What is a synonym for least productive? (2024)

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What is a synonym for least productive?

deficient. faulty. incompetent. incomplete. lacking.

(Video) Is Productivity a Synonym for Production?
(Business Factz)
What is another word for less productive?

synonyms for unproductive

On this page you'll find 62 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to unproductive, such as: fruitless, futile, ineffective, infertile, pointless, and unprofitable.

(Video) Time Management For Entrepreneurs Video Upgrade | Productivity synonyms | M Owais official
(M Owais Official)
What is a synonym for least proficient?

antonyms for proficient
  • inefficient.
  • inept.
  • inexperienced.
  • unable.
  • unskilled.
  • unskillful.
  • untalented.
  • clumsy.

(Video) ACCM vs Saymyname - Dawn of Ages: Exhibition Tournament on 'Return of Rome'
(Elite Gaming Channel)
What is the word for being busy but not productive?

@susie_dent. Word of the day is 'spuddle' (17th century): to work ineffectively; to be extremely busy whilst achieving absolutely nothing.

(Video) High School Musical 4 - SNL
(Saturday Night Live)
What is a synonym for highly inefficient?

disorganized, faulty, feeble, incompetent, ineffective, ineffectual, inept, sloppy, weak, careless, extravagant, half-baked, improvident, incapable, inefficacious, inexpert, prodigal, slack, slipshod, slovenly.

(Video) California Hair Stylist Sets Client's Hair on Fire to Get Rid of Split Ends
(Inside Edition)
How do you describe low productivity?

Low productivity indicates that resources are not utilizing their skills and competencies to their maximum potential which increases company's resourcing costs. This can be due to two reasons- one, because managers allocate low-priority or mundane admin tasks to highly-skilled workforce.

(Video) Getting stuck in the negatives (and how to get unstuck) | Alison Ledgerwood | TEDxUCDavis
(TEDx Talks)
What does very low productivity mean?

Low productivity means that companies are struggling to produce more with the same resources.

(Video) STOICISM | How Marcus Aurelius Keeps Calm
What is a synonym for less competent?

amateurish, helpless, inadequate, incapable, ineffectual, inefficient, inept, inexperienced, unqualified, unskilled, useless, amateur, raw, awkward, bungling, bush-league, clumsy, disqualified, floundering, ineligible.

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What is a synonym for weak skills?

incompetence. noun. lack of skill or ability to do something correctly or well.

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What is a synonym for lacking skill?

synonyms for unskillful

On this page you'll find 30 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to unskillful, such as: amateurish, awkward, clumsy, gauche, inapt, and inept.

(Video) Thunderstorm with Heavy rain sounds for Sleep, Study and Relaxation - The Hideout Ambience | 3 Hours
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What is the opposite of being productive?

Antonyms: unproductive. not producing or capable of producing. uncreative. not creative. infertile, sterile, unfertile.

(Video) Escape Peppa Pig House Roblox - Daddy Pig is Evil??!!
(Cherry Pop Productions)
What is a synonym for unproductive success?

bootless, fruitless, futile, sleeveless, vain. unproductive of success. dry. unproductive especially of the expected results.

What is a synonym for least productive? (2024)
What is a word for not hard working?

The words indolent and slothful are common synonyms of lazy. While all three words mean "not easily aroused to activity," lazy suggests a disinclination to work or to take trouble.

What is a synonym for poorly managed?

On this page you'll find 38 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to mismanage, such as: botch, mishandle, blunder, confound, fail, and fumble.

What is the opposite of high efficiency?

inefficient Add to list Share.

What has the lowest productivity?

Some of the least productive ecosystems are: POLAR REGIONS: Polar regions and deserts are the least productive because both types of ecosystems experience little photosynthesis year-round.

What is lack of efficiency in the workplace?

Perhaps the most widespread of the causes of workplace inefficiency is a lack or poor quality in communication. It will affect people's capacity to quantify how well they are doing, understanding of whether their efforts have any impact, and to act in due time to have any positive impact.

What are the four levels of productivity?

The Four Pillars of Productivity: Why Are They Necessary?
  • Time Management. One of the most important aspects of productivity is time management. ...
  • Energy Management. In order to be productive, you need to have energy. ...
  • Concentration Management. ...
  • Knowledge Management.
Aug 10, 2022

What is lost productivity?

The human capital approach measures lost productivity as the amount of time by which working life is reduced due to illness. This work time lost is then valued at the market wage; which economists assume, in a competitive market, reflects the value of that work to society.

What are the levels of productivity?

The four key types of productivity measures are capital productivity, material productivity, labor productivity, and total factor productivity.

How many synonyms for incompetent?

On this page you'll find 89 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to incompetent, such as: amateurish, helpless, inadequate, incapable, ineffectual, and inefficient.

What is the term for lack of strength?

Asthenia: Weakness. Lack of energy and strength. Loss of strength.

What is one word for becoming weaker in strength?

Some common synonyms of weaken are cripple, debilitate, disable, enfeeble, sap, and undermine. While all these words mean "to lose or cause to lose strength or vigor," weaken may imply loss of physical strength, health, soundness, or stability or of quality, intensity, or effective power.

What word means someone who lacks professional skill?

lacking professional skill or expertise. “an unskilled painting” synonyms: amateur, amateurish, inexpert unprofessional.

What is the word for working but getting nothing done?

boondoggle. / (ˈbuːnˌdɒɡəl) informal, mainly US and Canadian / verb. (intr) to do futile and unnecessary work. noun.

What is productive and unproductive behavior?

You can define and measure productive behaviors through performance metrics, such as quality of work, output, and other performance or work standards. The behaviors that increase the performance measures are productive, while behaviors that decrease the measures are counterproductive.

Why do I not like being productive?

We often hate productivity because we're focused on pain from trying to be being productive, rather than the reward it will bring. Motivate yourself to become more productive by visualizing success. What will you get when you accomplish the task?

What is the opposite of not being productive?

The opposite of productive is not lazy. The opposite of productive is rest.

What is a synonym for lazy effort?

On this page you'll find 57 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to laziness, such as: apathy, inertia, lethargy, negligence, sloth, and weariness.

What is a synonym for lack of motivation to work?

synonyms for un-motivated

apathetic. dallying. directionless. good-for-nothing.

What is the synonym of slow working?

synonyms for slow-paced

apathetic. crawling. creeping. dawdling. delaying.

What is the opposite of very hard working?

“They may see themselves as stupid or lazy, rather than as capable in some areas and struggling in others.”
What is the opposite of hardworking?
31 more rows

What does hardly working mean?

Hardly Working indicates that the person is doing almost nothing! “Hardly” is used as adverb to mean almost not at all. comments.

How do you describe bad performance?

Increase in number of errors, lacks attention to detail, inconsistency in quality, not thorough, work often incomplete, diminished standards of work produced, does not follow procedures.

What is another word for poor work performance?

“The sales manager must try to uncover the reason for this poor performance.”
What is another word for poor performance?
underperformancesubstandard performance
disappointing performancemediocre performance
bad performanceunsatisfactory performance
unacceptable performancedire performance
subpar performance

How do you say the performance is poor?

11 Tips for Talking About Poor Performance
  1. Don't Delay. Understandably, many of us defer uncomfortable confrontations. ...
  2. Avoid Chitchat. ...
  3. Document in Writing. ...
  4. Provide Examples. ...
  5. Avoid Focusing on Intent. ...
  6. Stay Away from 'Why? ...
  7. Make No Excuses. ...
  8. Watch for Code Words.
Apr 1, 2016

What is the opposite of efficiently?

Opposite of to do something without difficulty. laboriously. complicatedly. arduously. strenuously.

What can efficiency not be greater than?

It is not possible to have an efficiency of greater than 1 or an efficiency percentage greater than 100%. This would mean that more energy is being transferred than is being supplied, which would mean that energy is being created. This would break the law of conservation of energy.

What are 3 synonyms for efficiency?

synonyms for efficiency
  • ability.
  • adaptability.
  • capability.
  • competence.
  • energy.
  • expertise.
  • performance.
  • productivity.

What is a word for lack of motivation at work?

Avolition is a total lack of motivation that makes it hard to get anything done. You can't start or finish even simple, everyday tasks.

What is the opposite of increase in productivity?

The opposite of productive is rest.

What makes us less productive?

For some people, productivity stalls because of a lack of direction. A person may know what their end goal is but they have no idea how to get there. This often happens when you think a task is difficult or when you've never done it before. It can also happen when you're overwhelmed with a lot of other activities.

What is unproductive effort?

Something that is unproductive does not produce any good results. They are well aware that much of their time and effort is unproductive.

How do you describe an unproductive employee?

Like complaining, making excuses is just another way that unproductive employees waste time. When an employee starts making excuses for why a project isn't complete, or if they make excuses for why they are late to work, it's a clear sign that they are a bad candidate for your business.

What's another word for not doing anything at work?

Dereliction is a word for neglecting responsibilities.

What is negative motivation called?

It is called Negative motivation. Google defines Negative motivation as behavior that is motivated by anticipation or fear that an undesirable outcome will result from not performing. Fear is a powerful motivator, especially when that fear relates to your survival or, in the case of employees, their income and growth.

What is a synonym for difficult workload?

1 toilsome, arduous, onerous, burdensome, difficult, hard, tiresome, wearisome, fatiguing.

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Author: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Last Updated: 07/12/2024

Views: 5974

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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

Address: 8381 Boyce Course, Imeldachester, ND 74681

Phone: +3571286597580

Job: Product Banking Analyst

Hobby: Cosplaying, Inline skating, Amateur radio, Baton twirling, Mountaineering, Flying, Archery

Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.