Number of valence electrons in iodine? (2024)

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What is the number of valence electrons of iodine?

An iodine atom has seven valence electrons.

(Video) How to Find the Valence Electrons for Iodine (I)
(Wayne Breslyn)
How does iodine have 7 valence electrons?

Valence Electrons are the electrons located on the highest energy level of the atom. In the case of Iodine, the highest energy level is n=5. So, after adding the electrons present in subshell 5s,5p total number of valence electrons come out to be seven.

(Video) How many valence electrons does iodine, chlorine and bromine have?
Can iodine have 14 valence electrons?

Iodine is in group 7 of the periodic table. That means it has 7 valence electrons, so we have 7. But we have two Iodine atoms, so we need to multiply that by two, giving us a total of 14 valence electrons.

(Video) Valence Electrons and the Periodic Table
(The Organic Chemistry Tutor)
Can iodine have 12 valence electrons?

Iodine is below Period Two on the periodic table so it can have an expanded octet (hold more than eight valence electrons). In the Lewis structure for IF5 you'll need to put a total of 12 valence electrons on the Iodine atom in order to draw the Lewis structure.

(Video) A step-by-step description of how to write the electron configuration for Iodine (I).
(Wayne Breslyn)
What is the valence value of iodine?

Therefore, the valence electron in an Iodine atom is 7.

(Video) How to calculate valency?
(Science by Neelam Bajaj)
How do you count valence electrons?

How do you find the valence electrons? For neutral atoms, the number of valence electrons is equal to the atom's main group number. The main group number for an element can be found from its column on the periodic table. For example, carbon is in group 4 and has 4 valence electrons.

(Video) How many valence electrons do chlorine, bromine, and iodine have?
What elements has 7 valence electrons?

The family of elements having seven electrons in the valence shell is halogens, i.e., chlorine, fluorine, bromine, iodine, astatine.

(Video) Valence Electrons and the Periodic Table
(Tyler DeWitt)
What group is 7 valence electrons?

The elements fluorine (F), chlorine (Cl), bromine (Br), iodine (I), and astatine (At) are halogens. Halogens are highly reactive nonmetallic elements in group 17 of the periodic table. They have seven valence electrons, so they are very “eager” to gain one electron to have a full outer energy level.

(Video) How many valence electrons do chlorine, bromine, and iodine have?
Can iodine hold 10 valence electrons?

But the central Iodine, it has 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 valence electrons. That's OK because Iodine is in period 5 of the periodic table. It can hold more than eight valence electrons. If you check the formal charges, you'll see that the Iodine has a negative one formal charge.

(Video) How many valence electrons do chlorine, bromine, and iodine have?
Why can iodine hold more than 8 valence electrons?

Re: Having more than 8 valence electrons

Some molecules can accommodate more than 8 valence electrons because they have expanded valence shells. These molecules are from periods 3 or higher because starting from n=3, atoms have d-orbitals that can accommodate for more that 9 valence electrons.

(Video) Atomic Structure and Electron Configurations 55: Details of Iodine
(The Crazy Hat Chemist)

What is the octet rule for iodine?

The Iodine atom has 7 valence electrons present in the outer shell. In order to achieve the octet of valence electrons (8 valence electrons), it needs to accept or gain an extra electron.

(Video) What is the number of valence electrons in iodine monochloride ? | 12 | THE P-BLOCK ELEMENTS | ...
What is the valence number for Group 14?

Group 14 has 4 valence electrons.

Number of valence electrons in iodine? (2024)
Why can iodine exceed the octet rule?

I does not follow the octet rule. It will hold more than 8 electrons. Iodine having valence electrons in the 4th energy level, will also have access to the 4d sublevel, thus allowing for more than 8 electrons.

What elements has 11 valence electrons?

Sodium has 11 electrons. Its electron configuration is 1s2, 2s2, 2p6, 3s1. The outermost or the valence electron is located on the s subshell of the 3rd energy level.

Why does iodine break the octet rule?

Thus, the total number of valence electrons of iodine during bond formation is 10 electrons which violates the octet rule as it states that any elements must have 8 electrons in the last shell during bond formation.

How many electrons does iodine need?

Number of Electrons53
Melting Point113.5° C
Boiling Point184.0° C
Density4.93 grams per cubic centimeter
9 more rows

How many valence electrons does an iodine atom have quizlet?

Iodine (I) has 7 valence electrons.

How many are the valence?

This tendency is called the 18-electron rule, because each bonded atom has 18 valence electrons including shared electrons.

What is the 2 8 8 18 rule in chemistry?

Each shell can contain only a fixed number of electrons: the first shell can hold up to two electrons, the second shell can hold up to eight (2 + 6) electrons, the third shell can hold up to 18 (2 + 6 + 10) and so on.

How can you tell how many valence electrons an element has quizlet?

Find the number of electrons in the outermost shell. These are the valence electrons.

What elements has 8 valence electrons?

Any element in group 18 has eight valence electrons (except for helium, which has a total of just two electrons). Examples include neon (Ne), argon (Ar), and krypton (Kr).

Are there always 8 valence electrons?

Atoms are unstable unless they have 8 valence electrons. Thus, only the noble gasses are “born” to be stable. All other atoms must gain, lose, or share electrons to be more like a noble gas. Stable atoms tend to have 8 valence electrons, like the noble gasses.

Which group has 8 valence electrons?

The Group 8A elements have a full octet of eight valence electrons in their highest-energy orbitals (ns2np6), so these elements have very little tendency to gain or lose electrons to form ions, or share electrons with other elements in covalent bonds.

What element has 6 valence electrons?

For example, oxygen has six valence electrons, two in the 2s subshell and four in the 2p subshell.

What element has 5 valence electrons?

Elements having 5 valence electrons are placed in Group 15. The elements of group 15 are nitrogen, phosphorus, arsenic and antimony.

What element has 4 valence electrons?

Group 14 elements have four valence electrons and they include Carbon (C), Silicon (Si), Germanium (Ge), Tin (Sn), Lead (Pb), and Flerovium (Fl) .

How do you calculate octet rule?

Connect each atom to the central atom with a single bond (one electron pair). Subtract the number of bonding electrons from the total. Distribute the remaining electrons as lone pairs on the terminal atoms (except hydrogen), completing an octet around each atom. Place all remaining electrons on the central atom.

What elements can have 10 valence electrons?

After excitation we can see that there are now 4 unpaired electrons which means sulfur can now form 4 covalent bonds plus 1 lone pair which will give a total of 10 electrons in its valence shell.

How many more electrons does iodine need to satisfy the octet rule?

It has seven valence electrons in order to form a covalin bond two or in order to obey the octet rule, iodine needs to form just one Covalin bond because it only needs one more electron.

Why can the octet rule only hold 8 electrons?

The "octet rule" says that in many compounds the most stable (correct) electron configuration is when there are 8 electrons (four filled orbitals). This is a consequence of the fact that many compounds involve the s and p block electrons, which contribute 4 orbitals and can thus contain 8 electrons.

How can an element have more than 8 valence electrons?

An atom like phosphorus or sulfur which has more than an octet is said to have expanded its valence shell. This can only occur when the valence shell has enough orbitals to accommodate the extra electrons. For example, in the case of phosphorus, the valence shell has a principal quantum number n = 3.

What can hold more than 8 electrons?

We know that sulfur can accommodate more than eight electrons by using its empty valence d orbitals, just as in SF6.

How many electrons are needed in the octet rule?

The octet rule refers to the tendency of atoms to prefer to have eight electrons in the valence shell. When atoms have fewer than eight electrons, they tend to react and form more stable compounds.

Does iodine have 7 electrons in its outer shell?

The Group 7 elements – fluorine (F), chlorine (Cl), bromine (Br), iodine (I) and astatine (At) – have seven electrons in the outer shell.

How many electrons does iodine need to gain or lose?

An iodine atom is expected to gain an electron when forming an ion due to its relatively high electron affinity. It needs only one more valence electron to have an electron configuration analogous to that of a noble gas, making it more stable. When it accepts an electron, it will become the iodide ion (I− ).

What element has 14 valence electrons?

So, the period number of this element is 4. Therefore, the element is a p-block element. And the element corresponding to the 4th period and 14th group of the periodic table is silicon.

What group is 4 valence electrons?

Group 14

How many valence electrons does group 13 and group 14 have?

Group 13 elements have 3 valence electrons. Group 14 elements have 4, and so on.

How do you know if an octet is complete?

The octet rule states that each atom should have 8 valence electrons to be satisfied.
  1. First, determine the number of electrons from lone pairs and bonds to the atom. ...
  2. Second, confirm that the added up number of valence electrons is 8, or 2 for hydrogen.

What element can exceed the octet rule?

What elements can be an exception to the octet rule? There aren't enough electrons in hydrogen, beryllium, or boron to make an octet. There is only one valence electron in hydrogen, and there is only one site for it to make a connection with another atom.

What has 22 valence electrons?

ZNameValence electrons
45 more rows

Can you have 9 valence electrons?

An element never has more than eight valence electrons, so there can't be more than eight dots per atom. Q: Carbon (C) has four valence electrons.

How do you find the valence of an element?

Use the group numbers to determine the number of valence electrons. The Group number of a non-transition metal can be used to find the number of valence electrons in an atom of that element. The ones place of the group number is the number of valence electrons in an atom of these elements.

How does the octet rule fail?

The Octet Rule is violated in these three scenarios: When there are an odd number of valence electrons. When there are too few valence electrons. When there are too many valence electrons.

Can iodine lose electrons?

Iodine is the least reactive of the halogens as well as the most electropositive, meaning it tends to lose electrons and form positive ions during chemical reactions.

What is an incomplete octet example?

When this occurs, the atom of the element within the molecule is said to contain an incomplete octet. The common examples of such elements are hydrogen (stable with only 2 valence electrons), beryllium (stable with only 4 valence electrons) and boron and aluminum (stable with only 6 valence electrons).

How many valence electrons does iodine 131 have?

Iodine has seven valence electrons.

Why is Valency of iodine 1?

Therefore, the iodine atom needs one electron to complete its octet and to reach its nearest noble gas configuration. That means it has a tendency to accept an electron i.e., it will acquire a negative charge by accepting an electron. Hence, we can conclude that the valency of iodine is −1.

Is it 0 or 8 valence electrons?

Referring to the octet rule, atoms attempt to get a noble gas electron configuration, which is eight valence electrons. Sodium has one valence electron, so giving it up would result in the same electron configuration as neon. Chlorine has seven valence electrons, so if it takes one it will have eight (an octet).

Why does iodine have 54 electrons?

Because the sum of the numbers of protons and neutrons equals the mass number, 127, the number of neutrons is 74 (127 − 53 = 74). Since the iodine is added as a 1− anion, the number of electrons is 54 [53 – (1–) = 54].

How many electrons does iodine I need to have an octet?

The atomic number of iodine is 53. The configuration of iodine is 2, 8, 18, 18, 7. It has one electron less to complete the octet. Hence, the charge on iodine ion is -1.

Why is the electron configuration of iodine 2 8 18 18 7?

Answer and Explanation: This is due to aufbau principle. Filling of electrons in sub shells occurs according to their energy levels .

What has a valency of 1?

Elements with a valency of 1 can either be metals with 1 valence electron (Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs) or nonmetals with 7 valence electrons (F, Cl, Br, I).

What is the meaning of 1 valency?

It is hard to lose 7 electrons and so it completes its octet by gaining 1 electron. Since it gains 1 electron, its valency is 1. In the periodic table, the elements in the same group have the same valency.

What is the 2 8 8 rule in chemistry?

We should start with the atoms that have atomic numbers between 1 and 18. There is a 2-8-8 rule for these elements. The first shell is filled with 2 electrons, the second is filled with 8 electrons, and the third is filled with 8. You can see that sodium (Na) and magnesium (Mg) have a couple of extra electrons.

How does iodine break the octet rule?

Iodine has 12 electrons around it, exceeding the common octet of electrons.

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Author: Kerri Lueilwitz

Last Updated: 15/03/2024

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