Which compound is most soluble in water? (2024)

What compound is most soluble in water?

Among given compounds, ethylene glycol ( HO−CH2−CH2−OH ) is the most soluble in water. Ethylene glycol has two hydroxy groups both of which form hydrogen bonds with water. Greater is the number of hydrogen bonds, greater is the extent of hydrogen bonding and greater is the solubility in water.

(Video) which molecule is most soluble in water?
Which compound is soluble in water?

Solubility Rules
Soluble in WaterImportant Exceptions (Insoluble)
All Group IA and NH4+ saltsnone
All nitrates, chlorates, perchlorates and acetatesnone
All sulfatesCaSO4, BaSO4, SrSO4, PbSO4
All chlorides, bromides, and iodidesAgX, Hg2X2, PbX2 (X= Cl, Br, or I)
May 20, 2018

(Video) Ranking solubility of organic compounds in water based on IMF
(Visual Learners)
Which compound is most soluble in water quizlet?

The small polar compound methanol, CH3OH, is the most soluble in water.

(Video) How to Determine if Ionic Compound is Soluble or Insoluble in Water Examples, Solubility Rules
(Conquer Chemistry)
Which of the following compound is least soluble in water?

1 Answer. Hexan – 1 – ol compound is least soluble in water .

(Video) Soluble and Insoluble Compounds Chart - Solubility Rules Table - List of Salts & Substances
(The Organic Chemistry Tutor)
Which substance is most soluble in water CH3OH ch4 c2h6 c2h5oh?

Among given compounds, ethylene glycol ( HO−CH2−CH2−OH ) is the most soluble in water.

(Video) Which of the following compound is most soluble in water?
Is NaCl highly soluble in water?

Sodium chloride, also known as common salt or table salt, is a chemical compound with the formula NaCl. Its mineral form is called halite. It is highly soluble in water and is the salt most responsible for the salinity of the ocean and of the extracellular fluid of many multicellular organisms.

(Video) Which is most soluble in water ?
Is NaCl soluble in water?

Sodium chloride

(Video) How to Determine Which Solid is More Soluble Given Ksp Examples, Shortcut, Problems, Explained
(Conquer Chemistry)
Which of the following is not soluble in water quizlet?

Hydrogen (H2) is not soluble in water this is because hydrogen is a non-polar molecule whereas water is a polar molecule.

(Video) Which compound would be least soluble in water?
Which of the following is least soluble in water 1 nacl 2 mgcl2 3 ag2s 4 na2s?

So, out of the four given compounds ,we can predict that $MgS$ has the maximum amount of covalent character, which makes it the least soluble compound. Hence, the answer is option (B).

(Video) Solubility Rules
(The Organic Chemistry Tutor)
Which functional group is least soluble in water?

In Alkanes, hydrogen bonds can not be made at all (with themselves OR water) because alkanes are non-polar and do not contain a functional group that allows them to hydrogen bond. Alkanes are not soluble in water.

(Video) Which of the following is most soluble in water?

What 2 types of compounds will dissolve in water?

Water is a polar molecule therefore, it will dissolve polar solutes such as, ionic compounds and polar molecular compounds.

(Video) Among the following compound identify which are insoluble, partially soluble and highly soluble in
(Shan Chemistry)
Is NaCl soluble in water?

Sodium chloride

Which compound is most soluble in water? (2024)
Which dissolves most easily in water?

1 Answer. Polar solutes or ionic solids dissolve best in water.

Why do compounds dissolve in water?

When polar compounds or ions are added to water, they break up into smaller components, or dissolve, to become part of the solution. The water's partial charges attract different parts of the compound, making them soluble in water.

Is sodium soluble in water?

2. All sodium, potassium, and ammonium salts are soluble in water.

Is CO2 soluble in water?

Carbon dioxide is only water-soluble, when pressure is maintained. After pressure drops the CO2 gas will try to escape to air. This event is characterised by the CO2 bubbles forming into water.

Is cacl2 soluble in water?

Calcium chloride

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