Which structure descends deep into the renal medulla only in juxtamedullary nephrons? a. loop of Henle b. collecting duct c. Bowman's capsule d. proximal convoluted tubule e. glomerulus | Homework.Study.com (2024)


Human Anatomy and Physiology Urinary system


Which structure descends deep into the renal medulla only in juxtamedullary nephrons?

a. loop of Henle

b. collecting duct

c. Bowman's capsule

d. proximal convoluted tubule

e. glomerulus


The structures present in the kidney responsible for removing waste and toxic materials along with excess water from the blood are known as nephrons. The structure is connected to a collecting duct that receives the resultant urine and transports it outside the kidney into the bladder.

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The correct option is a. loop of Henle

The juxtamedullary nephrons are the nephron that contains their loop of Henle deep into the medullary region...

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Which structure descends deep into the renal medulla only in juxtamedullary nephrons? a. loop of Henle b. collecting duct c. Bowman's capsule d. proximal convoluted tubule e. glomerulus | Homework.Study.com (1)

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Urinary System | Anatomy, Organs & Diagram


Chapter 18/ Lesson 1


Explore the structure of the urinary system, learn which organs are part of it, and discover how these organs perform a vital function in the human body.

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  • The functional unit of the kidney is called \rule{2cm}{0.4pt}. a) the renal hilus b) the renal corpuscle c) the nephron d) Bowman's capsule
  • Reabsorption of water at the proximal tubule _______. (a) is dependent on sodium being pumped out of the proximal tubule cell on the apical surface (b) is directly dependent on the active transport of water (c) is directly dependent on the secretion of Na
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  • What specific epithelial tissue type is found in kidney tubules?
  • Arrange the following structures into an accurate sequence through which urine passes. 1. urethra 2. urinary bladder 3. kidney 4. ureter a) 4, 3, 2, 1 b) 3, 4, 2, 1 c) 1, 2, 3, 4 d) 4, 2, 1, 3 e) 3, 1, 2, 4
  • Where are most nephrons located? a. Pyramids b. Medulla c. Calyces d. Pelvis e. Cortex
  • Identify the kidney component in the key that matches the description. Key: a. glomerular capsule b. proximal convoluted tubule c. nephron loop d. distal convoluted tubule Microvilli reabsorb molecules, such as glucose, here.
  • Which of the following structures is NOT a part of the muscle fiber? A. transverse tubule B. motor endplate C. sarcolemma D. synaptic knob E. sarcoplasmic reticulum
  • The proximal convoluted tubule is primarily located in the: a. cortex b. medulla
  • Which of the following statements is true about tubular fluid that has just reached the distal convoluted tubule (DCT)? a) It has a relatively low osmolarity because it has just left the loop of Henle, where ions were reabsorbed, but water was not. b) It
  • What occurs in the descending limb of the loop of Henle? a. Filtration b. Water reabsorption c. Secretion of sodium ions d. Secretion of potassium ions
  • Identify the kidney component in the key that matches the description. Uric acid is eliminated by secretion here. a. glomerular capsule b. proximal convoluted tubule c. nephron loop d. distal convoluted tubule
  • Which component of the urinary system is a funnel-shaped cavity, formed by the union of calices, ending in the ureter? Where is the prostatic sinus, in relation to the prostate?
  • The job of the kidney is to filter blood. Once the filtrate is in the tubules of nephrons, what happens next? A) Depending on need, amino acids are reabsorbed back into the body. B) Depending on need, sodium is reabsorbed back into the body. C) Dependi
  • Which of the following statements about the ureters is NOT correct? A) transport urine from the kidney to the urinary bladder. B) are located in the peritoneal cavity between 2 serous membranes like the kidneys. C) are lined with a mucous membrane, have a
  • What do afferent and efferent arterioles, glomerulus, and Bowman's capsule make?
  • What is included in the excretory system of insects? a) Flame cells b) Kidneys c) Malpighian tubules d) Nephridia e) Nephrons
  • True or False. If false, correct it to make the statement true. The renal tubule consists of the proximal tubule, nephron loop, distal tubule and collecting system.
  • What is the outer region of the kidney called that contains renal corpuscles?
  • Which of the following structures does not contain CSF? A. Dural sinus B. Lateral ventricle C. Central canal D. Subarachnoid space
  • Stratified cuboidal epithelia would be found _____. A. lining the urinary bladder B. lining the ducts that drain sweat glands C. lining kidney tubules D. lining the stomach E. at the surface of the skin
  • Most of the reabsorbed compounds from the filtrate end up in the: a) peritubular capillary b) urine c) nephron loop d) DCT
  • What is the liquid that collects in the cavity of the glomerular (Bowman) capsule? a) Concentrated urine b) Blood plasma minus proteins c) Old bile ready for excretion d) Glycogen and water e) Albumin

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Which structure descends deep into the renal medulla only in juxtamedullary nephrons? a. loop of Henle b. collecting duct c. Bowman's capsule d. proximal convoluted tubule e. glomerulus | Homework.Study.com (2024)
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