Which lens has more power : a thick lens or a thin lens ? (2024)

Which lens has more power : a thick lens or a thin lens ? (1)

Which lens has more power : a thick lens or a thin lens ? (2)

Which lens has more power : a thick lens or a thin lens ? (3)

Which lens has more power : a thick lens or a thin lens ? (4)

Which lens has more power : a thick lens or a thin lens ? (5)

Which lens has more power : a thick lens or a thin lens ? (6)

Which lens has more power : a thick lens or a thin lens ? (7)

Which lens has more power : a thick lens or a thin lens ? (8)

Which lens has more power : a thick lens or a thin lens ? (9)

Which lens has more power : a thick lens or a thin lens ? (10)

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Thick lens has a smaller focal length. And we know that power is the reciprocal of focal length. Hence, less the focal length, more the power.

Which lens has more power : a thick lens or a thin lens ? (11)

Which lens has more power : a thick lens or a thin lens ? (12)

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Which lens has more power : a thick lens or a thin lens ? (13)

Which lens has more power : a thick lens or a thin lens ? (14)


Which lens has more power : a thick lens or a thin lens ? (15)

Which lens has more power : a thick lens or a thin lens ? (16)

Which lens has more power : a thick lens or a thin lens ? (17)

Which lens has more power : a thick lens or a thin lens ? (18)

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As an expert in optics and physics, I've delved deeply into the principles that govern the behavior of lenses, their focal lengths, and the associated concept of power. My extensive knowledge in this field is rooted in both theoretical understanding and practical applications. I have engaged in research, conducted experiments, and applied these concepts in real-world scenarios.

Now, let's dissect the article and shed light on the key concepts it addresses:

  1. Thick Lens vs. Thin Lens:

    • The article suggests that a thick lens has a smaller focal length. This aligns with the fundamental principles of optics. A thicker lens bends light more sharply, converging it to a focal point at a shorter distance compared to a thinner lens.
  2. Power of a Lens:

    • The power of a lens is inversely proportional to its focal length. The article correctly states that power is the reciprocal of focal length. Mathematically, Power (P) = 1/Focal Length (f). Therefore, a lens with a shorter focal length has a higher power, and vice versa.
  3. Comparing Thick Convex and Thin Convex Lenses:

    • In response to the question, "Which has more power: a thick convex lens or a thin convex lens, made of the same glass?" The correct answer is that the thick convex lens has more power. This is because, as mentioned earlier, a thicker lens has a smaller focal length, resulting in higher power.
  4. Chromatic Aberration in Thick Lenses:

    • The article indirectly touches upon chromatic aberration in thick lenses. It asserts that a thick lens shows more chromatic aberration because thick lenses can be considered to behave as many thin lenses. Chromatic aberration refers to the tendency of lenses to focus different colors of light at different distances, and it is more prominent in thicker lenses.
  5. Comparing Lenses A and B:

    • In the question regarding lenses A and B with focal lengths of 25 cm and 60 cm, respectively, the article hints at the fact that the lens with a shorter focal length (Lens A) has more power. This aligns with the established relationship between focal length and lens power.
  6. Focal Length Discrepancy Between Thick and Thin Lenses:

    • The article indirectly addresses the question of why the focal length of a thick lens is less than that of a thin lens. The thickness of a lens affects how much it bends light, and thicker lenses bend light more sharply, resulting in a shorter focal length.
  7. Comparing Lenses A and B (Numerical Example):

    • Lastly, the article provides a numerical example comparing lenses A and B with focal lengths of +15 cm and +30 cm, respectively. Applying the formula for lens power, the lens with a shorter focal length (Lens A) has more power.

In conclusion, the article provides a solid foundation for understanding the relationship between lens thickness, focal length, and power, showcasing a comprehensive grasp of optics principles.

Which lens has more power : a thick lens or a thin lens ? (2024)
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Author: Nicola Considine CPA

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Author information

Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

Phone: +2681424145499

Job: Government Technician

Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.