiety symptoms and potentially contribute to insomnia. On the other hand, tea provides an array of health benefits with fewer potential negative effects, making it an excellent alternative for coffee drinkers.

Caffeine Overload: How Much Caffeine is Healthy?

While caffeine can provide a short-term energy boost, consuming it in excess can lead to health issues such as restlessness, an increased heart rate, and digestive problems. According to the FDA, a moderate amount of caffeine (up to 400 milligrams or about four 8-ounce cups of coffee) is generally safe for most adults. However, individuals vary in their tolerance to caffeine, and some may need to consume less to maintain optimal health.

The Truth About Caffeine Headaches

Caffeine withdrawal is a real phenomenon and can often result in what's known as caffeine headaches. When your body is accustomed to a certain amount of caffeine daily, reducing or eliminating that intake can cause your blood vessels to expand, leading to headaches. To manage this, try decreasing your caffeine consumption gradually rather than going cold turkey. Transitioning to tea, which contains lower levels of caffeine, can help manage and even eliminate these headaches over time.

Managing Caffeine Withdrawal

Quitting caffeine can cause a range of symptoms, from headaches to fatigue to irritability. To help mitigate these symptoms, consider a gradual reduction of caffeine intake instead of trying to quit cold turkey. You can begin by replacing one of your daily cups of coffee with tea. Over time, you can continue to replace additional cups of coffee until your body adjusts to a lower level of caffeine.

Turning Over a New Leaf: A Guide to Quitting Coffee and A Week-Long Coffee Reduction Plan (2)

Why Choose Tea Over Coffee?

Lower Caffeine Content

While tea does contain caffeine, it generally contains less than coffee. This makes it a suitable alternative for those wanting to decrease their caffeine intake without experiencing withdrawal symptoms.

L-Theanine Benefits

Tea contains a unique amino acid called L-theanine that promotes relaxation without drowsiness. It works synergistically with caffeine to improve brain function and mood, and helps moderate caffeine's stimulatory effects, offering a calm, sustained energy release.

A Wide Array of Flavors

At The Tea Spot, we offer a multitude of flavorful blends catering to different taste profiles. Whether you love the robust flavor of Bolder Breakfast or the calming nature of our caffeine-free Ashwagandha Chai, you're sure to find a blend to satisfy your palate.

Turning Over a New Leaf: A Guide to Quitting Coffee and A Week-Long Coffee Reduction Plan (3)

The Role of Caffeine in Coffee and Tea

Caffeine is a natural stimulant found in various plants, including the beans and leaves used to make coffee and tea. This substance plays a key role in how we maintain our energy levels throughout the day. It blocks adenosine receptors in the brain, which in turn prevents adenosine (a neurotransmitter that signals your body to feel tired) from slowing down nerve cell activity. The result is a surge of energy and increased alertness.

Caffeine in Coffee: A Quick Jolt and Potential Crash

When you drink coffee, the caffeine is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream through the stomach and small intestine. Within about 15 minutes of consuming a cup of coffee, you'll begin to feel its effects. The caffeine level peaks around 45-60 minutes after ingestion, providing a quick jolt of energy.

However, this surge is often followed by a rapid drop in energy levels once the caffeine starts to wear off — typically referred to as a "caffeine crash". This is because the blockage of adenosine is temporary, and when the caffeine wears off, there's a buildup of adenosine that can lead to feelings of fatigue and even drowsiness.

Caffeine in Tea: A Gradual Release for Sustained Energy

Tea, on the other hand, also contains caffeine but its effects are usually more subtle and sustained. This is largely due to the presence of a compound in tea called L-theanine. L-theanine is an amino acid that has calming effects on the brain, promoting relaxation without causing drowsiness.

Interestingly, L-theanine works synergistically with caffeine. It slows the absorption of caffeine in the body, resulting in a slower, more sustained release of energy. Instead of a sudden jolt and subsequent crash, you get a gradual increase in alertness over a longer period. This is often described as a state of "relaxed alertness".

In conclusion, while both coffee and tea can give you a caffeine boost, the experience can be quite different. For those looking to avoid the quick jolt and potential crash associated with coffee, switching to tea could be beneficial. The combination of caffeine and L-theanine in tea provides a smoother, more sustained energy boost without the sudden drop in energy levels often experienced with coffee.

Turning Over a New Leaf: A Guide to Quitting Coffee and A Week-Long Coffee Reduction Plan (4)

Health Benefits of Switching from Coffee to Tea

While coffee does have health benefits, tea offers a broader spectrum of advantages that contribute to your overall wellness.

Rich in Antioxidants

Teas, especially green and black teas, are rich in antioxidants known as polyphenols. These antioxidants combat free radicals in your body, reducing oxidative stress and helping to protect against a range of diseases, including heart disease and certain types of cancer.

Aids Digestion

Tea, particularly herbal varieties and green tea, can aid digestion and help soothe an upset stomach. Ingredients like ginger, mint, and chamomile are known for their digestive benefits. For instance, our Ashwagandha Chai includes ginger, an herb well-known for its digestive soothing properties.

Heart Health

The polyphenols found in tea, especially green tea, can help reduce the risk of heart disease by lowering cholesterol levels, reducing blood pressure, and improving blood vessel function. By switching to tea, you could potentially be improving your heart health in the long run.


Unlike coffee, which can have a diuretic effect if consumed in large quantities, tea contributes to your daily fluid intake, promoting hydration. Even caffeinated teas tend to have less of a diuretic effect than coffee, making them a great way to stay hydrated.

Mental Wellness

Certain teas contain amino acids like L-theanine, which promote relaxation and can help reduce anxiety and stress. The act of brewing and sipping tea can also be a calming ritual, contributing to overall mental wellness.

Weight Management

Certain types of tea, such as green tea, can aid in weight management. They can increase fat burning and boost metabolic rate, supporting your weight loss efforts or maintaining a healthy weight.

Dental Health

Unlike coffee, which can stain teeth over time, some teas like green tea can actually improve dental health. Tea contains natural fluoride and tannins that may help fight plaque, making it a great beverage for your dental health.

Turning Over a New Leaf: A Guide to Quitting Coffee and A Week-Long Coffee Reduction Plan (5)

Establishing Your Tea Ritual

The act of brewing and enjoying a beverage isn't just about the drink itself — it's also about the experience and the ritual involved in its preparation. This is as true for tea as it is for coffee. By creating a tea ritual, you can cultivate a moment of tranquility in your day, encouraging mindfulness and relaxation.

Select Your Equipment

Start by choosing the right tools for your tea ritual. A beautiful teapot, a favorite mug, or a traditional matcha whisk can all contribute to your enjoyment of the process. Using equipment that you love can make the ritual feel special and personal to you.

Choose Your Tea

Whether you opt for loose leaf teas, tea bags, or powdered matcha, choosing a variety of teas that you love is key. Having a selection allows you to choose a tea that suits your mood, the time of day, or even the season.

Preparation and Brewing

The act of preparing your tea can be as calming and enjoyable as drinking it. With loose-leaf tea, there's the process of measuring out the perfect amount, watching as the leaves unfurl in hot water, and inhaling the fragrant aroma as it steeps. For matcha, the act of whisking the vibrant green powder into a froth can be almost meditative.

Mindful Sipping

Once your tea is prepared, take the time to savor it. This isn't a drink to be rushed; enjoy the warmth of the cup in your hands, inhale the aroma, and take slow, deliberate sips. Try to be present in the moment, appreciating the taste and the warmth of the tea as you drink it.


Even the act of cleaning up after your tea ritual can be part of the process. Caring for your tea equipment and leaving it ready for your next tea moment can be a satisfying conclusion to your ritual.

By establishing a tea ritual, you create a dedicated time in your day for relaxation and self-care. It's a habit that can bring a sense of calm and order, and serves as a gentle reminder to slow down and savor the simple pleasures in life. And, of course, you'll reap the added benefits that come with replacing your coffee intake with a nourishing cup of tea.

Coffee Substitutes: Meet Our Blends

Bolder Breakfast

Indulge in the rich, robust flavor of Bolder Breakfast tea! Our award-winning breakfast blend features a smooth combination of strong black and aged Pu-erh teas from high altitude estates in China, India, and Sri Lanka. Coupled with dark chocolate essence, Bolder Breakfast tea is the perfect coffee alternative for those looking to break free from their coffee habit.

Morning Mojo

Take charge of your day with Morning Mojo! This blend features a combination of organic Pu-erh and black teas, organic orange peel, and vanilla flavoring. With its effective caffeine punch, Morning Mojo serves as the perfect coffee alternative to jump-start your day.

Japanese Ceremonial Grade A Matcha

Experience the ultimate indulgence with our Japanese Ceremonial Grade A Matcha, boasting a sweet umami flavor, fresh aroma, and intense emerald green color. Savor the natural energy and focus-boosting benefits of matcha in every sip.

Adobe Sunrise

Adobe Sunrise combines organic black tea leaf, organic pu’erh tea leaf, organic roasted chicory root, organic cinnamon root, and a host of other organic ingredients. With its robust flavor, Adobe Sunrise is an excellent coffee alternative to kick start your day.

Keep Fit Blend

A perfect fusion of health and flavor, our Keep Fit yerba mate and green tea blend is designed to keep you energized and fit. This unique blend features organic green tea, organic yerba mate, organic rooibos, organic lemongrass, and organic matcha, accentuated with natural lemon flavoring. Each cup serves as a delicious wellness booster to complement your healthy lifestyle.

Ashwagandha Chai: The Caffeine-Free Alternative

For those seeking to quit caffeine entirely, Ashwagandha Chai could be your go-to. This blend is crafted from organic rhodiola root, organic ashwagandha root, organic roasted dandelion root, organic cinnamon, and more, creating a soothing, delectable chai without the caffeine kick.

A Week-Long Coffee Reduction Plan

As you make the switch from coffee to tea, it's essential to create a transition plan that gradually reduces your coffee intake, thereby minimizing potential withdrawal symptoms. Here's a simple 7-day plan to help you transition smoothly:

Day 1 & 2: Begin by gradually reducing your coffee intake. If you usually have three cups of coffee a day, cut down to two. Replace the third cup with black tea, which has a robust flavor and the highest caffeine content among teas but still less than coffee.

Day 3 & 4: Now, bring your coffee consumption down to one cup a day, preferably taken in the morning. For your second cup, continue with black tea. For the third, try introducing green tea. Green tea has less caffeine than black tea and also offers numerous health benefits.

Day 5: Time to cut down coffee completely in the afternoon. Your morning cup remains. For your second drink of the day, switch between black and green tea based on your preference. For the third cup, consider oolong tea which falls between black and green tea in terms of oxidation and caffeine content.

Day 6: Now it's time to replace your morning coffee with a strong black tea. This will give you the needed caffeine boost to start your day, but still has less caffeine than coffee. For your second and third drinks, you can choose between green, black, or oolong tea.

Day 7: Congratulations on making it to Day 7! Now, let's further diversify your tea consumption. Start your day with black tea, have green or oolong for your second drink, and consider introducing a herbal tea for your third drink. Herbal teas like chamomile or peppermint are caffeine-free and can be a great way to wind down your day.

Remember, this plan serves as a guideline and it's perfectly okay to adjust based on your personal comfort and how your body reacts. It might take a little longer for some, and that's okay. The goal is to make a sustainable change.

Turning Over a New Leaf: A Guide to Quitting Coffee and A Week-Long Coffee Reduction Plan (6)

Adopting Healthier Habits

Maintaining a Balanced Diet

While replacing coffee with tea is a healthy choice, it's equally important to consider the rest of your diet. Regularly consuming a balanced diet full of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats can contribute to your overall health and help regulate your energy levels. Limiting processed foods and sugar can also help reduce energy spikes and crashes. Incorporating teas with diverse flavors into your daily diet can help keep it interesting and enjoyable.

Staying Active

Physical activity is another crucial factor in maintaining energy levels and overall health. Regular exercise, whether it's walking, cycling, weightlifting, or practicing yoga, can help reduce stress, improve sleep, and boost your mood. It can also help manage your energy levels throughout the day. Consider integrating an enjoyable form of exercise into your daily routine, and you might just find yourself reaching for a rejuvenating cup of tea instead of coffee post-workout.

Falling Asleep, Deep Breathing, and Mindfulness

Getting a good night's sleep, practicing deep breathing, and incorporating mindfulness in your daily routine can aid in easing caffeine withdrawal symptoms and promote overall well-being.

Sleep: Regularly getting a full night's sleep can manage energy levels and stress, further easing your transition away from coffee. Sleep deprivation can exacerbate caffeine withdrawal symptoms, such as fatigue and irritability. Thus, ensure to prioritize quality sleep by following a regular sleep schedule, creating a quiet and comfortable sleep environment, and avoiding screens and stimulating activities close to bedtime.

Deep Breathing: Deep breathing is an effective relaxation technique that helps calm the mind and body. It can be especially beneficial during the initial days of your transition away from coffee, when you may be experiencing heightened anxiety or restlessness. Take a few minutes each day to practice deep, slow breaths, inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth. This practice can help reduce stress and maintain a sense of calm and balance.

Mindfulness & Meditation: Incorporating mindfulness and meditation in your routine can also play a significant role in managing withdrawal symptoms and promoting overall health. Mindfulness involves staying present and focused on the current moment, which can help manage cravings and reduce stress. Meditation, on the other hand, is a practice where an individual uses a technique to focus their mind and achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm state. Starting your day with a short meditation session can help you start your day on a positive note, manage your energy levels, and help you deal with cravings more effectively.

Remember, these practices are not just for the transition period but can be continued as a part of your daily routine for long-term health benefits.


Quitting coffee is not just about eliminating something from your routine; it's an opportunity to embrace healthier alternatives and enhance your overall wellness. This comprehensive journey involves not only the substitution of your caffeinated beverages or energy drinks but also the adoption of holistic practices such as sleep hygiene, deep breathing, mindfulness, and meditation.

At The Tea Spot, we're committed to supporting you throughout this transformative journey. We believe that quitting coffee doesn't mean compromising on flavor, energy, or your cherished morning ritual. With our wide range of delicious and healthful tea alternatives, we're here to ease your transition and elevate your beverage experience.

Through our week-long coffee reduction plan, we aim to guide you step by step, ensuring a smooth and manageable transition away from coffee. Incorporating these changes, along with a balanced diet and regular exercise, can help manage withdrawal symptoms, promote overall well-being, and pave the way towards a healthier lifestyle.

Start your journey today with The Tea Spot, experience the benefits of mindful tea drinking, and embark on a new chapter of health and wellness in your life. Your path to a coffee-free lifestyle is just a brew away. Enjoy the journey, and savor the brew!


Why should I quit drinking coffee?

Quitting coffee can have several benefits. Overconsumption of coffee can increase risks of conditions like osteoporosis, GERD, and certain heart conditions. Coffee's high caffeine content can also exacerbate anxiety symptoms and potentially contribute to insomnia. Switching to tea, which typically contains less caffeine, can help alleviate these issues.

How can I deal with caffeine withdrawal symptoms when quitting coffee? T

o manage caffeine withdrawal symptoms like headaches, fatigue, and irritability, consider reducing your caffeine intake gradually. Start by replacing one of your daily cups of coffee with a tea blend. Over time, continue to replace additional cups of coffee until your body adjusts to a lower level of caffeine.

Why is tea a better choice over coffee?

Tea typically has a lower caffeine content than coffee, helping to moderate your caffeine intake. It also contains L-theanine, an amino acid that promotes relaxation and works with caffeine to improve brain function and mood. Moreover, tea offers a multitude of health benefits including aiding digestion, improving heart health, and contributing to hydration and mental wellness.

What is the role of caffeine in coffee and tea?

Caffeine is a natural stimulant found in coffee beans and tea leaves that helps maintain energy levels. While coffee gives a quick energy jolt followed by a potential crash, tea provides a gradual, sustained energy release due to the presence of L-theanine, which slows the absorption of caffeine in the body.

What health benefits can I expect when switching from coffee to tea?

When you switch from coffee to tea, you can enjoy a range of health benefits. Tea is rich in antioxidants, aids digestion, supports heart health, contributes to hydration, promotes mental wellness, aids in weight management, and even boosts dental health.

How do I establish a tea ritual?

Start by selecting your preferred equipment, then choose a variety of teas to suit your mood or the time of day. Enjoy the process of preparing and brewing your tea, taking time to savor each sip. Even the act of cleaning up can be a satisfying part of your tea ritual.

Can you recommend any tea blends to replace coffee?

At The Tea Spot, we offer a variety of tea blends that can serve as fantastic coffee alternatives. These include the robust Bolder Breakfast blend, energizing Morning Mojo, indulgent Japanese Ceremonial Grade A Matcha, hearty Adobe Sunrise, and for those looking to quit caffeine entirely, the caffeine-free Ashwagandha Chai.

Can quitting coffee help improve my sleep quality?

Yes, quitting coffee can improve your sleep quality. Caffeine in coffee can interfere with your ability to fall asleep and alter the natural phases of sleep. Switching to a lower-caffeine beverage like tea, particularly in the afternoon or evening, can help alleviate these disruptions and improve your sleep.

How does tea help in weight management?

Certain types of tea, such as green tea, can aid in weight management by increasing fat burning and boosting the metabolic rate. This can support your weight loss efforts or help in maintaining a healthy weight.

What other healthy habits should I adopt when quitting coffee?

Getting a good night's sleep and practicing deep breathing can aid in easing caffeine withdrawal symptoms and promoting overall well-being. These habits can help manage your energy levels and stress, making your transition away from coffee easier.

How long does coffee withdrawal last?

Caffeine withdrawal symptoms can begin within 12 to 24 hours after your last cup of coffee and can peak around 1 to 2 days. The length of withdrawal varies from person to person but typically lasts between 2 to 9 days.

What happens to your body when you stop drinking coffee?

When you stop drinking coffee, your body starts to adjust to the lack of caffeine. Common withdrawal symptoms include headaches, fatigue, low energy, irritability, anxiousness, and poor concentration. However, once these symptoms pass, you may notice improved sleep, fewer mood swings, lower blood pressure, and a reduced risk of certain health conditions like osteoporosis and GERD.

How do I completely quit caffeine?

Quitting caffeine abruptly can lead to withdrawal symptoms. Instead, consider tapering off caffeine gradually to minimize these symptoms. You can start by replacing one of your daily cups of coffee with a lower caffeine alternative like tea. Then, over time, replace additional cups of coffee until you've completely switched to a lower or zero-caffeine alternative.

What is the 1-week coffee rule?

The 1-week coffee rule refers to a recommended approach to cutting out coffee, where you gradually reduce your coffee intake over a week. This can be done bysubstituting part of your coffee with a lower-caffeine beverage, and then gradually increasing the proportion of the lower-caffeine beverage and decreasing the coffee over the course of a week. This method aims to minimize withdrawal symptoms in breaking yourself from a caffeine habit.

What can I replace caffeine with?

There are several alternatives tocoffee that can help boost your energy. Teas, like black or green, have lower levels of caffeine and also contain L-theanine, an amino acid that has a calming effect and promotes alertness. Other caffeine substitutes can include caffeine-free herbal teas, chicory coffee, or even alternatives like golden milk (turmeric tea) or rooibos tea. Additionally, regular exercise, maintaining a balanced diet, and ensuring you get plenty of sleep can also help boost your energy naturally.

Turning Over a New Leaf: A Guide to Quitting Coffee and A Week-Long Coffee Reduction Plan (2024)


What is the 1 week rule for coffee? ›

One way is to take a week off from coffee every month. That's what Ashley Richmond, the founder of Momentum Habits, does. She recommends taking the first week of the month off so it's easy to remember. If that sounds too harsh, try the slower approach.

What happens if you quit coffee for a week? ›

If caffeine is a big part of your daily diet, taking it away can have a host of unpleasant effects in the short term. These include headache, tiredness, sleepiness, down moods, trouble concentrating, and crankiness. You'll start to feel symptoms a day or two after you stop. They can last anywhere from 2 to 9 days.

What happens to your body when you stop drinking coffee for a month? ›

When you stop consuming coffee for a month, your body may go through a period of adjustment due to the absence of caffeine, said Dr Sanjay Kumar, MD Medicine, Cygnus Laxmi Hospital. “Initially, you might experience withdrawal symptoms such as headaches, fatigue, irritability, and difficulty concentrating.

What happens to your skin when you stop drinking coffee? ›

Coffee contains compounds that can contribute to the breakdown of collagen, which is important for skin elasticity. Quitting coffee might help preserve collagen and contribute to a more youthful appearance.

What is the 15 15 15 coffee rule? ›

There is something called the 15/15/15/15 rule of thumb. Non-roasted beans will stale in 15 months. Roasted beans will stale in 15 days. Ground coffee stales in 15 minutes.

What is the 10 second rule for coffee? ›

However, while some myths come and go, one that's stuck is the concept of the ten-second espresso. Essentially, this school of thought maintains that a shot of espresso should be consumed – or mixed with milk or other ingredients like milk – within ten seconds of brewing. If not, it spoils.

What happens to your stomach when you stop drinking coffee? ›

Caffeine has a positive impact on energy levels and mood. You may feel grumpy if you cut back or even delay your first cup of the day. Nausea. Some people experience an upset stomach when they reduce their caffeine consumption.

How long does it take to detox from coffee? ›

The duration of caffeine withdrawal symptoms vary from person to person, but caffeine withdrawal usually lasts at least 2 to 9 days . Someone who abruptly stops caffeine intake after regular use will usually feel withdrawal effects between 12 and 24 hours after stopping.

Is quitting coffee worth it? ›

You Could Feel More Relaxed. Nixing caffeine means no more morning or late-night jitters, and that could be good for your stress levels. All that irritability and restlessness you may experience during the workday could dissipate or lessen simply by cutting out coffee or soda.

Is life better without caffeine? ›

Drinking less coffee or even eliminating caffeine entirely can help reduce anxiety, improve sleep quality, and reduce headaches, among several other benefits. Don't panic. We're not going to say you need to quit caffeine. If you don't even dare say the word decaf, you aren't alone.

What can I drink instead of coffee? ›

7 Coffee Alternatives for a Healthy Energy Boost
  • And an overdose of caffeine can definitely create several unpleasant effects on the body and mind. Among the most common? ...
  • #1 Black tea. ...
  • #2 Green tea. ...
  • #3 Matcha. ...
  • #4 Yerba maté ...
  • #5 Guarana. ...
  • #6 Mushroom Coffee. ...
  • #7 Hot Water With Lemon.
Apr 30, 2024

How much coffee is OK in a week? ›

For healthy adults, the FDA has cited 400 milligrams a day—that's about four or five cups of coffee—as an amount not generally associated with dangerous, negative effects. However, there is wide variation in both how sensitive people are to the effects of caffeine and how fast they metabolize it (break it down).

What is the 4 6 rule in coffee? ›

I would like to show you the best brew cup by using the 4-6 method. The 4-6 method begins by dividing the total water into 40% and 60%. You pour the first 40% in two pours, and then decide how many pours you want to make for the last 60%. The first 2 pours decide the balance of the acidity and sweetness.

How long do you have to drink coffee to experience withdrawal? ›

Typically, the onset of symptoms starts 12 to 24 hours after caffeine cessation, peaks at 20–51 hours, and may last up to two to nine days.

What is the golden rule of coffee? ›

Coffee-to-Water Ratio

A general guideline is called the "Golden Ratio" - one to two tablespoons of ground coffee for every six ounces of water.

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Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.