What is the over-the-counter treatment for corneal abrasion? (2024)

What is the over-the-counter treatment for corneal abrasion?

You probably won't need pain relievers for a very small scratch. But if you do, your provider will probably recommend that you take an over-the-counter (OTC) oral nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). In other cases, your provider may prescribe a topical analgesic (pain-relieving eye drops or ointment).

(Video) Scratched Eye!? - What You NEED To Know // Corneal Abrasion (Symptoms, Treatment)
(Dr. EyeGuy)
What is the over the counter treatment for corneal abrasion?

Most corneal abrasions and eye scratches are minor and will heal on their own in a few days, but it's always a good idea to see a doctor for an eye exam. It's important not to use any eye drops without first asking a doctor. There are no over-the-counter eye drops specifically for eye scratches.

(Video) Symptoms and Treatments for Scratched Eye (Corneal Abrasion)
What are the best eye drops for a scratched cornea?

The best eye drops for scratched cornea include water, natural tears, artificial tears, allergy drops, anti-redness drops, contact lens solution, and other recommended rinses from your eye doctor.

(Video) How to Treat Your Corneal Abrasion at Home!
(The Nurse Preceptor)
What is the first line of treatment for a corneal abrasion?

Initiate topical antibiotics (erythromycin). Regarding pain control, small abrasions (less than 4 mm) rarely require analgesia. Mild to moderate pain can typically be controlled with oral nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Ophthalmic topical NSAID solutions provide pain relief.

(Video) Recurrent Corneal Erosion EYE PAIN! - Causes And Treatment Tips!
(Dr. EyeGuy)
What ointment is good for corneal abrasion?


For uncomplicated abrasions, options include erythromycin 0.5% ophthalmic ointment, polymyxin B/trimethoprim (Polytrim) ophthalmic solution, and sulfacetamide 10% ophthalmic ointment or solution (Table 2).

(Video) Corneal Abrasion (Scratched Eye) Symptoms, Causes and Treatment
(Contact Lens King)
What is the best eye ointment for corneal erosion?

For patients with chronic RCES, we recommend the nighttime application of a prophylactic bland ointment, such as Refresh PM or Lacri-Lube, or hypertonic saline, such as Muro 128. For recovering patients whose epithelium is healing, we recommend bland ointment to prevent surface aggravation.

(Video) Eye injuries: Corneal abrasion
Can you buy over the counter antibiotic eye drops?

You cannot obtain antibiotic eye drops over the counter. They require a doctor's prescription. However, you can use some over-the-counter medications to treat symptoms of various eye infections, including chalazion and styes.

(Video) Recurrent Corneal Erosion (RCE) | RCE Causes and Treatment Options
(Ryan Reviews Optometry)
What not to do with a corneal abrasion?

DON'T touch or rub your eye, especially when you wake up. DON'T wear contact lenses until the eye heals and you have finished all ointments or eyedrops for at least 1 day. DON'T look at bright light. DON'T use topical anesthetic for pain relief.

(Video) What is a Corneal Abrasion? What is a Corneal Scratch? I Dr Shaz Rehan, 2020
(Dr Eye For You)
What can I buy over-the-counter for a scratched eye?

You probably won't need pain relievers for a very small scratch. But if you do, your provider will probably recommend that you take an over-the-counter (OTC) oral nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). In other cases, your provider may prescribe a topical analgesic (pain-relieving eye drops or ointment).

(Video) Eye Scratch Guide | 3 Home Treatments You Can Do
(Family Vision Optical)
Can I use regular eye drops with corneal abrasion?

The recommended eyedrop is a broad-spectrum antibiotic to prevent an infection from developing. This will require a prescription so it is important to see an ophthalmologist as soon as possible. Artificial tears can help with the discomfort from an abrasion but will do little to prevent an infection.

(Video) First Aid for Corneal Abrasion (Eye Scratch) | Do's and Dont's | Doc Chabi Channel
(Doc Chabi Channel)

Do I need to go to the doctor for a corneal abrasion?

Even though they're rarely serious, corneal abrasions should be checked out. It's important to rule out more serious damage to the eyeball. The doctor can see how serious the injury is and prescribe antibiotic eye drops or ointment to help it heal.

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(Tita TV)
What is the fastest way to heal a scratched eye?

Your doctor can examine your eye to determine the location and severity of a scratch. Both conjunctiva lacerations and corneal abrasions are treated with antibiotic eye drops and ointment to prevent infection. The ointment also reduces pain and speeds healing.

What is the over-the-counter treatment for corneal abrasion? (2024)
Should I go to ER for corneal abrasion?

Corneal abrasions are very uncomfortable and can lead to redness, eye soreness, and photosensitivity. It is vital for you to visit our closest emergency room in Dallas, TX, if you have corneal abrasion because this injury can cause your eye to be susceptible to fungal and bacterial infections.

Can urgent care treat corneal abrasion?

At CityMD urgent care, we have experience diagnosing and treating corneal abrasions and other eye injuries. Keep reading to learn about the causes and symptoms of corneal abrasions, treatment options, and prevention tips.

Does sleep help corneal abrasion?

Fortunately, smaller corneal abrasions usually heal quite quickly-often within 24 hours-or during sleep. Larger corneal abrasions make take 2 or 3 days to fully heal. However, during the healing time patients often experience tearing, redness, blurred vision and light sensitivity.

Can you buy over-the-counter antibiotic eye drops?

You cannot obtain antibiotic eye drops over the counter. They require a doctor's prescription. However, you can use some over-the-counter medications to treat symptoms of various eye infections, including chalazion and styes.

Can Urgent Care treat corneal abrasion?

At CityMD urgent care, we have experience diagnosing and treating corneal abrasions and other eye injuries. Keep reading to learn about the causes and symptoms of corneal abrasions, treatment options, and prevention tips.

What can you do for a scratched cornea?

In people who are in good general health, most typical corneal abrasions can heal on their own within 24 to 48 hours. A doctor may prescribe antibiotic eye drops or ointment. Because the cornea is so sensitive, simply opening and closing the eye over the abrasion may be painful.

What is a natural antibiotic for eyes?

Salt water: Salt water is a popular natural home remedy used to treat certain eye issues such as eye infections. Turmeric: Turmeric is a multifaceted herb that contains curcumin that may have medicinal properties such as antioxidant, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory.

Do prescription eye drops work better than over the counter?

If you think about it in medical terms, prescriptions are the best way to go. For that, you can rely on a community optometrist who can pinpoint what your issue is, and what will work to solve it. Over-the-counter artificial tears work just like a bandaid, while prescription eye drops treat the actual cause.

Can urgent care diagnose scratched cornea?

Diagnosing a Corneal Abrasion

When you seek urgent care for an eye injury, your healthcare provider will examine your eye for damage. He or she will likely use a machine called a slit lamp to take a closer look at your eye. This diagnostic tool can only found in an emergency room or optometrist's office.

How do I know if my corneal abrasion is serious?

Seek emergency care if: There is pain, a change in vision, or your eye is more sensitive to light after a scratch or trauma to the eyeball. There is a foreign object lodged in the eye or eyelid or under the eyelid. There is loss of vision.

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Author: Arielle Torp

Last Updated: 02/05/2024

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