Which apex character are you? (2024)

Which apex character should I Main?

The Legends you should consider maining if your playstyle is plotting, scheming, conniving and/or bamboozling are Caustic, Crypto, Loba, Mirage, Rampart, Revenant, Seer, and Wattson.

(Video) What APEX Legends Character are You? | Who Should You Main?
(The Gaming Merchant)
How do I find my apex Main?

How To FIND YOUR MAIN In Apex Legends! - YouTube

(Video) BEST LEGENDS TO BUY - HEROES to SPAM and AVOID - Apex Legends Guide
(GameLeap Apex Legends Guides)
Who is the coolest apex character?

Bloodhound is undoubtedly Apex Legend's best legend and one of the characters always present at the highest tiers of play. The reason is that he is the most effective scout in the game's roster, thanks to his robust skill set that focuses on detecting and hunting down prey.

(Video) How To Find YOUR Main In Apex Legends (Who Should You Play?)
(Sweatband TV)
Is Loba good for ranked?

In Season 11, Loba did not receive any nerfs at all. The cooldown for her Ultimate is still low making her one of the better picks in playing in ranked modes. Her Tactical allows her to jump in and out of battles.

(Video) HOW to Find Your MAIN in APEX LEGENDS! Full Character Guide to Pick the Legend Best for YOU
Is Ash a good legend?

If you're all about being a monster of aggression in Apex Legends, Ash is an offensive legend best suited towards hit-and-run tactics, spearheading her squad's attacks, or flanking the enemy while her allies are distracting them.

(Video) How To Find YOUR FIRST MAIN In Apex Legends!
(Simply Ashton)
Is Octane a Mexican?

Octane is Mexican, we all agree on that. So why does he speaks in a Madrilenian accent in the Spanish dub? (an accent from Madrid, Spain). Him speaking in that accent takes a lot from his personality.

(Video) How To FIND YOUR MAIN In Apex Legends!
Is Pathfinder a boy or girl?

Real NameMRVN
Date of BirthFeb 04, 2658
14 more rows

(Video) How to Pick Your PERFECT MAIN in Season 12 - BEST LEGENDS - Apex Legends Guide
(GameLeap Apex Legends Guides)
Is Bloodhound a girl?

According to Apex Legends' devs, Bloodhound is an LGBTQ character and does not have a specific gender. It's non-binary which means it's neither male nor female. The devs confirmed this information on Twitter.

(Video) RANKING THE LEGENDS IN Apex Legends Season 14 | Apex Legends TIER LIST!
How did Wraith get her powers?

Wraith's abilities are derived from Titanfall 2's Phase Shift tactical ability. In that game, phasing could only be performed by simulacrums and titans, so Wraith is the first human character with this ability. An audio log found in-game inside the research labs reveals Wraith was a Research Science Pilot.

Who is Valk in Apex?

750. Skyward Dive, launches Valkyrie and her teammates into the sky to skydive towards the ground.
Legend TypeRecon
Tactical AbilityMissile Swarm
Passive AbilityVTOL Jets
12 more rows

(Big Citrus)

Why is octane in the apex games?

Octane (Octavio Silva) – High-speed Daredevil

He didn't learn his lesson and chose riskier and risker stunts since he could just repair himself. So, of course, he chose to join the games to do more death-defying stunts with millions more eyes watching.

(Video) How to Pick Your PERFECT MAIN ROLE in Season 14 - BEST Playstyles - Apex Legends Guide
(GameLeap Apex Legends Guides)
Who is the least picked legend in Apex?

All Apex Legends character pick rates
  • Mirage: 2.9 percent. ...
  • Gibraltar: 2.8 percent. ...
  • Wattson: 2.3 percent. ...
  • Revenant: 2.1 percent. ...
  • Rampart: 2.1 percent. ...
  • Mad Maggie: 1.8 percent. ...
  • Newcastle: 1.8 percent. ...
  • Crypto: 1.6 percent. Poor Crypto sits at the very end of the list.
Jul 12, 2022

Which apex character are you? (2024)
Why is wraith so popular?

Wraith was far and away the most popular legend in the game for the longest stretches in Apex's history—and it's fairly easy to see why. She has a cool character design, an ability that allows her to get out of danger safely, and an ultimate that lets teams maneuver with invulnerability into hard-to-reach places.

Who has the most kills in Apex?

All Platforms Kills Leaderboard Last updated: in 17 hours
96 more rows

Is Kings Canyon being removed?

Kings Canyon will be removed at the start of Season 13, and won't return until Season 14 at the earliest. Subscribe to our newsletter for the latest updates on Esports, Gaming and more.

Is Bangalore Good apex?

Bangalore's passive is one of the most dependable passive skills available to any Legend in Apex Legends. There is not much to say about this ability: it is just a wonderful perk to have on your side when getting ambushed or during an intense firefight.

Who are the best legends in Apex Legends?

Apex LEgends tier list
Top tierWraith, Valkyrie, Bloodhound, Gibraltar, Newcastle
A-tierAsh, Lifeline, Caustic, Seer
B-tierOctane, Pathfinder, Horizon, Wattson, Rampart, Loba
C-tierMaggie, Revenant, Bangalore, Crypto, Fuse
1 more row

Why is Wattson in the apex games?

The day Apex Games revealed her creation, Wattson's father passed away. Subsequently, she joined the game with a few competitors as a way to kind of “return home.” While this doesn't quite connect with some, Wattson's whole life centered on her father, the games, and her own inventions—in that order.

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Author: Lakeisha Bayer VM

Last Updated: 05/09/2024

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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.