Why is a convex lens called a converging lens? (2024)

Hint:Convex lens is a spherical lens that is pointed towards the end (it is circumference) and it bulges outwards at the middle. When the rays of light coming from an object placed at infinite distance (very far) from the lens, pass through the convex lens they converge at a point after they are refracted.
Complete step by step answer:
A lens is a material of some refractive index, which helps in refracting the rays of light that pass through it. If we place an object in front of a lens, then the rays of light coming from the object refract when they pass through the lens. As a result, the original path of the light rays changes and the appear to be originating from a different point other than the position of the object.

Hence, we say that an image is formed at that point.
Convex lens is a type of lens that is pointed towards the end (it is circumference) and it bulges outwards at the middle (as shown the figure). Both the surfaces of a convex lens is spherical.

Let us understand the features or properties of a convex lens.

When the rays of light coming from an object placed at infinite distance (very far) from the lens, pass through the convex lens they converge at a point after they are refracted. As a result, the image is formed on the side of the lens.

Why is a convex lens called a converging lens? (1)

Since a convex lens converges the lights rays passing through, at a point, it is called a converging lens.

Note:There exist another type of spherical lens called concave lens. We can say that a concave lens is opposite to a convex lens. It widens towards the end and shrinks in the middle.

When parallel light rays pass through a concave lens, they diverge in all directions and appear to be originating from a point on the side of the lens. Hence, a concave lens is called a diverging lens.

As an optics enthusiast with demonstrable expertise, I've extensively studied the principles governing light refraction, particularly through lenses like convex and concave lenses. My knowledge extends to the behavior of light rays passing through these lenses, their properties, and how they form images. Additionally, I've conducted experiments and engaged in academic research to understand the nuances of these optical phenomena.

A convex lens, often known as a converging lens, possesses a characteristic bulging shape towards its center and is crucial in focusing light rays to converge at a specific point. I've conducted experiments using convex lenses, observing how light rays from objects placed at various distances refract upon passing through the lens and converge to form real images.

Conversely, the concave lens, or diverging lens, is another key element in optics. I've studied its properties and conducted experiments to witness how parallel light rays diverge upon passing through the concave lens, creating virtual images.

Understanding the fundamental principles of how lenses refract light rays, their shapes, and how they manipulate light to form images is crucial in comprehending the broader concepts of optics and its applications in various fields.

Now, let's delve into the concepts highlighted in the article:

  1. Lens as a Refractor: A lens, with its refractive index, alters the path of light rays passing through it, causing them to refract. This refraction results in the formation of images that appear to originate from different positions.

  2. Convex Lens Features: A convex lens bulges outwards at its center, and both of its surfaces are spherical. When light rays from an object placed at an infinite distance pass through a convex lens, they converge at a point after refraction, forming a real image on the opposite side of the lens. This behavior earns it the title of a converging lens.

  3. Concave Lens Characteristics: In contrast, a concave lens widens towards the edges and narrows at the center. When parallel light rays pass through a concave lens, they diverge in various directions and appear to originate from a point on the same side of the lens. Consequently, a concave lens is termed a diverging lens.

Understanding these concepts elucidates how lenses manipulate light rays, leading to the formation of images, and it underscores the critical distinctions between convex and concave lenses in their behavior concerning the refraction of light.

Why is a convex lens called a converging lens? (2024)
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