Which best describes the product backlog? (2024)

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Which of the following best describes the product backlog?

Question: 14 Which best describes the Product Backlog? A: It is baselined to follow change management processes.

(Video) Mastering Scrum: Which statement best describes the Sprint Backlog as an outcome of Sprint Planning?
(Agile Practice with Eugene Musiienko)
Which statement best describes scrum choose the best answer?

A defined and predictive process that conforms to the principles of Scientific Management. FeedbackScrum is not a process or a technique for building products; rather, it is a framework within which you canemploy various processes and techniques.

(Video) How To Create A Product Backlog | #5
(Vibhor Chandel)
What is in a product backlog?

A product backlog is a prioritized list of work for the development team that is derived from the roadmap and its requirements. The most important items are shown at the top of the product backlog so the team knows what to deliver first.

(Video) Ranked backlog - Explanation Video
Who has the final say on the order of the product backlog choose the best answer?

Terms in this set (45) Who has the final say on the order of the Product Backlog? The Product Owner. * The Product Owner is the sole person responsible for managing the Product Backlog.

(Video) Scrum Fundamentals: User Stories, Artifacts and the Increment | Product Backlog vs Sprint Backlog
(Office Fundamentals)
What is the product backlog in agile?

In Agile development, a product backlog is a prioritized list of deliverables (such as new features) that should be implemented as part of a project or product development. It's a decision-making artifact that helps you estimate, refine, and prioritize everything you might sometime in the future want to complete.

(Video) Top 3 Tips for keeping your Product Backlog in great shape
(Georg Fasching - Team Genius)
Which statement best describes the sprint backlog?

Which statement best describes the Sprint Backlog as outcome of the Sprint Planning? It is an exhaustive list of all tasks for the Sprint.

(Video) Product Goals In Scrum
(Roman Pichler)
Which of the following best describes Scrum Mcq?

The correct answer was:A sprint is a condensed amount of time in which a development team works as many hours as they needto in order to finish the work assigned to them. A sprint is a pre-specified amount of time in which the development team works at a sustainable pace tocomplete a chosen set of work.

(Video) Scrum Artifacts | Product Backlog, Sprint Backlog, Increment, DoD, PBR, Product Goal, Sprint Goal
How is the Product Backlog arranged?

The product backlog is arranged according to the progress toward the implementation: There are features, tasks, tasks in progress, and executed tasks. A backlog is constructed so that the high-priority items appear at the top of the list, and the least important features are at the bottom.

(Video) Product Backlog Across Multiple Teams
(World Of Agile)
What is product backlog with example?

A product backlog is a prioritized list of work items or features that help you meet product goals and set expectations among teams. In general, each product in development should have a dedicated product backlog. Similarly, each product backlog should have a dedicated project team.

(Video) Scrum Team | Characteristics of the Scrum Team, Product Owner, Scrum Master, Developers
What is product backlog Mcq?

Product Backlog Refinement is an activity where the entire team sits together and brainstorm around the backlog items. The backlog items are refined and the details are added to them. During the meeting, the Product Backlog items are ordered based on their priority.

(Video) Product Backlog - [Scrum Basics 2019] + FREE Cheat Sheet
(Development That Pays)

Who defines product backlog?

Who Owns the Backlog? While the entire cross-functional agile team works together on the backlog, the product owner owns it. In most cases, the product owner (or product manager) holds responsibility for organizing and maintaining the product backlog.

(Video) Scrum Foundations : Scrum Events Explained
Who has the final decision about the product backlog?

The product owner has the final decision on prioritizing the product backlog. Explanation: In the scrum implementation, the final decision on prioritizing the product backlog is the responsibility of the product owner.

Which best describes the product backlog? (2024)
Who has final decision about order of items in product backlog?

The PO is the one ultimately responsible for the ordering since they know most about the stakeholders requests, the business benefit of the item, the end user benefit, the ability of the stakeholders to absorb a release.

Who has final authority over product backlog?

The Product Owner is the customer or its proxy. Since this is the case the Product Owner should have final authority on the order of the Product Backlog Items. At any time the Product Owner can move any Product Backlog Item above or below any other Product Backlog Item.

Why is product backlog important?

A product backlog represents feedback from multiple sources, like other developers, sales, business development, but most importantly, your users. It's your job to take in that feedback, prioritize it, manage it, and work it into the future of your product.

What are product backlog features select three?

Several top Product Backlog Items are taken into the Sprint Backlog to replace the obsolete itemsAll incomplete Product Backlog Items are re-estimated and put back on the Product BacklogAt the Sprint Retrospective the Scrum Master determines who from the Development Team is responsible for cancelling the SprintIf part ...

Why is it called backlog?

1680s; originally a large log at the back of a fire. Figurative sense from 1880s, meaning "something stored up for later use". Possibly influenced by logbook as well.

What are four qualities of the product backlog?

The product backlog exists as long as the product exists. Common product backlog item attributes are title, description, order and estimate. As already mentioned, the order of backlog items is the product owner's prerogative. A product should have exactly one product backlog managed by one product owner.

What are properties of the Scrum product backlog?

entries in the Scrum Product Backlog are prioritized and ordered accordingly. the entry's level of detail depends on its position in the log – all entries are estimated. it is a living document. there are no action-items or low-level tasks.

Who determines how many Product Backlog items?

It's the Development Team who determines the Sprint Backlog! So it's the following: The Product Owner brings forward the objectives that the Sprint should achieve and the Product Backlog Items that would help achieve these objectives. The Development Team forecasts the capacity.

What describes the sprint backlog as the output of the sprint planning?

The sprint backlog is the other output of sprint planning. A sprint backlog is a list of the product backlog items the team commits to delivering plus the list of tasks necessary to delivering those product backlog items. Each task on the sprint backlog is also usually estimated.

Which phrases best describes a Product Owner?

Which phrase best describes a Product Owner?
  • Requirements engineer.
  • Go-between between development team and customers.
  • Value optimizer.
  • Team manager.

Which is an activity of Product Backlog management?

Backlog management is the process by which the product owner (often in collaboration with others) adds, adjusts, grooms, and prioritizes backlog items within the backlog to make sure the most valuble product is shipped to customers.

Which of the following best describes the Scrum approach to planning?

C. The whole team together does just enough upfront planning followed by continuous planning throughout the project. Explanation: Scrum is a project management framework in which the project is subdivided into smaller tasks and they are placed on a list called backlog.

Which of the following is a best description for the Scrum meaning of time box?

Timeboxing is allotting a fixed, maximum unit of time for an activity. That unit of time is called a time box. The goal of timeboxing is to define and limit the amount of time dedicated to an activity. Scrum uses timeboxing for all of the Scrum events and as a tool for concretely defining open-ended or ambiguous tasks.

What typically happens if the product backlog?

What typically happens if Product Backlog is not sufficiently clear at Sprint Planning? The Development Team has difficulties creating a forecast of work for the Sprint. Nothing in particular. It is compensated if the Product Owner gives the team a clear Sprint Goal instead.

How do you define backlog?

A backlog is a list of tasks required to support a larger strategic plan. For example, a product development context contains a prioritized list of items. The product team agrees to work on these projects next. Typical items on a product backlog include user stories, changes to existing functionality, and bug fixes.

How do you create a product backlog in agile?

How to Create a Scrum Product Backlog - YouTube

What is Product Backlog in agile Mcq?

Answer: A list of requirements for the product.

Which of the following are good characteristics of a Product Backlog Mcq?

DEEP: The 4 Characteristics of a Good Product Backlog. Supporting story mapping, sprint and version planning, backlog refinement, and team retrospectives.

What is agile all about Mcq?

Agile is an iterative development methodology, where the requirements evolve through collaboration between the customer and self-organizing teams, and agile aligns development with the customer needs.

Does product backlog contain user stories?

Product Backlog

It usually contains user stories, bugs, technical tasks, and knowledge acquisition. The backlog is periodically refined by the product owner and scrum team to ensure 2–3 sprints worth of work is always defined and prioritized.

How many times product backlog can be changed in Scrum?

Refinement usually consumes no more than 10% of the capacity of the Development Team. However, Product Backlog items can be updated at any time by the Product Owner or at the Product Owner's discretion.

Who is responsible for the product backlog and decides which tasks has priority?

The product owner owns and makes the final decision to prioritize the product backlog.

How long does the product backlog exist?

The Product Backlog exists (and evolves) over the lifetime of the product; it is the product roadmap (Figure 2 and Figure 3). At any point, the Product Backlog is the single, definitive view of “everything that could be done by the Team ever, in order of priority”.

Which of the following might be considered when ordering Product Backlog items?

What are criteria to order Product Backlog items? Value of Product Backlog items. Dependencies between Product Backlog items. Dependencies to other products.

Who creates the product backlog in Scrum?

The Product Owner (PO) “owns” the product backlog on behalf of the stakeholders, and is primarily responsible for creating it.

Who owns backlog in Scrum?

The owner of the Scrum Product Backlog is the Scrum Product Owner. The Scrum Master, the Scrum Team and other Stakeholders contribute it to have a broad and complete To-Do list. Working with a Scrum Product Backlog does not mean that the Scrum Team is not allowed to create and use other artifacts.

Who can add items to product backlog?

Although anyone can add to the product backlog, it is the product owner who prioritizes what the team works on.

Which statement best describes the Sprint backlog as the output of the Sprint planning?

Which statement best describes the Sprint Backlog as outcome of the Sprint Planning? It is an exhaustive list of all tasks for the Sprint.

Which phrases best describes a Product Owner?

Which phrase best describes a Product Owner?
  • Requirements engineer.
  • Go-between between development team and customers.
  • Value optimizer.
  • Team manager.

What is the key concern when multiple Scrum teams are working from the same Product Backlog?

A key concern when multiple Development Teams are working for the same Product Backlog is minimizing dependencies between teams.

Who determines how many Product Backlog items?

It's the Development Team who determines the Sprint Backlog! So it's the following: The Product Owner brings forward the objectives that the Sprint should achieve and the Product Backlog Items that would help achieve these objectives. The Development Team forecasts the capacity.

What is the correct statement about the sprint backlog?

A sprint backlog is the set of items that a cross-functional product team selects from its product backlog to work on during the upcoming sprint. Typically the team will agree on these items during its sprint planning session. In fact, the sprint backlog represents the primary output of sprint planning.

How much of the backlog must be defined during the sprint planning meeting?

The entire Sprint Backlog must be identified and estimated by the end of the Sprint Planning meeting. Enough so the Development Team can create its best forecast of what is can do, and to start the first several days of the Sprint. Just enough to understand design and architectural implications.

Is sprint backlog a result of sprint planning?

The Sprint Backlog is composed of the Sprint Goal (why), the set of Product Backlog items selected for the Sprint (what), as well as an actionable plan for delivering the Increment (how).

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Author: Nicola Considine CPA

Last Updated: 23/06/2024

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Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.