How Long Does Caffeine Withdrawal Last? It Can Vary a Lot (2024)

Whether you’re cutting down on coffee because you’re experiencing side effects like the jitters, or giving up energy drinks in a bid to improve your sleep, caffeine withdrawal is something to look out for.

Headaches, fatigue, and brain fog are all common symptoms, but how long they last and how bad they are will be different for everyone. Even more surprising? You don’t need to cut out caffeine altogether to feel these withdrawal symptoms. Even skipping just one coffee a day can cause them.

Below, we’ll cover what exactly caffeine withdrawal feels like and how long the symptoms can last. Plus, we’ll cover the best ways to get over caffeine withdrawal and whether you really need to give up caffeine to begin with.

Want to master the art of consuming caffeine? We’ve answered every question you could have about caffeine, sleep, and energy here.

Is caffeine addictive?

What are the symptoms of caffeine withdrawal?

How long does caffeine withdrawal last?

How do I overcome caffeine withdrawal?

Do I really have to give up caffeine?

Is Caffeine Addictive?

Caffeine isn’t considered addictive, but you can develop a tolerance for it. That is, your body gets used to it and you need more of it to feel the same stimulating effects. Plus, you begin to struggle without it, creating caffeine dependence.

Caffeine withdrawal is also a very real thing. It’s now recognized as a medical disorder in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) — a handbook used by healthcare professionals to diagnose disorders.

Caffeine also easily disrupts your sleep. If you consume too much too close to bedtime, you’ll find yourself wide awake in bed, unable to get the sleep you need each night. This leads to more tiredness the next day, meaning you’re much more likely to reach for an extra cup of coffee, continuing the vicious cycle. This is why many of us decide to cut out caffeine altogether.

What Are the Symptoms of Caffeine Withdrawal?

Caffeine withdrawal will feel different for everyone. This is partly due to genetics, but also due to how much caffeine you’re used to having and how long you’ve been having it for.

The common caffeine withdrawal symptoms include:

  • Headaches — This is one of the most common symptoms, and it happens because caffeine constricts blood vessels in your brain. Without caffeine, more blood flows to the brain, which can cause pain until your brain adjusts.
  • Fatigue — Caffeine temporarily blocks adenosine receptors in your brain. Adenosine is the chemical that builds up in your body as you’re awake, eventually making you feel sleepy. Without caffeine, you’ll feel the effects of this. Plus, if caffeine has been disturbing your sleep, the effects of sleep deprivation will also hit. Even more disturbing? People who regularly consume caffeine have an increased number of adenosine receptors and become more sensitive to adenosine and its drowsiness effects.
  • Depressed mood — Caffeine makes you feel more alert and triggers the release of adrenaline and cortisol. Without these, you may feel flatter and more sluggish. Plus, if you’re experiencing fatigue and headaches, you’re probably not in the best mood anyway.
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Brain fog
  • Muscle pain or stiffness
  • Irritability
  • Anxiety — especially if you feel like you need caffeine to function and perform your best.
  • Tremors
  • Changes in blood pressure
  • Increased heart rate
  • Flu-like symptoms
  • Nausea or vomiting

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How Long Does Caffeine Withdrawal Last?

In general, caffeine withdrawal symptoms can start 12 to 24 hours after you have your last hit of caffeine. Symptoms will be at their worst 20 to 51 hours after, and they can last anywhere from two to nine days. One study even suggested caffeine withdrawal headaches could last for 21 days.

Some people experience withdrawal symptoms sooner, though. One study looked at participants who had 250 mg of caffeine or a placebo in the morning, and their withdrawal symptoms were measured around noon. For those who took the placebo, even in that short time, withdrawal symptoms were present.

The researchers, Barbara G. Phillips-Bute and James D. Lane, wrote:

“Even short periods of caffeine deprivation, equivalent in length to missing regular morning coffee, can produce noticeable unpleasant caffeine withdrawal symptoms in habitual coffee drinkers.”

The number of symptoms you get and how severe these are can be worse if you’re used to having a lot of caffeine each day.

One study looked at caffeine consumers who were used to 100 mg, 300 mg, or 600 mg of caffeine a day. The results showed the range and severity of withdrawal symptoms were worse with higher doses. For example, those who were used to 600 mg had significantly worse headaches and poor moods than those who were used to 100 mg a day. However, even those who were used to having just 100 mg of caffeine — about one cup of coffee a day — still experienced withdrawal symptoms.

If you consume caffeine daily, symptoms may be worse for you, too. Research found those who drink coffee daily experienced more headaches, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, and mood disturbances when they didn’t have caffeine for 16 hours compared to those who gave it up for the same amount of time, but didn’t usually drink coffee every day.

It doesn’t take long for your body to get used to caffeine, either. One study found participants experienced withdrawal symptoms after just three days of caffeine consumption, but the researchers also found these symptoms were much worse for those who had seven or 14 days of caffeine exposure.

And when you have your caffeine in the day doesn’t seem to affect withdrawal symptoms. Research found those who had 300 mg of caffeine in a single dose in the morning experienced the same level of withdrawal symptoms as those who had three 100 mg doses of caffeine throughout the day.

The same researchers found those who were used to consuming 300 mg of caffeine a day needed a “substantial reduction” — at least 100 mg — to cause withdrawal symptoms. However, when you consider the average 8-ounce cup of coffee can be about 95 milligrams, that doesn’t sound like much.

See Also

But, if there’s a way you can cut out caffeine without knowing it, you may experience fewer withdrawal symptoms. A 2016 study found when regular coffee drinkers gave up caffeine for 24 hours, those who drank decaf, but thought they were drinking normal coffee, experienced fewer withdrawal symptoms than those who knew they were drinking decaf.

How Do I Overcome Caffeine Withdrawal?

Having some caffeine has been shown to clear up symptoms of withdrawal quickly — even within 30 to 60 minutes. However, if you’re trying to cut back, or cut it out altogether, that’s not very helpful. Instead, here’s what you can do to help overcome caffeine withdrawal:

Reduce Caffeine Consumption Slowly

Going cold turkey can make symptoms more severe. Instead, try weaning yourself off by slowly cutting down the amount of caffeine you have each day over the course of several weeks. According to the American Migraine Foundation, you should reduce caffeine intake by 25% each week to avoid withdrawal symptoms.

You could have one shot of coffee in your latte instead of two, or switch one cup for a drink with less caffeine content, like green tea. Plus, if you find yourself craving the taste of coffee, try switching a cup or two to decaf.

However, you should seek medical advice if you’re worried about how cutting down on caffeine could affect you.

Drink Plenty of Water

Being dehydrated can make headaches and fatigue worse, so hydration is key.

Try Over-the-Counter Medication

Treat headaches with over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen.

Lower Your Sleep Debt

How Long Does Caffeine Withdrawal Last? It Can Vary a Lot (1)

You may be feeling extra tired and sluggish, so aim to keep your sleep debt low to reduce how much this impacts your day. Sleep debt is the measure of how much sleep you owe your body over the last 14 nights. If you haven’t been meeting your sleep need — the genetically determined amount of sleep you need each night — you’ll have built up quite a bit of sleep debt.

The RISE app can work out how much sleep debt you have and keep track of it as you pay it back. We recommend keeping sleep debt below five hours to feel and perform your best.

If you find you’ve got a lot of sleep debt, you can pay it back by:

  • Taking naps during your afternoon dip in energy — RISE can tell you when this is
  • Going to bed a little earlier
  • Waking up a little later
  • Improving your sleep hygiene — this will help you fall asleep faster and wake up fewer times during the night, increasing how much sleep you get in total.

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Turn to Caffeine-Free Sources of Energy

Coffee isn’t the only way to perk yourself up: get some natural light exposure, exercise, drink some water, or take a nap. We’ve covered more caffeine-free ways to wake yourself up here.

To improve your energy long term, keep your sleep debt low and sync up with your circadian rhythm — your internal body clock that runs on a roughly 24-hour cycle. One part of getting in sync is to go to bed and wake up at the right times for you, and similar times each day.

Work With Your Natural Energy Peaks and Dips

How Long Does Caffeine Withdrawal Last? It Can Vary a Lot (2)

Your focus and productivity may take a hit when you first start cutting down on caffeine, so it’s more important than ever to work with your natural peaks and dips in your energy cycle.

The RISE app can predict when these are for you each day. This way, you can schedule your most demanding tasks — like presentations, writing, or sales calls — for your energy peaks, and least demanding tasks — like admin, emails, or taking a break — when your energy naturally dips.

The afternoon energy dip is also the perfect time to take a nap, which also helps to relieve some of the extra tiredness you may feel from skipping your daily coffees.

Do I Really Have to Give Up Caffeine?

How Long Does Caffeine Withdrawal Last? It Can Vary a Lot (3)

Unless you’re experiencing severe side effects or severe sleep disruptions — like insomnia — you may not actually have to give up your caffeine habit altogether. If you’re considering giving up caffeinated beverages because they’re disrupting your sleep, there may be another way to make sure this doesn’t happen. You just need to find out your caffeine cutoff time.

Your caffeine cutoff time is the time of day when you should have your last coffee — or anything else containing caffeine — to give your body enough time to break it down by bedtime. Caffeine can last in your system for more than 12 hours, so even if you have your last coffee for the day at 3 p.m., it may still keep you up past midnight. We’ve covered more about how long caffeine lasts here.

For most people, their caffeine cutoff time will be around noon, though for night owls it may be a little later at around 2 p.m. However, the exact timing of it is unique to you, and it can even change each day.

That’s because it’s dependent on your circadian rhythm, which dictates your ideal bedtime and is affected by everything from light to meal times to how long you slept the night before. The RISE app takes the guesswork out of it by predicting your circadian rhythm each day based on things like your phone use behavior and inferred light exposure.

Then, 10 hours before your ideal biological bedtime, the app will show you when you should stop having caffeine for the day. You can adjust the timing of this to be a little closer or further away from your ideal bedtime depending on how sensitive to caffeine you are.

Beyond coffee, remember to avoid other sources of caffeine after your cutoff time, like chocolate and other caffeinated drinks like green tea, black tea, yerba mate, and energy drinks.

You may find instead of giving up caffeine altogether — and going through all those withdrawal symptoms — you can simply honor this cutoff time instead. This way, you can enjoy the taste of a coffee in the morning, and all the energy-boosting effects of caffeine, and still fall asleep soundly at nighttime.

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Get Natural Energy with RISE

Caffeine withdrawal symptoms can last for up to nine days, and how severe these are all depends on genetics, how much caffeine you’re used to having, and how long you’ve been having it for. If you’re cutting down or back on caffeine, you can use the RISE app to improve your energy levels — all without coffee — by keeping your sleep debt low and syncing up with your circadian rhythm.

Plus, you may not need to cut out caffeine at all. By paying attention to your caffeine cutoff time each day, you may be able to enjoy caffeine up until this time, and still get all the sleep you need at night to be at your best.

Your Caffeine Questions Answered:

  • When should you stop drinking coffee?
  • How long does caffeine last?
  • How much caffeine is too much?
  • How to get energy without caffeine
  • Why does caffeine make me tired?
  • Why doesn't caffeine affect me?
  • Why do energy drinks make me tired?
  • All of your sleep, energy, and caffeine questions answered (in one place)

How Long Does Caffeine Withdrawal Last? It Can Vary a Lot (2024)


How Long Does Caffeine Withdrawal Last? It Can Vary a Lot? ›

Typically, the onset of symptoms starts 12 to 24 hours after caffeine cessation, peaks at 20–51 hours, and may last up to two to nine days.

How long can caffeine withdrawal last? ›

The duration of caffeine withdrawal symptoms vary from person to person, but caffeine withdrawal usually lasts at least 2 to 9 days . Someone who abruptly stops caffeine intake after regular use will usually feel withdrawal effects between 12 and 24 hours after stopping.

How long does it take for caffeine to stop affecting you? ›

The levels in your bloodstream peak an hour later and remain there for several hours. About 6 hours after you consume caffeine, half of it is still in your body. Caffeine may not completely clear your bloodstream until after 10 hours.

How to beat caffeine withdrawal? ›

These actions can help:
  1. Reduce your intake slowly. ...
  2. Stay hydrated. ...
  3. Bump up your energy level in other ways. ...
  4. Practice stress-reduction techniques. ...
  5. Get adequate sleep. ...
  6. Take pain relievers as directed. ...
  7. Patience is crucial when quitting caffeine.
Feb 14, 2024

How long does it take for your body to stop being addicted to caffeine? ›

Most caffeine addiction symptoms can be resolved in 7-12 days of consumption reduction. During that period, the brain will naturally decrease the number of adenosine receptors on each cell in response to the sudden lack of caffeine.

How long does it take to reset caffeine tolerance? ›

Some general guidelines: Slowly tapering caffeine intake can take 2 weeks to several months (in extreme cases) to reset your caffeine tolerance. Quitting cold turkey is faster. It may reset your caffeine tolerance in about a week to 2 weeks (although withdrawals may make that time pretty miserable).

How long does caffeine anxiety last? ›

Symptoms are likely to begin around 12 to 24 hours after you last ingested caffeine, and they can last between two and nine days. Make sure you don't take painkillers containing caffeine (a common addition) to help with symptoms as this will maintain your dependency. Keep hydrated.

Is it okay to quit caffeine cold turkey? ›

The key is to cut down slowly on the amount of caffeine in your diet. Don't make the mistake of stopping totally abruptly. By doing so, you'll likely experience withdrawal symptoms like headache, nausea, tiredness, muscle pain, irritability and difficulty concentrating.

Is quitting caffeine worth it? ›

You Could Feel More Relaxed. Nixing caffeine means no more morning or late-night jitters, and that could be good for your stress levels. All that irritability and restlessness you may experience during the workday could dissipate or lessen simply by cutting out coffee or soda.

How to flush caffeine out of your system? ›

Physical Activity. Drinking caffeine increases adrenaline in the body, and performing a physical activity is the only way to burn it off. Exercise and movement will help use the excess energy caffeine provide and helps to break it down quicker. Coffee and exercising both increase blood pressure temporarily.

What foods help caffeine withdrawal? ›

  • Kick The Coffee Addiction With These Energy Filled Foods. Don't get us wrong, we're not ones to hate on a great Cup of Joe, but depending on coffee to get you through the day is no way to maintain a reliable energy level. ...
  • Water. Your fatigue may just be from dehydration. ...
  • Chia Seeds. ...
  • Bananas. ...
  • Green Tea. ...
  • Almonds. ...
  • Oatmeal.

What can I do instead of caffeine withdrawal? ›

A sudden cessation of caffeine consumption can lead to withdrawal. Some symptoms of caffeine withdrawal include headaches, drowsiness, depression, etc. Luckily, there are also some alternatives to consuming caffeine. Some examples are chicory root coffee and maca powder.

How has quitting caffeine changed my life? ›

I no longer feel the racing heart feeling I used to get and my anxiety has calmed down overall. I get less energy crashes - I used to feel wired from coffee in the morning, and then experience slumps midday. Now my energy levels are controlled solely by the amount of sleep I get, my food intake, and exercise.

How long after quitting caffeine to feel normal? ›

If caffeine is a big part of your daily diet, taking it away can have a host of unpleasant effects in the short term. These include headache, tiredness, sleepiness, down moods, trouble concentrating, and crankiness. You'll start to feel symptoms a day or two after you stop. They can last anywhere from 2 to 9 days.

What is the longest caffeine withdrawal can last? ›

Typically, the onset of symptoms starts 12 to 24 hours after caffeine cessation, peaks at 20–51 hours, and may last up to two to nine days.

What are the six side effects of too much caffeine? ›

You drink more than 4 cups of coffee a day
  • Headache.
  • Insomnia.
  • Nervousness.
  • Irritability.
  • Frequent urination or inability to control urination.
  • Fast heartbeat.
  • Muscle tremors.

What does a coffee crash feel like? ›

Fatigue: A sudden feeling of tiredness and lethargy. Irritability: Increased irritability or mood swings. Headache: Some people may experience headaches as the caffeine wears off. Difficulty Concentrating: Reduced ability to focus or concentrate.

How to recover from a caffeine crash? ›

How to recover from a caffeine crash?
  1. #1 - Keep Hydrated 💧 Caffeine is a diuretic which means it dehydrates your body and how, so it's important to keep hydrated all through the day. ...
  2. #2 - Snooze In 😴 ...
  3. #3 - Munch Away 🤤 ...
  4. #4 - Time Your Caffeine Kicks ⏰ ...
  5. #5 - Pair Your Caffeine
Aug 18, 2023

What happens when you stop drinking coffee for a month? ›

Reduced Alertness: Caffeine is a stimulant that enhances alertness and concentration. Quitting coffee may result in a temporary decrease in these cognitive effects. Social and Psychological Factors: For some, coffee is a social ritual or a source of comfort. Quitting might impact these aspects of daily life.

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Name: Reed Wilderman

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Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.