What Are the Elements of Epic Poetry? (2024)

Kaitlin Meilert

What Are the Elements of Epic Poetry? (1)

An epic poem is a long narrative poem that describes the actions and travels of a heroic main character in elevated language and style. Epic poems were composed orally, often to music, for recitation but were not written down until centuries later. Besides length, serious subject matter and composition, epic poems also share specific characteristics and style elements.

Beginning of Poem and Story

Epic poems begin with the narrator's statement of the poem's subject and his invocation to, or calling upon, a muse or other divine entity to assist him in taking on the task of telling his story. All epic poems have an "in medias res," meaning "in the midst of things," opening. That is, the poem opens in the middle of the story's action, not the beginning.


Epic poems are usually set in the entire known world of a particular culture or the entire universe, including the heavens and the underworld. Actions, events and journeys that should take years often take place in just days or as little as hours.

Main Character

An epic poem's main character is a heroic figure who represents a particular culture's idea of what strengths and virtues make someone a hero. However, the epic hero's weaknesses and failings are as evident as his strengths and virtues. The epic hero is often a warrior, leader, part human and part god, and his actions can occur while on a journey or while pursuing a conquest. Whether an epic poem is structured around a journey or war, the hero's quest includes dangerous obstacles that test his strength, endurance, courage and craftiness. However, the hero does not confront and battle his primary opponent until the climax of the story.

Gods, Other Deities and Divine Places

Gods and other deities often play a role in the outcome of events, whether for good or evil, as they assist the hero or become an obstacle in his quest. Whether an epic poem is structured around a journey or a war, the hero also often descends into the underworld, where his strengths and other abilities are tested.

Epic Simile

Epic poems often contain epic similes, which are long, highly descriptive similes that clarify the subject. Like a regular simile, the epic simile makes a comparison starting with "like" or "as." However, the epic simile is a style device used in epic poetry to prolong action at a critical point for suspense.

Epithets and Patronymics

Epithets, characterizing words or phrases applied to a person or thing and sometimes used in place of their actual name or title, are common in epic poetry. Patronymics, calling a son by his father's name, are also used frequently as a form of address between characters. For example, Achilles in "The Iliad" is often addressed as "Son of Peleus."

Long Speeches, Histories and Descriptions

The hero and other important characters often make long, formal speeches, such as challenges or points of debate, in the middle of action. These speeches end with "thus he spoke" or similar phrases to clarify that the character was speaking, not the narrator. Epic poems also contain lengthy histories and descriptions of important items, such as a sword, used by the hero or other important characters.

What Are the Elements of Epic Poetry? (2024)


What Are the Elements of Epic Poetry? ›

The word “epic” comes from Latin epicus and from Greek epikos, meaning “a word; a story; poetry in heroic verse.” The elements that typically distinguish epics include superhuman deeds, fabulous adventures, highly stylized language, and a blending of lyrical and dramatic traditions, which also extend to defining heroic ...

What are the elements found in an epic poem? ›

The word “epic” comes from Latin epicus and from Greek epikos, meaning “a word; a story; poetry in heroic verse.” The elements that typically distinguish epics include superhuman deeds, fabulous adventures, highly stylized language, and a blending of lyrical and dramatic traditions, which also extend to defining heroic ...

What are the main characteristics of epic poetry? ›

Epics have seven main characteristics:
  • The hero is outstanding. ...
  • The setting is large. ...
  • The action is made of deeds of great valor or requiring superhuman courage.
  • Supernatural forces—gods, angels, demons—insert themselves in the action.
  • It is written in a very special style (verse as opposed to prose).

What are eight elements of epic? ›

The eight elements of an Epic Hero Cycle are: (1) the main character has to be possessed of supernatural abilities; (2) the hero is charged with a quest; (3) the hero is tested, often to prove the worthiness of himself and his quest; (4) the presence of numerous mythical beings, magical and helpful animals, and human ...

Which of these are features of epic poetry? ›

Final answer: Epic poetry features include a courageous hero, a journey with obstacles, distant settings, and supernatural interventions.

What does an epic poem include? ›

An epic poem is a long, narrative poem that is usually about heroic deeds and events that are significant to the culture of the poet. Many ancient writers used epic poetry to tell tales of intense adventures and heroic feats.

Which of the following are elements of an epic? ›

Six Elements Of The Epic:
  • Plot centers around a Hero of Unbelievable Stature. ...
  • Involves deeds of superhuman strength and valor. ...
  • Vast Setting. ...
  • Involves supernatural and-or otherworldly forces. ...
  • Sustained elevation of style. ...
  • Poet remains objective and omniscient.

What are the two main types of epic poetry? ›

There are two main types of epic—the folk epic, created and developed through the oral tradition, and the literary epic, a story attributed to a single identified author.

What are two epic poem themes? ›

Epic poems feature embarking on perilous voyages, battling the elements, and upholding the values of one's culture and country.

What are three characteristics of an epic poem's structure? ›

the use of poetic verse throughout the epic a narrative voice that tells the story the use of prose in some passages short descriptions elevated, or eloquent, style compelling speeches.

What should an epic include? ›

An epic is a large body of work that can be broken down into a number of smaller stories, or sometimes called “Issues” in Jira. Epics often encompass multiple teams, on multiple projects, and can even be tracked on multiple boards. Epics are almost always delivered over a set of sprints.

What are the three important elements of the epics? ›

The three characteristics (basing on the choices given above) of an epic poem are the following:
  • Written in an elevated language.
  • Celebrates the life of a legendary hero. and.
  • Is a long narrative.
Apr 22, 2016

What are epics composed of? ›

An epic may deal with such various subjects as myths, heroic legends, histories, edifying religious tales, animal stories, or philosophical or moral theories.

What are the characteristics of epic poetry? ›

Characteristics of Epic Poetry

Heroic Protagonists: Epic poetry often showcases formidable protagonists, often embodied as heroes or demigods, who embark upon heroic odysseys or confront monumental challenges. These characters symbolize both the positive and negative facets of the human condition.

What are epic features? ›

Epics can be broken down into specific pieces of work, called Features. These are based on the needs and requests of customers or end users and is sized or split as necessary to be delivered by the Agile teams. Epics are a helpful way to organise your work and to create a hierarchy.

What is the main character of an epic poem called? ›

An epic hero is the main character of an epic poem that tells the story of a grand quest in which they use their extraordinary or superhuman abilities to achieve great things. In literature, a hero is simply the protagonist, or main character.

What are the elements of an epic simile? ›

An epic simile, also known as a “Homeric simile,” is an elaborate and extended comparison in classical literature using like or as, often found in epic poems such as Homer's “The Odyssey.” This literary device is characterized by its length and complexity, where the likeness between two subjects is explored in great ...

What are examples of elements mentioned in the poem? ›

Elements of the poem incorporate figurative speech, imagery, rhythm, alliteration, mood, stanza, density, and rhyme. We will examine every one of the above components independently. They work together to draw out the ideal significance and feel in poetry.

What epic elements do you find in the Iliad? ›

In conclusion we can say that The Iliad possesses characteristic features of an epic poem. It is composed in a grand style. It includes an epic hero, supernatural machinery, war (Trojan war) great issues like honour and dignity, the great significance of national interest etc.

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Name: Laurine Ryan

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Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.